Looking back on it, DeS wasn't really that good

looking back on it, DeS wasn't really that good

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nah, it's just you being a faggot as per usual

I liked it

ps4 remaster never ever

Yes it really was.

It was rather flawed, yes.

This desu. Like what the fuck? At least fucking port it

I see what you're doing. :^)


power of the cell + not enough demand to bother dealing with it, pcbros will emulate it before ps4 gets a port/remaster

lmao they put a filter on pc ucks

It's really not as "lel so diffykult" as Sup Forums made it out to be.
Really the only 2 zones that were bad were 1-4 and 5-2.
And all of the bosses are rather bland designed and piss easy.

Yep, but nostalgia fags wont see that

no souls games are all that difficult tb very honest with you (albeit I haven't played bb and das3 yet), but yeah DeS was actually well designed/balanced and not just lol2hardcore4u


Completed it last monday. It's pretty damn great and I can't wait to play the other Souls games.

It was pretty arcadey. You didn't have to fully upgrade (or even partially upgrade) your weapons to beat the game usually. Unlike Dark Souls where the developers intended you to have a weapon at +5 or so to beat the gargoyles.

fire lurker would be literally impossible for a melee player if he didn't glitch and got stuck in his surroundings all the time

They put a filter on every default insult to each fanbase, except the Xbox One fans.

Although the only insult Ive ever heard used against them is Xbot, if they had a censored insult I havent heard it.

Try saying


purple shield + rolling?

he never got stuck for me, but you could also use the thiefs ring

I wouldn't say well designed or balanced as Dragon Bone Smasher blows every enemy in the game out of the fucking Water.
Every enemy I fought got blown the fuck out simply by a DBS +1 (I was scrubby babby who didn't know how to get other Colorless Souls other than in 1-1)

that's because there are no xbox fans lol

but yeah anyone who purposely limits himself to a single platform deserves the abuse

Speak for yourself shitter, took me 4 hours but I did beat him with the knight sword.

>Thread about it running on emulation
>Its not that good thread conveniently pops up
Really gets those neurons firing

most of Sup Forums only had a 360 anyway

>Purple Flame Shield
>Regenerator's Ring
>Long Sword +8
I literally blocked all his attacks. Anything that got past the Flame Shield regenerated in a matter of seconds. I swang at him a few times after his attack, rinse and repeat.

It's one of the weaker games in the series but it's a bit unfair because it's the first game. It has good ideas but it's obviously very skeletal to later games.

>buy game on psn to replay it without the ps3 bluray noise
>emulated a week later

Granted I don't have a 5820k and I'm a lazy bugger so meh

Played through it 2 months ago.

Surprised how fucking good it is. Even after playing DaS 1 and 2.

I always thought flamelurker was hyper overrated difficulty wise, I rarely see people talk about the dual maneaters

You're fine. I expect PS3 emulation to take long to get perfected because the Cell isn't exactly the most simple CPU to emulate. I'm surprised we didn't get 360 emulation before the PS3.

Maneaters are pretty trivial desu
Yeah I went through the video and it wasn't perfect by any means

It really wasn't. Most people who praise it probably haven't touched it in years.

I had much more difficulty with the Maneaters than Flamelurker. Maneater requires not only good positioning and defence, but also good DPS to bring the first Maneater down unless you want to risk getting assfucked by two at the same time. The problem is that the first Maneater likes to fly around and that shit takes valueable time you could be DPSing his health down. The Thiefs Ring helps against two by keeping them in the air longer, but you're almost guaranteed a 2v1 then.

It still has the best soundtrack. The Dark Souls titles fell for the choir and ultra orchestration meme hook line and sinker.

I feel that DeS had largely subpar music, but I do enjoy some of the best tracks from it.


If it doesn't have strings it can go fuck itself.

>oh boy, I can't wait to hear what fascinating boss music this "Flamefucker" guy has

>Time to fight King Allant at last, this is so hype!

Literally the only one I liked was Armor Spider. The others are either critically lacking in instruments, or are restricted to one, MAYBE two, movements before looping.

Oh (You).

Bored with Nioh already, OP?

now the game will be soon playable
we can really judge if the game is really good
never trust sonybro

most of the current sonybros haven't played des, though

oh and the game doesn't drop frames in combat

>Surprised how fucking good it is. Even after playing DaS 1 and 2.
Anything would look good after playing Dark Souls 2 though.

>oh and the game doesn't drop frames in combat
Thank you for confirming your first statement.

>It still has the best soundtrack.

t. assblasted p cuck, it only really drops frames when breaking boxes or when dragons are doing their scripted fire runs


It's a good game, pretty easy though. The first mandatory boss in Bloodborne is harder than every boss in Demon's Souls put together.

it's almost like the music was fucking environmental or something. you forget that demon's souls had a fuck-all budget for a game sony didnt even plan to sell outside of japan, they probably didn't even have money for world themes.

Still the best boss theme in Soulsborne.

Is this preemptive damage control because there's footage of it running pretty badly on an emulator? Demon's Souls is a pretty good game.

>cleric beast harder than maneaters

Surely you jest

O & S is overrated as all fuck. literally pretentious

And when a boss breathes fire or breaks anything requiring physics, that alone results in alot of scenes where framerates drop.

Flamefucker and Manbeaters are "hard" in the same way that The Gank Squad and Smelter Demon 2.0 were hard: instead of actually giving them movesets that challenge the player and force them to react as quickly as possible to avoid damage, the devs just made them stupidly aggressive, never had them let up, and gave them attacks that would only NOT fuck you if you were a mile away at full stamina.

>Mandatory Boss
>Cleric Beast
u wat?

Cleric beast isn't the first mandatory boss, hes completely optional.

Hes still wrong though. Gascoigne is harder than any boss in Demons, but he isn't harder than all of them combined, lmao

He's talking about Daddy Gascan.


but it doesn't happen often enough to render the game unplayable

reminder that bloodborne is demon's souls 2 and that gascoigne is canonically from boletaria

Oh yeah you're right.

Maneaters is still harder than gasmoney though.

That was never the statement. It was
>oh and the game doesn't drop frames in combat
which is incorrect, even blatantly so considering it likes to enter the 20s during boss fights that we all know are the most important part of a Souls game in terms of performance.


>the definition and guidelines of hard are defined by me so that they best fit my argument


Its really not. I mean its a great game but there are some choices it made that make it really annoying to replay.
I also feel like it has the weakest weapon lineup since they all feel really samey

Maneaters were totally easy. Flamefucker does indeed have relentless attacks, but only when his health gets low.

1. the title "father" is described as one from a distant land

2. he wears a DeS talisman of god

3. in the beta he says umbasa when he kills you

would make sense if the SoD didn't lull the old one back to sleep
w/e, you're an assblasted p cuck/former xbot now ps4 cuck if you try to claim the game is unplayable

Especially if you pick Pistol over Blunderbuss.
Parries for days.
Don't know what the point of Blunderbuss is.

>first the OoT bait thread
>now this

Sad desu

DaS 3 was the best game of the soul series
hands down

>Maneaters is still harder than gasmoney though.
You can't be fucking serious. You literally just get one of them stuck on the thing in the middle of the bridge and kill the other one fast, it's laughably simple and they barely even attack when you take them one at a time. Compared to Gascoigne who relentlessly attacks you both in melee and ranged it's a different ballpark.

>w/e, you're an assblasted p cuck/former xbot now ps4 cuck if you try to claim the game is unplayable
I could argue that, considering that the game likes to glitch out, making you drop frames like crazy and glitching the sound requiring a restart. Then again, as an idort I don't need to waste time with Sony platform warriors.

>would make sense if the SoD didn't lull the old one back to sleep

there's more than one great one in BB lore, there's nothing to imply that the old one would need to be awake.

There's more to games than difficulty you tryhard. Who are you trying to impress?

maneaters is harder than gascoigne man, I played both.

t. p cuck

>PC gets DeS
>i-it was shit anyway we never like it

>falseflagging because of recent emulator news
Why exactly does such a loud portion of Sup Forums get so triggered and involved in console war shit?

I felt like replaying DaS 1&2 and it's been kinda surprising how active they both still are, 2 even more so as I haven't had to wait for than a few minutes to get summoned/summon.
I recently ordered Demon's after finding one for a decent price, it makes me happy seeing the semi frequent threads. Is the player base still bretty gud on there too?

The DeS playerbase is pretty barren. You don't want to see what the PvP meta is like.

you can still get player invasions in latria but thats it.

I had fun with DeS, and it paved the way for the future, but there were some improvements that definitely came with DaS.

Also, fights like Dragon God and Bed of Chaos are almost always going to be shit.

Gascoigne is pretty easy up until his werewolf stage, but even then you can chump him quick no matter what you're using.

First time through though he was rough as fuck.

It's emulatable so you're allowed to like it now

Definitely a fucking trash garbage game. Bloodborne is the best.

yeah youre wrong you massive faggot.

It took me 3 attempts to kill Maneaters my first time, whereas Gascoigne was something like 8 attempts. In addition to that, all of my deaths to Maneaters were from just getting randomly blown off the bridge which just felt funny, whereas every death to Gascoigne was me getting brutally beaten down even as I was fighting my hardest, which felt crushing and demoralizing every single time. Maneaters aren't even in the 3 hardest Demon's Souls bosses in my opinion.

BB > DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS >>> DaS2

Still GREAT for its time and laid the foundation for the series.

It was great. It just hasn't aged very well.
Still better than DaS2.

/thread because I am right.

Other way around. It's time to shit on it.

I beat him on my first try but I was royal. As a trade off, every other boss took at least 10 tries.

ah yes, of course this is now the ranking of the soulsborne games.


That was always my ranking.


What has changed?

seems like the souls community will pick a time when everybody starts a new playthrough of a certain game and encourages to leave messages and summon
about a year or so ago there was a return to demon's souls
a few weeks ago was dark souls II

demon's souls is an 8 year old last gen console exclusive, don't expect it to be like it was back then but there are people who still play it

I two-handed a Claymore and rolled around. Took me 4 or 5 tries.

Just get gascoigne stuck on the gravestones then use the music box+molotovs when he transforms. One of the easiest bosses in gaming.

Try to get it through nostalgia goggles wearing fuckwits. It seriously isn't as good game as DaS or Bloodborne.

Unlike Dark Souls, Demon's Souls pushed players the same way NES games like Ninja Gaiden did. You had to beat am entire level in one sitting, which forced you to get good. The very reason plebs cannot play DeS is because they can't level their way through the first stage.

Complete nonsense, Dark Souls often forced you to cover more ground from a single bonfire than Demon's Souls did. And Demon's Souls levels had shortcuts in them just like Dark Souls levels did. It didn't take any longer to get back to where you died in Demon's Souls than it did in Dark Souls.

Most (if not all) bonfire shortcuts in DeS were found after the boss fog in the level though.