Lurker here. Some hot bitch named Atheniya was ousted as a H1Z1 hacker on /r/livestream fails...

Lurker here. Some hot bitch named Atheniya was ousted as a H1Z1 hacker on /r/livestream fails. She was headshotting despite bullet spray. Proof:

She disappeared for almost a month after this embarrassment, because she couldn't handle being a lolcow. Lots of people sent chargebacks and she was mad top kek

Anyway she came back suddenly with 20k new followers on Twitter and new glam photos... but... every single new follower is a fucking bot and now people assume she's famous and relevant because she's got a lot of Twitter followers. You can see her followers on Twitter:

I cant believe this bitch bought 20k followers to get sponsors...

Who the fuck cares mate?


Post more.

you're not a lurker
you've literally never been to Sup Forums before you posted this thread

I don't like her because she's leeching from ice posiedon


>lurker here

Yeah, right.


couldn't give a rat's arse if I'm honest you sad twat

>fap to her
>don't give her a follow after

>one of his defining attributes is hating an anime.
He and Barneyfag should do a collab

fuck off retard

Not gon' raid. Not your personal army, faggot.

>CIA pose

Literally our guy.

>I hate K-ON.
>And I'm GAY.
there is currently a tingling sensation in my neurons

No one cares about the plot, post more lewds.

No one gives a fuck about your fucking gamer gurls.

Get a life faggot.



Who cares?
Worth maybe a single fap then forgotten

Stopped reading. Kill yourself.

I don't care about what you wrote, but I want you all to know that I would let her have sex with me. Also post lewd pics of her.

Bitch is fairly hot, but I don't care.
Paying to female Twitch streamer is disgusting.
Post pretty princesses!
It's pretty princess thread.

for once theirs a perfectly legit reason to have model shots of some bimbo in bikini in a videogame thread


I don't give a shit


This is a false flag you morons, it's an attempt to garner new pathetic real subs from here which will succeed because some of the people who browse this site are the lowest of the low.

The amount of newfag in this thread makes me want to puke
Can you faggots at least sage?


Does sage even work anymore?


This is a false flag you morons, it's an attempt to garner new pathetic (You)s from here which will succeed because some of the people who browse this site are the lowest of the low.

twitch mod Hassan lets bans go for tiddy pics, it's well known.