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>she's handing the player the gun to kill her



Why does everyone look like the kids from skyrim?

she actually shoots a robot with it

i hope mods will be able to get rid of that poo stain across her eyes

One of the only things mods will be able to change, but that much should be possible

check out the actual webm, she shootings a floating robot


Is that the Dreamworks face?

this perfectly shows the current situation at bioware, the people working on this game didn't care enough to even bother checking if the fucking gun is even pointing at the right direction, and the fucking fact that this managed to went through so many people and still get published is fucking astounding

Post more bio-ware animations. I always get a kick seeing them.

I've been saving these to fuck with biodroneys.


Anyone got that one webm where sara's wrist gets all fucked up? and the punch one?

This one?

thanks senpai

It's the eyes. In Witcher 3 eyes actually look like they belong to living people, in Andromeda they all have doll eyes.

Judging by the low view count on the reveal videos, this game is gonna fail hard.


How do the animators just do this

Do they think nobody will notice? They can't be dumb enough to not know the front end of a pistol



This is some 2007 tier facial animation

This has to be a fucking joke right? Like come on now

probably something along lines
>hey, new guy, I need animation for cutscene right now
>what do you mean you need few days? I need it in a hour, get to work


She is handing him the gun retard

That be about a C in school. I'd give it a D personallh though

the biggest problem with the Andromeda girl's eyes are too wide open to be natural looking.


>Hurr durr i didnt even watch the trailer i'm defending

>the complete freeze frame before the cut
How does a company continuously get worse and worse at their jobs over time?

What if that character actually is an android tho?


its not a quality issue. its people who work on the game have no idea about the game or its universe


>hey, someone email that oursource guy from india to send new animations this evening


Dude in the future humans evolved longer necks. Do your research.

how the fuck? why is bioware so fucking incompetent now? They used to be one of the best rpg makers but now there just getting lazy or something. First they fuck up their own lore, then they design some of the most hideous characters in a video game ever, then they reuse dragon age inquisition assets, then they fuck up animations, graphics, and NOW the don't even know which side of a gun to use?

Like fuck this is bad. How can you honestly fuck this up?

This game is gonna suck ass just like the last 3 Bioware games


Why is she even holding the gun in that position if she's not gonna look down the barrel?

Unrelated to this shit, really saddens me that people are going to buy this piece of shit.


Day one patch.

If this thing will happen with a day one patch too I will return and post my nude pic. You can screencap this.
(Yes I am a girl before people start to pointing fingers at me that I am gay homosexual)

She fires.


>Yes I am a girl
With a feminine dick?

Because all the people that cared has left the company. and the new employees are hired on the merits of "inclusion" and "progressiveness" not on skill or passion for games.


Not everyone is like you.

How is THIS the footage that they're showing to promote the game? This is crazy.

>that shitty comeback
I guess you are a girl.

To this day I have no idea what's going on in this webm

Mass Effect wojak?
This is new

>a fuck-up in the cinematic trailer means the game will be bad
wow, every Mass Effect game had Shepard use Avenger assault rifle in game cutscenes regardless of player's class.
Tortanic ruined this board desu.

It really is like the Star Wars prequels. Mainstream only realizes they're shit after years they've been out.


tfw no edit with the PC doing a triple or quadruple take

>Bioware copies from DeviantArt because they are too fucking lazy to make own screenshot
>Animations are bad in every trailer
>Graphics look like something from 2008 era
>A lot of bugs

Here is (you)
You can have it now.

It's like no one on the animation team understands what ocular vergence is.

Those eyes are so derptastic it's funny. I kind of want to experience this for the lolz, but I don't want to financially reward such incompetence


I don't know. Normies are still saying how great DA:I was.
Plus, even if they do realize later on, they still gave Bioshit money to make more shitty games.

I took it upon myself to spread that pic of that racist moslem from Bioware, tried getting people to boycott his game. And guess what?
>so what if he wants to kill white people?

Normies are a mess.

Android characters can have eyes that don't look like shit.

>>Graphics look like something from 2008 era
now this is advanced shitposting

>guy is twice her size
>in heavy plate armor that probably weights 8x more than that woman does alone
>holding an axe that is larger and also probably heavier than the woman
>she knocks him off his feet with a bow

Getting hit with a bow is a minor annoyance. It's like getting hit with a bendy wooden stick.

>a fuck-up
>implying that the developers of the game nothing having a main characters gun pointing the right way in a cut scene is the only shit thing they let "slip past"

They can't even keep the models eyes in the same spots on the characters fucking faces.

Want to know what else? There's no customization of your squad mates at all. No armor like in ME1, and no alternate outfits like in two.


Bioware laziness strikes once again


Jesus Christ, Mass Effect 1 looks better than this.

Plenty of my friends and normies I know who played DA:I kept complaining about the problems it had and how boring it turned out to be.

Mainstream audience is dumb when it comes to hype, but generally a shit product wont keep them playing for long.

it looks fine to me

>giant weeb bug eyes
>giant retard eyes
Which is better? You decide.

Bioware has always been garbage.

Fuck you.

Kotor was fucking awful.


>I kind of want to experience this for the lolz
The more and more I see of it, the more I think ME:A is actually meant to be a comedy.

A parody of big budget AAA space exploration games with a unique cast of alien squadmates (haha lol no, heres 5 or so humans), amazing action and minute to minute firefights (DURRRR ME FIRE TEH GUN BACKWARDS) and deep interpersonal stories and moments (SOOMMEEEEBODY).

Was the direct reference for this game not ME1-3 but instead Scary Movie?

Can only hope the took ispiration from othe films and Ryder defends the Tempest for boarders by swinging paint cans on strings and spreading marbles on the floor!

Jesus this game is nightmare fuel. Every NPC is deep in the uncanny valley.

How is it possible that Half Life 2 had better lipsync in 2004 when they did it with some slider options than Mass Effect has in 2017 with expensive mocap technology?

>meat errible
What did he mean by this?

Is this game using Denovu? no way am I going to buy it


This looks like shit, very much.


Weeb bug eyes by far. When you have giant weeb bug eyes, you can make them look like perfect jewels. When you have giant retard eyes, they're just giant retard eyes.

>manlet discovering he's the one in charge of saving the galaxy
>"RUT ROH!!!"

How is it that amateurs who do SFM porn for free can animate better than Bioware?


It's like I'm watching Deus Ex: Invisible War.


So where's the full video?
Is she really firing it?
Cold be she's handing it to someone.

That rifle's design is fucked to begin with.
There's no place for a sight anywhere on top so there's really no point for her to aim.
I think her stance if pretty much the best they could do with such a retarded weapon design.


better engine to begin with


Don't trust anybody, not even yourself


>Is she really firing it?
>Cold be she's handing it to someone.

You're a fucking retard.

>Kotor was fucking awful.
You better take it back faggot

hahahah oh wow