60FPS BOTW CEMU 1.7.3d


Nintendo is dead. If you watch the video, it's clear that normals have picked up CEMU. It's mainstream. Game over.

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99.99% of "normals" dont have a good enough PC to run it.

I have a gaming rig and getting like 11 fps

Whats the fix for adm gpu?

I've got 60fps here. Try again.

Try what? Not even NES emulation is mainstream
Normals or casuals dont care about it
This is not going to hurt nintendo in any way

Time to repaste user.


>normies giving two fucks about emulation
do we need falseflag cemu threads to keep the shitposting up after release? i mean the regular shitposting threads haven't even died down yet

>made it feel like
So, black flame insertion?

yeah it probably is, though im thinking of just getting a new rig altogether pretty soon. mobo is aging and I wouldn't mind splurging on a nice cpu. I've gotten pretty heavy into emulation in the last couple years.

Is that a baby in the video? What the fuck.

CPU wise dont expect a noticeable change at al.
You mostly would be doing it for NVMe support and other recent features.

Get another GPU instead.

And Nintendo being dead how is good for you? You like to play their games, so wouldn't killing them be bad for you?

Jesus, kids, at least buy the game, even if you don't own the console - I don't care if you emulate it, don't be fucking niggers stealing shit.

Yeah nothing but a shitposter
You PCfags are so desperate to create the illusion that consolefags are mad or something
Look at the dark souls emulation threads that are just popping up
Could you people be any more obnoxious

Why are there always so many graphical and sound glitches in emulation but so few game logic glitches?

enjoy our left overs, pcdog

>dark souls emulation threads

Refresh the catalog
Darksouls now run in a ps3 emulator

doesn't look to bad

Yeah maybe you're right. I still need to do more research.

There's a shitload of frame dropping in this video. Worse than performance on WiiU. And I guess they still haven't fixed the issue with Link sinking into the ground. This is literal shit, OP.

That's not Dark Souls, Dark Souls is already on PC.
That's Demon's Souls, dumb fuck.

>normies is censored
gook moot does it again

All those games look the same to me.

generally game logic glitches will crash the game. so these are fixed first. It's unusual for something like botw to run without crashing with so many physics bugs. falling through water, sinking into the ground, etc.

Ask for help in:
Your build is good, you just need a more recent videocard and probably a bigger SSD.

No reason to change a winning formula, this franchise was pretty much games of the decade for a reason.

>Buy the game, even if you don't own the console
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post

...but that's not even close to 60fps or really even playable with all those bugs and stutters...


Are you implying that you're a normalfag?

my rig is 5 years old and nothing special, that's the point. any normie has that or better.

Are you that mad that the guy in the video has a kid and talks to it? Fuck off, jealous retard.

The part where he was baby talking the kid in the background gave me a chuckle. Thanks OP.

Where can I download BoTW for Cemu 1.7.2?

The link should be in the archives.

Buy the game and dump it on your own Wii U like everyone else. lazy fucker. Piracy is against the rules.

>pcbros enjoying leftovers after everyone alredy finished their games

>"we're really doing it bros, we're finally killing nintendo!!"
>nintendo dies
>nintendo games stop being made
>"wait shit"

Not a baby, just a Ninitendrone.

Do normalfags really have such good PCs? This is my 5 year old low/mid tier and there's still a low number of people at my uni who have a better one, and it's a fucking CS degree


PCs? rarely.
Laptops? not everyone but a good amount do.
Source: i have been repairing computers for 3 years already.

And this is a bad thing?

>"Nintendo is dead/finished/doomed"

If they die what are you gonna emulate down the road?

Certainly not PS4/Xbox One.

This won't kill anything.

>still no grass and water
>Link sinking through the ground
>probably still can't do gravity-based puzzles

I'll wait another month or so, so that they can fix this.

>more people playing this glorious game

I'm okay with that

Well if Nintendo dies, what company are you going to shit on repeatedly?


>$200+ cpu
>$200(albeit old) GPU

Okay buddy.

Additionally speedhacks don't make a game 'look like 60 fps' the person in OP's video must have actual brain damage if they think what they're seeing in that video is even remotely comparable to 60fps, I am inclined to believe he's mongoloid console bab who bought a PC with his pocket money.

And nothing of value is lost? Nintendo has been re-releasing OOT and Mario 64 with a new name for quite a while now.

BOTW was their first attempt at a 'new' Zelda game and it's one of their most mediocre releases to date, there is no saving them.

Try twenty years. N64 emulators still don't have parity.


If Nintendo games stop being made, you won't be able to brag about emulating them a week after release anymore.

Another dead company? Good plan.

most "normies" probably only have laptops nowadays. i know a few people who don't even own a computer because they can just use phone/tablet.

dunno from my experience those who have desktops usually have pretty good PCs because they use it on something else than browsing the internets or are just too cheap to upgrade like me.

I've heard from very relaible sources that Link, the character Link, is hot. Is Link "hot"?

What's the point of buying a Switch if its only game is available on PC for free?


>BOTW was their first attempt at a 'new' Zelda game and it's one of their most mediocre releases to date, there is no saving them.
I have the strangest feeling you're not telling the truth considering you're in a CEMU thread to emulate BOTW


where can I get a download link from 1.7.3d build? :>

Sucks for them
But they can at least get 900p for $430+ tax :^)

Donate $5 to the Patreon.

and a non so supportive alternative?

this is really impressive
I can't believe how playable it is

Get a job

>thatnshitty ass filter
>the fucking graphical glitchers
>the dips and freezes

reminds me of ps2 emulation on 2008. Call me when the game actually runs fully at 4k 60 fps.

kek, so the price of a switch?


leave your parents' basement, get a job, join mainstream (read: non-leech, non-human-filth) society, then donate $5 to the patreon.


Hey user, you mispelled "Wow thanks for donating to this great project. Unfortunately I'm too poor, being 13, to be able to donate myself, but I'm grateful that people like you make it so I can commit theft and play these games for free. Thanks again guys!"

Thanks CEMU dev!

>He doesn't know about the DRM

your build is almost like mine. what cpu cooler do you use?

stock, whatever came with the 4670k. I think I may have been running ffxiv when i took that screenshot but it idles pretty high. 4 years since a repaste and the fan is probably shit

Why dont you buy it a 212 EVO or X?

>It's mainstream
Another reason for Nintendo to cease and desist the project

Emulators are legal, it's been tried. There is precedent.

idk, do you think it would help with performance? I'm probably going to build something new within a year anyway, so I'll probably just look into it then.

This was my first build about 4 years ago and I mostly didn't know what I was doing.

I do recommend a repaste and a new cooler overall. Can't say much about water cooling since I have yet to use one, but I can vouch for the cryorig cooler. It is a bit quite big but I really enjoyed its cooling and sound. Its on sale right for 31 something. I recommend you check it out. newegg com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF2DZ6565

Perfomance? no unless you are overclocking.
Your build looks really good except the GPU since its a bit old.

Still you wont see huge performance difference difference going from the I5-4670k to the 6600 or 7600k.
Also it would be a huge investment, you have to buy new RAM, a new motherboard and new K CPUs dont come with a heatsink fan.

Just get it a new videocard and you will be good, and if CPU gives you problems just overclock it more.

>nintendo is forced into selling the rights on their games and characters or stop making hardware and just making games for PC/PS4

Fuck yes

Since we can overclock our cpus for a performance boost, a nice fan will be nice to prevent it from overheating and keep it cool. Haven't overclocked mine yet as I still don't have a need for it at the moment.

What game

I think you're right. Haven't OC'd at all, but it's something I've always wanted to look into. Definitely needs better cooling and maybe a GPU upgrade somewhere down the line.

I think I'll look into what said. Thanks all.

>Implying normies don't know about emulation.
It was a "joke" in one of the Big Bazooper Theory episodes. They'll be all over that shit once they realize they can brag about emulating "just like sheldun"

Maybe nintendo finally can get out of the hardware business.

Nintendo going the way of Sega and porting all of their old games to PC is the best case scenario. Although a lot of Wii, Wii U, and Switch titles might be unportable due to stupid gimmick controllers. But those aren't worth playing anyways.

>normals have picked up cemu

but that would require normals being smart enough to play on pc and not a console

ok I'm a pcfag too but have you heard of league of legends? 40 million normals.

That's not even close to 60

More 15 fps

I agree with this user, repaste for CPU, maybe even a new cooler if you're using the stock cooler (Get a Noctua D15 AM4, it'll work on everything released right now that isn't completely ancient (like S478 P4 or AthlonXP, it'll work on S775 and S939 still...)
And a new GPU.

Otherwise you're still going pretty good, once you've got the better cooler that i5 should clock to 4.5ghz easy, at which point it's as fast as a kaby lake i5 at 4.5ghz...

You're sitting pretty for a few years yet with that board/cpu/ram.

No, we need to comatise them.
They can't die anyway, they have enough money in the bank to keep operating for something close to 80 years... Even if they made no money, at all, but just kept releasing new games and a new consoles every 5 years, 80 years...
They're fine user.

What they DO need is a management shakeup, Kimi seems OK, even with the problems he got Switch off the ground in like 2 years, Please Understand had like 5 years developing the WiiU and it was even worse.
They need to get rid of Miyamoto and co, they're hindering design decisions because they're stuck with their old ideas and ways, old men ruling the world. but their ways are making the shit games like new Paper Mario.
boTW was great precisely because it finally took a look at the world around it and saw there was more than the old formula, that they could ad to Zelda without breaking it.

I don't want to see Nintendo dead, far from it, I want to see them flourish - but they can't right now and the only way to help along the next era is to starve them of profit, both monetary and social.

>Nintendo will die because people that didn't want to buy a Wii U are pirating a game they would never have legally paid for in first place after all those years

>tfw I own a WiiU but pirated since fuck nintendo for making me pay $400 for a mariokart machine.

OC is your friend.

>60 fps
>emulator clearly shows 2-5
>clearly choppy as fucking; stuttering constantly
>visual glitches everywhere

everyone wants it to work op but this thread is just fucking retarded

It's gonna be a while until it's working better, CEMU is still only emulating a single core...

Fallout 3

The problem is, this is just one fucking game, and happens to be the final game the Wii-U will get.

Software sales will be good because Switch friends don't have shit to play. This does little to hurt Nintendo, since the Wii-U is already dead.

where i can take this window in my pc?