New GTA V mystery thread, get in fags, we might be on to something or not!

New GTA V mystery thread, get in fags, we might be on to something or not!

Somebody link the previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone tell me what radio station plays the meteor warning

Last thread: I wasn't even interested in this but I do have the game installed and my own 100% save.
What should I try to do that hasn't been done?
I don't have mods of any kind and have never used cheats, so I'm pretty much in the dark.

Friendly Reminder;

It's nothing literally.

Thats fucking it.

Those little doodles you see are just random doodles made by the devs just to fuck with gamers that are autisticly obsessed with theories and bullshit like that one faggot that did several videos on fucking undertale.

The eye thing at the top, thats a fucking ufo easter egg you get after reaching 100% in the game and that is it.

Fucking dumbasses and their goddamn conspiracy theory bullshit.

Good luck

pretty sure every news station plays the newscast when it happens

we still dont know if anyone has actually tried going to the observatory in the afternoon during rain, looking through the telescope. people just talked about it but there arent any screenshots or anything

Hi, im from Reddit.

Before this devolves into a bunch of nonsense again i want to emphasize that everything in that previous thread has already been discovered and looked at with a finetooth comb, yes even the Eye in the sky.

I honestly doubt there is anything left to this mystery, it's just an elaborate troll or unfinished content put in by rockstar.

I'm user from last thread, who also has 100% save, editor to easily change time/weather, etc.

More than anything, I just find these threads fun. I'm gonna go make some food, but I'll be willing to try out whatever anons post in the thread. Hopefully that (potential) R* 'ployee comes back.


then why is there jetpack logos?

Isn't there a video of that, with trevor looking at the eye in the sky as it opens and shuts?


A thing I noticed, about this map is it tiles right, in the game it scrolls so maybe its not supposed to be like this but shifted to right or left

fuck off and die

what's the fucking point of drawing over the actual texture retard


What about these morse code messages that are supposedly heard in few locations like the radio station? Anyone tried deciphering them?

Anyone went to Madrazo to look for Aztec clues? This seem like a long shot, but R* user did mention Sun worshipping civilization

What about these domes in the docks? Did we just forget about that or was there nothing of interest there?

There apparently IS something on the sea, we just have to find it.

Go to the location where you can see the ray of light coming down on the FIB building.
It matches up to the poster in Franklin's apartment, however, on the otherside.
This poster shows the same light length and has a cracked egg equivalent to the level that I assume the egg is on in the building.

The poster mentioned the maze city bank fountain map which could also help locate the egg.

In the GTAV wallpapers, there was a few of a tree that the Eplison (w/e theyre called) used as a screensaver. In the roots there are 3 different animal looking things but theres also an egg on the top right branch of this tree.

I assume that this means there are 3 eggs that hatch or should be taken somewhere?

>Whats the point of making something easier to see when youre going to be referring back to it a lot

sure but where is the eye actually? can you shoot it? can you fly towards it? is there something there? or under it somewhere?

Could you recreate the video hes refering to, to maybe prove the editor and weather/ time changing would not screw with the process?

Steps would be to look up from the observatory at what was it 3pm? on different days right after a rain or storm has cleared, not sure which can anyone correct me?


Personally this "scrolling" fountain looked like the map from bird eye view. Like when you switch characters and the camera goes up and goes to wherever the other character is. I might be wrong though.

and a shifted version if am not clear on what i mean

this 2bh

Eye video

is not a simple road map and the circle being the egg location?
Id be a pain in the ass to find if it was

so this is solvable on ps3 right?

damn thread hit bump limit before anyone answered.

more on this from the last thread

I guess it should be, but R* did add some new stuff to next gen versions so who knows

You mean inside his house? I'll try and TP in there and look around. Could you think of any possible links, so I could be looking out for stuff?

I'll boot up the game now and try.

if you struggle to see it you have eye problems
further if that was the case wouldn't you just up the contrast

There's several posters. Which one do you mean?

Well the supposed R* leaker mentioned a Sun worshipping civilization and the Sun is supposed to be important in all of this. Aztec were known for Sun Worship, and one user overheard civilians talking about them. Madrazo is known for collecting Aztec artifacts, it is a part of the story. So basically I don't know, go to his mansion, check if he has any parts of his collection on display and if there are any clues or interesting stuff on it.

Leaker said black phone calling is there to help which is not included in old gen. I take that to mean it can triger certain condition which would otherwise be too RNG dependant, as in explosion/ lightning or something like that. Likely linked to the ELF signal mentioned early on by the leaker, and suggested to be looked into.

In game they instruct you to find your ELF in the mountains or something like that. Now ELF signal is created by lighting or other things, and can be used to comunicate with submarines for example, or structures deep in the mountains.

So iam thinking you can blackphone to bypass random lightningstrikes, but thats a wholle lot reaching right there.

the red one seen in this pic

having seen speedruns I know there is no such thing as 'too RNG dependant'. the Ursula trigger is a bit odd to me though since it doesn't appear to last long.

ELF can trigger earthquakes too but im at risk of being told to go to /x/ there...

I might give it a go but I still need to 100% single player anyways..

did the 'leaker' actually say ANYTHING new?

cause all the shit in this thread ive heard lots of times

he said it is much simpler than people think. that got people pumped.

Holy shit, that's cool. So seeing it triggers what

not to mention the PC version has been pulled apart and scrutinized like mad, with trainers available to access everything in the game at the push of a button

nothing is in the game to find
you got scammed out of an interesting game so they could pump online full of bullshit and push their microtransactions

dont forget this video

Take a look into that tree on an island I'm sure it relates to this tree with the egg on the branch

Where exactly is it on the map actually?

this too
see the 3 animal looking things in the roots below the tree in the wallpaper too

even if there was something to find, it would probably not be worth it
wooo someone found a jetpack but theres already a cheat that lets people fly around

unless its a whole secret area or something it wont be worth it. all this time of day/weather shit with no indication of anyone even doing anything correctly wont lead to anything

I thought it was supposed to be between the 2 towers

So, pyramids. Are there any in GTA V? Becouse they are pretty prominently featured in this mystery.

I might stream myself trying this stuff out. anyone watch?

The Elipse thing, man... I'll come back to it later, but it requires you to figure out what in-game month your in based on moon cycles, doesn't help that the guides are in French, either.

To Madrazos.

Nah, there is something different supposed to show up between the towers, I don't think we know what exactly yet.

What about this path in the mountains? Nothing there?

thats a different thing apparently. leaker guy also talked about how the eye was at the altruist camp looking out towards the sea, but the guy on reddit that found it a year ago said he managed to trigger than eye effect in the sky at different locations and it worked every time. altruist camp, chiliad, hippie camp, observatory and somewhere else

What angle am I looking for here?
Don't mind the shit settings, it's the only way I can run it right now.


Shut the fuck up allready, you stupid piece of shit and fuck off

I'm at the observatory and its raining. Been staring down with a sniper and I'm at the left sniper spawn location. So far nothing between em

Ano said between FIB and IAA buildings I think. Can you align it in such a way to see the tits-like silo domes in the docks? They were also included on the poster and somehow connected I think.

Well, that would be one of those possibilities i think:

1/ From observatory
2/ Looking toward see, where the two boobs copules are
3/ Looking at chilli based on triangle shape being there in the wallpaper
4/ Looking at any pyramidical triangular shape you could find really.

Just circle around with the Wallpaper picture and the painting picture in mind and hopefully something catches your eye

What if the biggest mountin in the game (Chiliad I think) is actually a pyramid underneath like the ones in China and South America. Has anyone tried taking the submersible sub around the coast trying to find an underwater cave? Maybe out in the water where the light is supposed to appear.

The R* guy said "on the specific day between 5-7pm. I'm not sure if weather conditions are relevant to this one.

Glad to see this thread is going on bros

The day to look for this is probably sunday in-game. SUNday.

I've flown under chilliad with handbrake (no collision aka noclip) nothing out of the ordinary just emptiness underneath

This... actually makes a lot of sense.

Ah yes but the sun is really hot and if you stay out in the sun too long you'll fry so maybe its FRIday

Posting my leaker SS's, as well as a few maps I made.

Since the first was posted here here's the second And now the third I just got done piecing together.


The leaker also said the 3 eye wallpapers have to do with the whole thing.

That being said, how does the eye get arms?
Also, he loses his 5 eyestrains and becomes complete?

>5 year old game
>turbo savant autists have been sitting here for 5 years and have still not discovered anything worth mentioning
>game came out on PC and has been datamined to shit, if there was anything to find it'd have been found. you can't trick someone who literally bruteforces his way through your files.
>people STILL think there's some super deep secret to anything
cmon, this is more pathetic than the people that still believe in an MGSV ruse

Explain what this light in the ocean is?

Here's a shot between FIB (blocked by this other building in front) and IAA.
The titty silos are way off in the distance to the right, where the marker in the map is. I can't even see them, again, because of shit settings.

Didn't leaker say something about shooting a rocket to the Rebel Radio antenna to get like a morse code? I could try that instead.


I really really want someone to recreate the eclipse at the observatory. It would make all of this much more real and possible. Like if it was just wait till rain stops at 4 but only on one day of the weak.

Constantly reproducing this effect could let us learn from it.

He did, I think he also mentioned a specific hour to do it. Sure, you can try to record the code, but we're going to need someone to decypher it. Actual audio morse code messages are much harder to crack than people think if you're not experienced in that because of the pace.

the morse code has already been done. It's more old news like everything else he said

Where is this from? Madrazo house?

Also, the map in this post, the leaker said is more relevant to anything else.

Things to notice in pic related that I've made to try and match with the less detailed map:
>UFO to the north is in the relative location of the sunken UFO - leaker mentioned looking north in certain instances - such as the strange lights moving around
>a box is layered over the area where you find Ursula - leaker confirmed for her to be important, as calling her summons thunder storms
>a box near grapeseed, which the leaker hinted at there being something important there
>a box at the prison - might be some relevance there, signals maybe?
>a box over Zancudo, one of the UFO locations - another signal, or something worth checking? Leaker implied theres a reason the Space Docker has bullet proof tires - could this be related?
>another box is near the space hippies - one of the UFO sightings locations, as well as glyph locations - glyphs we've been told have been read incorrectly
>egg falls somewhat close to martin madrazo's ranch - he's connected to the Mayans, as he collects Mayan relics, his ranch could hold a clue or a key
>jetpack falls over the industrial site - not sure what could be there
>spaceship over the mountain, maybe the observatory? There's a sun-dial at the observatory with an "eye" in it when it's shadow falls during a certain time of day. The eye points in the direction of the telescope during 5-7pm. We were told on a certain day to use it to see the white light shining between the FIB and IAA buildings
>there's still something of relevance between the two gas structures shaped like tits looking East
>Blackphone is critical to the mystery
>things arent as complicated as they seem. Everything is presented to our faces and ears at the right times if conditions are met

at 3 am

So what does it translate to?

the one directly below 2 on that map is a UFO that hovers above trevors towns radio tower / hippy camp, I know cause I tried landing on it despite not being able to see it (not 100%, but screen does some glitches anyway when you get close)

its the FIB one iirc from videos.

Can someone give me a quick rundown

Yep. I'm just having a look about. I still haven't got the whole "look between the two FIB buildings" thing yet.

This guy explains it.

>it's literally nothing

>bf1 mystery actually turned out to be true (despite you people saying it was a waste of time)

Nothing interesting there I assume? Any Mayan artifacts on display?

Perhaps that is referenced by the semi-obscured UFO/eye glyph?

>Found at night

It amazes me how stupid people are. Try going there during the day.

Not really. Thought this looked like a UFO though, lol.

Just from looking at pic related my guess would be that 1 would be the Zancundo one because of the beam, 2 would be Chiliad because of the stormy weather, 3 is unknown, 4 is the hippy camp one and 5 the one half burried in the ocean.

stop fucking wasting your time with this shit already
this leaker almost literally spelled a BUNCH of things out for everyone and still nothing got done or found. just forget it

If one were to put some frozen goods outside on a sunny day, they are likely to THAW.

Thaw sounds the same as Thor.

Thor has a day named after him.


I think we're onto something

Iam thinking Glyphs are for cosmical horror eye rather than UFO.



It's only a clue for the UFO over mt. Chiliad easter egg. This is explained in countless youtube videos.

Checked this thing over the map , tiled it, rotated,overlaid and stuff,didn't find shit but I'm not smart. Here's a transparent one for ease of use

R* guy confirmed it's NOT supposed to be a beam. He also said that the eye/ufo doesn't stand for the same thing in all glyphs, but they all have a common motiff.

We've been told by the leaker not to get too complex with this, and that the solution might be very simple, or one might even say, mundane...

Hmmm... the solution is mundane? mondane?

HOLY SHIT, we have to go on MONday!

They left out the "egee' that's supposed to be in there. It's important.

we still haven't found it
one might say we still have TO find it
to is pronounced the same as tue in tuesday

Well yeah it wont be a map of roads. Iam thinking powergrid or something like that.

The leaker also said that the RPG in the radio tower was an example, so there's other stuff we need to do elsewhere. Maybe shooting RPGs at other blinking lights to see if they start a morse code?