Fire Emblem thread that isn't about Heroes

Fire Emblem thread that isn't about Heroes.

Which game are you playing? Are you looking forward to the Gaiden remake?

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yes, but catiously

>Which game are you playing?

Fire Emblem heroes right now. Just turned my 4* sheena into a 5*. The princes/princess tournament has been a lot of fun so far, Lucina for life!


replaying 8 right now. Ross has become death destroyer of worlds

Ross is the best. What did you promote him into? I always go Pirate -> Warrior

I always do Berserker. I was gonna make garcia into a warrior or hero but he got boned on spooky monster ships level

I hope Alm stays the badass he was in the original, I don't want them to pussify him

Who's ross?

Playing 6, have to redo this chapter because thieves don't drop the shit they steal upon death.

The Boss

I really like how they got Celica's attack animation to look like her Gaiden attack.


No, the last two remakes were garbage and nearly killed the series

Don't worry, in Awakening he still acts like a badass so I don't think they'll change him. Plus they have Celica for the "pls don't hurt anyone war is bad :(" thing.

If you have a thief with high skill/speed then them you can steal it back.

I thought shadow dragon was fun and no one can convince me otherwise

Can we all agree that this is the best recruitment theme?

Oh, neat, I didn't realize thieves had that ability in 6.

It's up there but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Together We Ride

I want to play Fates uncensored with all DLC but the situation is seriously a mess. I don't even know how to approach the matter and might just settle for the special edition since it's so hard to find complete downloads.

That one and FE8's has always been tied for my favorite.

My fucking Nigga, shame we will never hear this outside of GBA's soundfont. Or any other proper recruitment theme for that matter

Same here. At least the voice acting seems alright

>Implying we aren't getting a Genealogy remake on the switch.
Speaking of which, I hope they improve upon it if they do remake it at some point. Waypoints for navigation or the ability to move multiple units at once and a rebalancing of the inheritance features would be nice.
And this might be a controversial opinion, but maybe split up the chapters a bit? Don't remove the massive maps that define the game, but just have checkpoints of sorts where you can save your progress, like after conquering a castle or something.

>Fire Emblem thread that isn't about Heroes.

"B-because it's popular FUCK Heroes"

Fuck off hipster.

Yeah, I think they should make it so you can teleport between seized castles and have the ability to select a bunch of units at once and then tell them where to move.

Also you know FE4 lets you save at the beginning of every turn, right?

I'm talking about FE8's recruitment theme. The Smash 4 medley cover of it sounds like shit, and to my knowledge there aren't any remixes/covers out there.

Still playing 6.

Back to your cancerous general.

Yes, we will. Because the Switch Fire Emblem will be a Sacred Stones sequel.

I can dream.

>Sacred Stones sequel
>You play as Joshua

user don't get my hopes up, even if they did do it I know they'll fuck it up somehow.


Playing FE6 HM, currently stuck in the cancer that is Sacae.

Finally got past FE5's Chapter 7 after many bullshit crits and missing to Eisenhower, the game is finally starting to get good

I'm kinda scared they're gonna pull a Shadow dragon with Echoes and not make the game fun, but otherwise the game looks fine and easier to play than the original, clunky FE2. I am excited to See Camus, and the 3 Pegasisters in Hidari art

How about the fact its a shitty mobile gatcha game with no depth, just mash your 4 dudes vs some other 4 dudes and hope you rolled better then the other team. Don't forget the countless hours emulating it to reroll so you don't start with trash.
Nothing about popularity, its just removing the trash.

How many Guiding Rings do you get in Eirika's route? I have Lute, Natasha, Artur trained up. Will probably use Lady Lel and Knoll as well.

As much as that would make me cum buckets, I can't foresee any sequel considering the Demon King is dead. Prequel following the warriors who originally sealed the Primal Demon King when?

Are you playing the old translation?

Yes, and how is this Roy? Has B Alan and Lance

Gaiden my dude, fucking loving it to be honest. Just finished Thracia 776 and felt playing another game without Support conversations, just so I can focus entirely on Missing everything with Python and his shitty bow.

Could be worse. Also, no A Lilina?

FE5 is fucking amazing, it's real comfy if you emulate it on 3DS make sure to train up Othin, he becomes to "You die" guy of FE5.

Its HM, Lilina is much harder to train even with Roy support, because of being constantly doubled by most enemies (and getting OHKO'd by the physical ones)

Othin has been great with his Pugilist axe, but I'm finding Brighton as my go-to axe user


You mean Zeke?

Really? Brighton ended up letting me down so much that I had to stop using him entirely. Fergus, Finn and Carrion became my main mounted units, and Othin was all I needed for An Axe user. I believe he lost his use around chapter 14, maybe you got good growths though.

Doesn't Othin get a literal fucking guaranteed crit when he counters? AND isn't his Pugi Axe a Killer Hand Axe? How could there be a better axe user in a game?

>Defense Comparable to my Knight
>On a horse
>Wrath Procs every fight during enemy phase
>19 STR at 20/1
I suppose I also did give him my crusader scrolls at chapter 6 and had him chokepoint, but he's still been great
Just looking now and Othin gets wrath, too.

Yeah, he has Wrath paired with his personal Crit Axe that has better accuracy than a regular throwing Axe. The only issue is that the weapon eventually runs out and forces you to make the decision to go for 16a(a sun scroll) or 16b (the route with another axe on)

>Sun Scroll
I meant Sun book, give that shit to "the girl that trivialises most bosses" if you do go for it.


Who? You must mean Zeke.

How do we go from these

to these?

What especially pisses me off is that Awakening and Fates have proven they can make some great stuff for their soundtracks, Fates especially, so it's like they're intentionally making the recruitment themes fucking dull now. Fates also doesn't even have a previous game's battle theme play in the arena. I know it's petty to hate this, but it bugs me so fucking much when the song it does have isn't any good either. The Dawn Brigade theme would have worked in Hoshidan or Nohrian instruments too.

>Playing FE7 as my first FE game
>Got to about Chapter 20
>Tons of resets
>Some reason my save file got corrupted and can't play
>Have to start all over
I really don't want to do all that over again...

My dude, this is the firs time I see someone else complain that the recruitment themes in Awakening and Fates are fucking boring.

Seriously, though, Awakening's would sound great if it had a faster tempo. Put it on 1.5 and tell me that it doesn't feel like an old recruitment theme. (Maybe not THAT fast, actually...)

Just finished FE7, wanting to play fates but i'm a poorfag and the characters/story look like shit however the gameplay looks fine

Awakening. Donnel is a pimp and the best character I have. Something about his tin pan helmet attracts all of the pegasus hoes

>Fates didn't have this song be the arena theme

Come fucking on, it's the best FE battle theme.

>Putting the major boss battle theme as an arena fight

So hype. I'm planning on replaying FE8 after I finish awakening

playing Conquest on hard, I got to the end of chapter 25 at last and Ryoma critted me with a 33% hit chance and 7% crit chance

so I'm taking a break from that game for a while

FE4 second gen is kind of a slog

Fuck you it still deserves to be remixed. The fact that they didn't remix any song for the Arena theme is a fucking disgrace though. It just makes fates seem lazy.

I love FE user but the music in all the games is pretty wank

It doesn't help that recruiting characters don't feel that special anymore either. Nearly all of them join either at the beginning or the end of a chapter and the ones that don't you just need to talk to with the lord. There aren't any secret characters or characters that can be a real challenge to get like Stepen or Shinon in PoR.

its all right

Yeah, it felt really rewarding to recruit characters with "talk with character A, defeat with B" (I think that was Shinon, actually) or "leave alone and keep alive" conditions. Even if you didn't use them.

Echoes seems like it'll be Shadow Dragon 2.0, not sure how to feel about that, ingame art looks nice at least

Is Thracia really that good? I kind of hate the capture mechanic, it just makes you want to capture every enemy on the map and everytime you don't it feels like you fucked up.
There are some real great tracks in Fire Emblem, though some stuff is totally forgettable.

You don't need to get all of them. Just do it if they happen to have nice stuff or if you're in need of a weapon.

The biggest problems people had with Shadow Dragon were the art direction and lack of supports though. No word on if supports are being added yet, but I highly doubt anybody has a problem with Echoes' art direction and graphics.

I agree, though I had meant in that it seems to be even more faithful to gaiden than SD was to FE1, for better or worse

and I think GBA style supports are likely given that the first trailer shows Alm having a small boost in crit chance while 2 spaces away from Gray

This one is my absolute favorite. It's also my favorite map in the series plotwise.

i cry everytiem

Holy fuck.

Are you me?

My only complaint is that most of the guys have pointy chins, never liked that about Fire Emblem's style.

To anyone who has beaten gaiden, should I bother maxing out units to lvl 20? Or should i just promote them when i get the prompt to do so.


Travant did nothing wrong.

He was fighting for his people.

That one is great, but I like this one more.

>Sigurd has a fuck ton of fucked up shit happen to him
>Still tells his son to man up as a ghost

Sigurd is the best lord.

You know, I'm glad there's a 24/7 heroes general because now we can actually have some decent (if slow) threads

There's STILL no news about any kind of avatar character at all, which lets me rest at ease for now.

I'm also rather amused at how every site refers to Gaiden's quirks as "new features"

And on another note, what's going on with this screenshot?
>Bow Range +1

Also playing through Gaiden, I haven't been doing that just because I need the strong units that promotions give me. How far are you into Gaiden?

Rate my Eirika desu.

I'm just scared this is going to be Shadow Dragon 2.0. But I'm a bit hopeful. Mostly because while Shadow Dragon is just barebone FE FE2 is weird enough that it can stand on it's own.
Well in Gaiden archers had a 1-5 range. So maybe the +1 is them going from 1-2 to 1-3. And the anti-fliers might just be normal skill for archers.

That's about right. What chapter?

Fuck. Gaiden is the only game where I can say "I can send my Pegasus Knight at that archer" without it being a sarcastic joke.

>about right
9 strength would be about right, that's an Eirika that's as good as Ephraim.

Is Conquest's story really as bad as everyone says it is?
Also is Lunatic as retarded as they say it is or should I just stick with hard?

Who said Conquest Lunatic is retarded? It's hard enough that it's doable without it being Awakening retarded. I'm on the kitsune chapter and having a blast.

Why is Fire Emblem so comfy?

Everytime between playing other games I try to play either a GBA FE or Fates with some challenge.

I got pretty lucky with her Str level ups (almost every level up has it) until she started capping Spd. Then the Def level ups became more consistent. Pretty happy about it desu.

Just got Lady Lel so after chapter 11.

You should probably stick with hard on your first playthrough. Yes, the story is retarded. REALLY retarded.

Last chapter is actually retarded. Rest of the game is fine (even used some suboptimal units like Odin and he did fine).

I just heard that Lunatic was complete and utter bullshit, I was just asking because I was going to start my Conquest run after my birthwright run. I was just wondering whether to play on Hard or Lunatic

Okay yeah the strength is quite high, my level 20 Eirika has 12 Strength I just checked. that's a godlike strength stat.

The real test is:
Show your Seth.

As long as you have good management skills and can plan ahead, you'll be fine in Conquest Lunatic.

>I'm on the kitsune chapter and having a blast.
What the fuck are you enjoying about that chapter?

I just don't want to get in there after chapter 6 and just have to grind everyone to level 20 max before even chapter 11 because it's ultra bullshit on lunatic.

is that fan translation/restoration thing for fates still going on?

No one ever seems to bring it up anymore.

How do the SNES FE games run on a al9h'd up 3DS?

Haven't played FE4 or 5 yet and really want to.

Is there a limited ed yet?