How the fuck is she still so popular? Why is she so popular?

How the fuck is she still so popular? Why is she so popular?

Smashfags+ waifufags who got into FE with Awakening = Extreme cancer

nintendo's lightning

Porcina's ugly, UGLY i tell you.

People have bad taste, nothing new.

t. mad tellius cuck. Hold that L.

She's essentially the Saber/Lightning of Fire Emblem. People love her stronk female trope, when she's actually just imitating a male character.

Plus, theirs stronger female protagonists in Fire Emblem.

Like pic related is objectively a better Lord, but isn't liked:

>Stayed loyal to her Kingdom even to the point she's willing to sacrifice her heroism abd be looked as a villain throughout history to maintain the survivability of her people.
>Even to the point she's willing to serve an idiot King and fight several losing battles to the point those who fought for her in the past rather join up in Ike's hugbox of friends
>In fact, she's hated by the FE fandom for not joining Ike's hugbox of friends and even hated Ike even though she had all the reason to hate the fuck out of him

Also the fact she's designed as a major moeblob that makes people overlook her character.

Smashfags. I honestly don't think Awakeningfags have anything on Smashfags.

flatboard lords

>Micaiah is a Lord

Every fucking time

She becomes a Queen at the end, due to her killing the King so yeah she becomes a Lord alright.

>gets number two in the overall poll
>put her in a popularity contest she's sure to win
>every other pairing was a brother/sister one except for her and Chrom, when he has two sisters

I had rented the GCN FEs back in the day before I really started with Awakening and have gone back since but I dont get it either. She's a really bland and forgettable main character as far as Fire Emblem goes.

Lucina was willing to kill robin to save the future EVEN IF SHE'S HER OWN MOTHER. But you didnt play 13, did you?

>he still going
Here's another one for you

Pelleas most likely survives canonically though

Ha, at least I don't love a 2D drawing

Lucina isnt the protagonist. Fuck off, falseflagging tellius nigger, you didnt even play 13

At least Im winning the tournament, faggot.

But that Robin WASN'T her own mother. You didn't play 13, did you?

>He didn't play Radiant Dawn a second time
>He didn't play Awakening

Go back to FE Heroes newfag

She can be if she marries chrom. Oh, w8 u didnt play 13

Where did I call her a protagonist?Take your meds sweetie.


Have fun with your fucking cutting board

But that's still not her mother user. That's a Robin from a different timeline.

You can have multiple main characters in fiction you fucking idiot.

Ike and his merry band of faggots taking over the second half of Radiant Dawn was probably the lowest point of the game. I don't even particularly mind them as a thing, but try not to wank them so hard IS.

It's not her actual mother, it's another timeline
You don't think the baby Lucina is literally her, do you?

remember when everyone thought aqua would be the next lucina?

Nice ad hom.

That's like saying that Bulma isnt Future Trunks's mother

Because IntSys pushes her like no other and gives her advantages to be sure she succeeds.

>Marth and Ike are bottom tier in Codename STEAM
>But Lucina is God tier because they gave her an amazing bow for no conceivable reason to her character

>Lucina is the best of the Falchion wielders in FE Heroes, and best sword unit in general according to the tier list

>Lucina got beaten in the Choose Your Legends vote, so they forced her into a gauntlet where every other pair of contestants are siblings, and made sure to omit anyone else from Smash/anyone that could possibly be a threat to her this time

>Also the fact she's designed as a major moeblob that makes people overlook her character.

> Micaiah
> Moeblob

You should check your definitions mate.

Anyhow, Micaiah is a good character, just bogged down by Radiant Dawn's generally poor writing, lack of a proper support system, and Ike stealing her spotlight.

Where did I say she was a protagonist? Answer the question sweetheart.

Somehow Fates had even worse characters than Awakening, it was impressive the drop in quality, and the increase in cash spent.

>polls don't mean shit when the chatacter is bad

Stay mad Dawn Brigade cuck

Ryouma is better desu

Azura is a bad character ingame, but fanart portrayals made me kind of like her. Lucina I was ambivalent to throughout Awakening, but her fanbase is utter cancer. Case in point

Because she's a gender swap of an established and liked character so japs don't have to put any effort into making her likeable or giving her an original premise. They only had to give Marth tits.

>using awakening to prove you're not a newfag
I'm hoping this is bait, here's your (You)

This so much.

You literally said she was the main character. Fuck off.
nice ad hom

That doesn't change the fact that all of the future kids real parents are dead, and the ones they substitute for in the game are not their real ones.

>nice ad hom
>calls everyone he disagrees with tellusfags

It seemed like IS was really banking on their popularity, because the game never failed to remind you how awesome and strong they were to the point it was groan inducing

Not to mention the boring as fuck maps

>That's like saying that Bulma isnt Future Trunks's mother
She's not so yes, they're quite similar

Lucina is mine, she is a beautiful bride!

She is a main character. She's very central to the plot. You said I called her the Protagonist now show me where sweetcakes.

Azura might not have Lucina's cancerous fanbase, but she's definitely worse than her. They're both disgustingly flat though


Generic village girl is a cuter bride.

>when she's actually just imitating a male character.
Except Arthur really was a girl in the Nasuverse.

And Saber actually is a certified badass who saved the world arguably three times unlike Lucina.

you are wrong

main character and protagonist are the same thing. Get shrekt, beeyotch

Doesnt have the same taboo as boning your friends daughter though.

So from your very own post you agree with me that shes a main character? You know how to read right?

nice strawman

That was the primary issue. RD is the second half of that story, so I understood why they were there and had no issues, but the abysmal writing just would not stop making them out to be the hottest shit in the universe, and it ended up really souring me on them. Hell the very first time you fight them it's designed to make your team look like a bunch of baby bitches, so from the very start there's this narrative that the characters you played with and grew to like over the course of the game are shitters that need the adults to take over to get anything done.

People rightfully shit on IS for pushing Lucina so hard, but all of a sudden when Ike gets wanked to all hell, they're very content with that.




Kek they just gave him long hair and a tiara.

I liken it to if Jotaro suddenly became the MC in the middle of later parts; Ike should have been a supporting character, especially since he's a static character in RD.

Marth always wore a tiara actually.

she's not a main character. CHROM is the main character/ptotagonist YOU are the one that cant read because it says that ONLY the protag is the main character. Which means I STYLED on your faggot ass tellius cuck.

I think a lot of us just picked her because she seemed like she would win due to above mentioned reasons, and having all the predictors go to her just made her dominate even more

No she didn't have a reason to hate Ike throughout most of the game. She did at the beginning, but her entire characterization revolves around her being a spiteful bitch and a borderline pedophile.

If Sothe did talk endlessly about Ike as she claims, then she would obviously know why Ike's true reason for killing Ashnard. Instead she was sick of Sothe constantly talking about Ike's acts of heroism instead of thinking he didn't appreciate her own acts of heroism.

She had plenty of opportunities to talk to Ike and order to save plenty of soldiers of lives even before the blood pact thing. In fact, she got too obsessed with her heroism complex and overly-confident with her prediction powers that she signed on to becoming a fucking Commander. With her prior reputation as a renegade hero, there were plenty of better ways on helping Daein without enlisting as a high ranked soldier with zero military experience. Instead, she just became a fascist out of nowhere as her personality flipped a 180.

It was intentional though. For people who have played the first game it meant that this merc group grew from a ragtag bunch of misfits with only arguably Titania as a strong character to a feared clan well known for saving the kingdom with their might. Really, portraying the Greil Mercs as anything other than legendary badasses would be a disservice to fans of the original game and the character development.

That said, the story did shit on Miciah and her cucks a bit too much. A more balanced approach would've been nice.

because she is cute

So is literally 99.5% of female anime characters.

She's not. People who aren't idiots just saw the easy win.

>Dear God, she's human!

In a nutshell.

>ephraimfags wasted all their flags just to barely beat chrom
>literally made it impossible to beat lucinafags
serves you faggots right
should've just let chrom win



Chrom is a faggot that had his main character status stolen from Robin in the last half of the game. I'd rather vote for his irrelevant daughter since at least she's cute.

your point being?

I'm playing through Radiant Dawn right now and I have to wonder what they were thinking?
The first act of the game actually had challenge, it was interesting and the maps were pretty good.
The second act was quick and you had more powerful characters, but it felt okay since it was fairly short.
Then along comes the Greil Mercenaries to fuck shit up for the rest of the game. Every mission with them has been a steamroll, I just finished the mission where I have to face off against the Dawn Brigade and what a fucking joke. "Survive 12 turns", bitch it was them who should have tried to survive 12 turns. I seriously hope the challenge comes back at some for the 4th act, and maybe have the characters I used at the beginning be useful too.

unfortunately this

god fucking damnit fuck lucina

Chrom would be in the exact same position if he won, because he would've wasted all of his flags beating Ephraim.

That you are not answering OP question.

Everything loses to waifus. They did the right thing, and honestly beating Chrom was a miracle.

They share the same DNA but they're not the same person. The person in all her childhood memories who cared for her is not the Robin you play as

>implying Azura is anything but the worst FE character


Fire emblem Heroes gonna ruin this franchise just like how Fate Grand Order ruined the Fate franchise.

Ike can beat waifus.

people like cute things. no matter how many of them there are.
if you adopted a puppy would you abandon your hamster?

>borderline pedophile
>that blatant character assassination

wew lad

Let's not pretend RD had good writting

After the Greil Mercs force their way into the spotlight of this game, it just turns itself on easy mode. If you want challenge, just try not to use them when you join up with the DB. There's actually a semblance of challenge that way.

That's not how time travel works

I got it.
Micaiah is best girl.

>its polar so it suxx0rz

tellius hipstet logic

Fate was never that great, not much to ruin.

Yes it is

FGO actually has a really interesting story. A shame EOPs will never get to experience it, because no sane company is going to localize that fucking encyclopedia of a narrative, but some of the orders are much more interesting than anything Fate offered before the game. Camelot in particular is a very enjoyable wild ride. I would love to see Ozymandias crashing his pyramid with no survivors animated.

No it's not

That's exactly how time travel works.

No it isn't.

FGO still ruined the franchise. Not only did it escalate power levels to completely retarded levels, it introduced a lot of dumb shit servants that distorted the clean lore. Also don't forget that it turned the franchise from character driven narratives to servant-centric dicksucking.

Also it made Tsukihime irrelevant.

I thought prisma ruined fate.

>Being this salty

>Muh humanity

This meme again. For starters, this is factually wrong seeing how she has heron blood like her sister. Seeing how Laguz's animal blood affects their personalities and Heron are essentially the social workers of the Tellius world, it all gives more reason for Micaiah to see reason with Ike.

Secondly, just because she makes human mistakes doesn't mistake her less of a shitty person. You guys shit all over Eirika because she gave the stone to Lyon even though the ENTIRE GAME makes it clear how powerful her friendship was with Lyon.

How is the Robin you play as the same as the Robin that's Lucina's mother? There are major differences between how the two worlds play out, which would change how Robin, and every other character for that matter, react and treat their kids.

I would agree with you if we were talking about single installment games or an anime that started brand advertising, but how does a phone game ruin a franchise as fractured and full of otherverses as fate?
Are you sure you not just over reacting, user?

Just think on it user.
>Smashfags are rampant with autism
>FE has been overran by waifufags with autism
>These things eventually collide into one game (Smash 4)
>This way Nintendo can keep bringing her back as their own Haruhi
Its quite clever when you see it that way.



>but how does a phone game ruin a franchise
Because $$$ so future games will have a focus on that? It already happened with EXTRA/CCC/EXTELLA which were focused on servants rather than any sort of interesting character tying the whole thing together. F/GO just took it to its logical conclusion with the whole 'look how cool and tragic these servants are!' deal.

>Are you sure you not just over reacting, user?
Considering Nasu put Tsukihime and Mahoyo on the back burner with no release date to focus on Fate stuff, I think you're just a little dimwitted, user.

If that cunt didn't make me use Sothe for practically the whole game, I wouldn't have disliked her as much.