Should fixed camera angles return?

Should fixed camera angles return?

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They're a crutch for horror games that are not actually scary or hard.

Why not.

Tank controls, on the other hand, no.


In certain situations it can add a lot to the experience.
It needs to be done well though. More like Resident Evil and less like Busby 3D.

I really like tank controls.

I don't know why but it just feels so satisfying.

Resident Evil 7 would have been better with them.

Yes, just to piss off modern casuals. And to help re-inforce the memorable and clever world design they often resulted in the games using them.

Luckily, even indies are getting out of fake 8-bit looks, and embracing the glorious 32-bit 3D graphics:

I like them as long as they are static.

no, it's all hardware limitations garbage.

What about fixed-to-a-rail?

No. That's exactly what I hate when it comes to fixed cameras.

There is a point where it goes from being "creepy angles" to being just fucking annoying, and Silent Hill is often that.

Played through REmake a month ago. Good game, but RE4's still better. Really don't understand what people like about it so much. Combat's barebones and boring, puzzles are pretty rudimentary, and inventory management is just an added chore. If I only had five item slots but could just use puzzle pieces whenever I wanted I probably could have shaved two to three hours off my first playthrough. Instead it's walking through four loading doors to get to my Item Box, picking up the puzzle pieces I need, walking through four more doors, putting the puzzle piece in, then either going forward without a second weapon or heading back to be prepared. The tradeoff wasn't my readiness for the next room, it was "Do I really want to waste another three minutes to get back to my fucking item box?

How about don't pick up every single item you see?

The thing I dislike most about fixed camera angles is that they fuck with my mental map of the area. I also dislike when the minimap in games rotates, and North isn't always at the top.

Also, combat with fixed camera angles is shit unless it goes into first person like Fatal Frame or MGS1 when you aim.

Agreed, RE1 is a glorified point and click game with mediocre combat. I'm sure it was impressive when it came out, but I'd rather save myself the trouble and just play Scratches or Exmortis or something.

100% fixed, no

devs putting the effort to make a camera with a AI that can be cinematic while not compromising your view, yes

I'll explain a bit, let's say you're in a corridor, the camera could be very look on the floor for a nice shot
a enemy comes being you
there camera doesn't stay static, it actually would move back so you see both yourself and the enemy, always remaining low for that cinematic effect
once the enemies is killed, it could go back to it's original location
whenever there would be a enemies behind a corner or blind spot, the camera would adapt so you can see them

that would be sweet but hard to implement

>Agreed, RE1 is a glorified point and click game with mediocre combat

So that's why I love the game so much.

God no.
Shit like this is what gives "aged badly" a legitimate meaning.

Ico had a fantastic camera.

I don't know, but what definitely shouldn't return is hardware that causes polygon jittering like the PS1. That webm makes me barfo.

the camera would be very LOW on the floor

Yes but, they should not be used as a cheap tactic to challenge players. Like having an enemy be a step from you when you walk forward and the camera switches and so you get automatic hit. That type of shit is no ordinary shit, its bullshit.

Fixed camera angles was a result of hardware back then being shit so you would have these pre-rendered backgrounds to improve fidelity at the cost of tank controls.

Tank controls aren't that bad though. I just think fixed camera angles are a relic of the past.

Fund this.

There should be an option for RE2Make where you switch between tank controls for combat and regular controls for exploration. Tank controls add to the terror while in a fight, but when you're just going back and forth from your item box for the eighth time it's annoying as shit.

Comfy/puzzle sections greatly benefit from it, so absolutely.
Fatal Frame was fantastic for it's hybrid system.

Not with the 2D backgrounds, 3D backgrounds will still work today (Code Veronica) because you can zoom in and out without the awkward change of backgrounds RE1-3 had.

Heard bad things about vaccine, but I LOVE retro 3D. I hope it becomes a thing.

>have fixed camera angles in but leave tank controls out

Weren't tank controls what made shooters navigating around fixed camera angles bearable in the first place? How else would it be done?

>tfw playing REmake with the new controls

Fucking hell. Who the hell said tank controls were bad in those kind of games. Damn.

The HD remake lets you use analog controls. Seems to work alright.

The thing about a Fixed Camera is that you have to design your video game world around it. You'd need to make sure that in every area of the game, everything important can be seen from the one camera angle it's allowed. Trying to work backwards—design the world, and then place camera angles—doesn't work.

With a dynamic, controllable camera (the modern standard) or a first-person perspective, the player is able to explore, investigate, and observe at their own will and leisure, which is generally considered a more satisfying and rewarding way to design a game. But to that end, fixed cameras definitely have their niche in things like horror games (where you want to restrict power) and point-and-click or detective adventure games (where you want to deliberately frame certain puzzles)

But then the point still stands, you gotta make sure the level is 100% in service of the camera then otherwise the player could just get confused if doors or other key objects are in a blind spot

funny how people can have polar opposite opinions, you can move much better with directional movement

if moving up, to take a sharp down, you need to press a button that does a 180 degree turn and you can't at all take a sharp turn left or right, you need to rotate first

To me it was the camera resetting fucking my shit up constantly.

That and it removing the challenge of dodging things.

Aesthetically yes, mechanically, fuck no

Tank controls are good for games with lots of discrete "rooms" because your sense of direction is kept constant the whole game, since they're relative to the character (up=forward)

With camera-relative controls, they can change in every room along with the camera (up=away) leading to that classic video game frustration of entering a room, the camera shifting 180 degrees, and then walking right back out because you were still holding up.

but weren't directions "sticky" in games like fatal frame or the HD REmake?

by sticky I mean, as long as you hold down the direction, it doesn't change when the camera changes

if you let go of the button though, then you need to readjust yourself

the fuck does that mean

>then you need to readjust yourself

and when a hunter is bounding for your head you don't want to readjust

I can't remember, it's been a while, honestly.

Reminds me of the Spider Ball in Metroid II, where your left and right would be oriented based on where you were when you started moving, but then reset once you stopped.

It was frustrating, honestly. Unless there's a distinct "cut" between either camera or player position, I prefer my controls to be consistent.

the game is not even on pirate sites, so I guess it really is shit

No. Not unless I misunderstood.

That's what they added in the HD port of REmake and it felt really awkward at least.

Oh. Miss read that. My bad.

Yeah, you are right about HD Remake.

On SH2/3 that is a thing, if you were moving forward the direction you were moving towards didnt change despite the camera transition.
Anyway, the 2D scheme on SH2/3 was kind of hit or miss. Tank controls work so well on these kind of games.

well, I guess I'll just speak for myself when I say it felt/controlled better

I'm all about options, you can have 3D (tank controls) in a game as long as you also add 2D directional controls

too bad the older RE games didn't have that option

fuck no, I wont pay 10 bucks for it

Check the NGC version which fixes the 3D issues.

If you insist on the PS1 version, then use PGXP which removes/reduces the jittering and texture warping in PS1 games.

it looks cool but plays like garbage

There is nothing wrong with wibble wobble.
It's charming like unfiltered sprites.

you played the wrong games then

i miss tank controls

hey thanks for that

I downloaded a Ps1 emulator at some point to play dino crisis again but I couldn't stand how everything was jittering, maybe with this one I'll get back into it

Quick turn was added on RE3 and has ben used since. It resolved the biggest problem that tank controls had, quick 180s.
Honestly, with quick 180s tank controls become a non issue.

Yes, it requires the user to actually listen to their surroundings and pay attention instead of blind braindead CODwigger rushing everything. You cannot get that with a free camera.

It creates a sense of pacing and also allows the developers to better hide contextual clues to the situation/puzzle you're in a way that cant be done the same way in a 3D free camera environment. It also allows more focus on environmental objects or areas that a player might not get to see in the way the developers intended.

The fixed camera angles allow also for pre rendered environments which are less taxing on hardware and allow for a more visually rich environment. This is a REALLY GOOD thing for consoles because in the case of actually rendering environments they wont be holding back the PC release graphically with their hardware, which is what happens everytime because consoles being more popular makes them the focus of development.

This is why despite being over 10 years old and 2-3 generations behind REmake on gamecube looks so good still, nevermind the HD remakes of it.

There are genuine advantages to using them, and I honestly cannot see, aside being an ADHD or action game casual, why people would shit on them. They're a very important tool to survival horror and developers both. Only impatient children hate them in my opinion.

They should be in the next RE.

>Timer based gameplay
>Sprint stamina
>XP/leveling system
>in a survival horror

Already lost interest. inb4 "WOW BUT THEY HAVE TIMERS AT THE END OF RE GAMES". Doesn't justify it being over the duration of the whole gameplay. There is no point injecting these modern cancerous limitations in a classicly styled game, just stop.

I loved how Onimusha 3 had tank controls on the dpad and modern on sticks.
Both were fine.

yes if they are justified

I still like playing games with fixed camera angles, but I don't want it to return in RE. The series had its fill of it already.

Sure, early survival horror games tended to use them to good cinematic effect, which is fine when you're focusing on a genre as atmosphere intensive as horror.

hope you're trolling

Modern pre-rendered environments, maybe using short looping FMVs for some details, could be amazing.

I don't hate prerendered backgrounds, just want to say that with prerendered backgrounds you're stuck with the resolution it's in

take a old fully 3D game, the original resolution looks pixelated but when you crank it up to modern displays, it looks smooth

a pre rendered background is a image, scale that up, and it won't magically gain more detail, it'll be blurrier and blurrier

>Yes, it requires the user to actually listen to their surroundings and pay attention instead of blind braindead CODwigger rushing everything. You cannot get that with a free camera.
This is some hardcore projection.

You always have either point and click or tank controls with fixed camera angles

DMC1 is one of many examples of why you don't mix them.
3D movement is used with a 3D camera

The new controls in REmaster are a little better than what DMC1 was like but they still suck compared to tank, speedrunners in general would typically flock to controls that are "better" or make the game easier, but they have learned to use both because there are parts where the 3D controls fuck you over with the changing camera angles or outright aren't accurate enough when maneuvering past enemies.
The only thing 3D movement contributed to REmaster was being able to 180 without stopping

Any recs? I have played the RE games, Silent hill games (Fuck SH4 tho), Parasyte eve, dino crisis, fatal frame 1 and 2, clocktower, haunting grounds, rule of rose. Im always looking for a game with fixed camera angles.
And now that i notice, most of the games listed are from capcom.

You could always play Fatal Frame 3. I think that entire series is worth playing, really.

Alone in the Dark 1-3 if you can get past the ancient graphics and want something super puzzle heavy. They are fucking hard as shit without guides. Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare if you want something more like RE (more balanced between puzzle and combat) with a little Stephen King writing thrown in there.

Obscure 1 and 2 if you want something that's like a goofy I Know What You Did Last Summer co-op experience. If you have a friend to play with it's actually pretty fun, albeit easy.

White Night if you want a light puzzle hide-and-seek style horror game, with a film noir art style.

And there's a few others I never played but always wanted to like Galerians, Nocturne, and Countdown Vampires... they all look pretty bad but still.