Breath of the wild is Outstanding

Its been a long time since a game has gotten me this hooked. I can usually stop playing games whenever I want and tend to only play a few hours a week, since I have alot of obligations and other hobbies.

But this game has been something else, Its taking up alot of my free time. Im having difficulty putting this game down. The switch's portability hasn't helped the situation either.

Who else here is just blown away by this game and cant stop playing?

P.S I also played a bit of horizon on my ps4 and its just not on the same level.

I am! I was a little afraid it wasn't gonna live up to the hype, but after the plateau I have played like an idiot and can't stop. It deserves its high scores.

>P.S I also played a bit of horizon on my ps4 and its just not on the same level.
>comparing an open world tps to an openworld sandbox rpg
>ps I have a ps4 guys I'm not a nintendo drone, nevermind my bait image


>conservative game about a white male restoring the monarchy beats the most progressive and matriarchal game of the year

what did the press mean by this?

You change Zelda name and literally nobody would give a fuck about barren field game.

I actually own all three consoles.

Just posted the bait image for fun. Only thing I find appealing about horizon are its gorgeous graphics. Everything else just feels stale to me, with the most critical thing being the gameplay.

Also I see that your trying to specify between the types of worlds they are but lets not kid ourselves. At the end of the day they are both open world games and comparing them to each other is fair.

>sonyfriends are still parroting the "i-i-i-it's only because reviewers are biased towards zelda" line despite none of the previous Zelda games getting this level of critical acclaim

zelda is shit

Why do people resort to making these kind of graphs? Both games have scored incredibly well, why the butthurt Nintendo fans?


It's fucking stupid how good BotW is.

I expected a pretty great game that was critically overrated... I got one of the best games I've ever played, in a lifetime of having played literally thousands of games.


>progressive and matriarchal game of the year

Forced progressive idealogies to appease SJW.

What you end up with is a soulless game like horizon

So have Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Sony, or Microsoft never paid for reviews before? Cause I don't see any of their games with a 98

>conservative game
>crossdressing protag

Nintendo pays more.

This game has alot to love about it. I am constantly surprised by the world and all its hidden secrets. Just found a fucken dragon in BOTW in a very unexpected place.

Hell even my friend who tends to shit on nintendo games wants to play this.

Why? Destiny had a $500m marketing budget. Don't you think they would pay more than Nintendo would? Especially for western reviews?

>crossdressing protag
>not looking at the bigger picture of the thoroughly reactionary main hero reverse-storming the Bastille and casting down the brown skinned revolutionary to restore the Aryan princess on her rightful throne

In this day in age with the internet leaks, if such a practice was done it would have leaked all over the web.
You really think a Billion Dollar corporation would risk their entire reputation on some reviews from gaming sites? Makes no sense senpai.


>people who haven't played a game are able to give 0 or 10 scores
>I'll take these scores seriously

>comparing Activision to Nintendo in size and money
>comparing a random Bungie game to a mainline Zelda which is also a launch title for the newest Nintendo console

>people who weren't paid to give good reviews*

>muh paid reviews

Have you ever considered the fact that reviewers as a group tend to enjoy certain kinds of products over others?

>nintendo games gets a mediocre score
>"Waaaah game reviewers shouldn't be listened to"
>nintendo game gets a almost perfect score
>"hahaha I love game reviewers!"


>thinks "professional" reviewers always finish games
>takes them seriously instead

>Its been a long time since a game has gotten me this hooked.
>this game has been something else, Its taking up alot of my free time.
>Im having difficulty putting this game down. >Who else here is just blown away by this game and cant stop playing?
>P.S I also played a bit of horizon on my ps4 and its just not on the same level.
So engaged you forgot to mention what's got you apparently so hooked you, not hooked enough for regularly scheduled baiting on Sup Forums though


I'm just saying if you thought about it more than not at all you'd realize that it's clearly not possible to buy a 98 on Metacritic or else it'd happen more often.

But of course I know you haven't played the game and it's easier to shitpost that the reviews are fake rather than buy the game for yourself, so keep on fighting the good fight I guess.

>MFW I own HZD, Nier and BotW and get to enjoy all three of them.

I love not being poor, and jaded it's fantastic!

>Anything less than a 9, incredibly well
Not familiar with how weighted reviews work, huh?

>completely leave Sup Forums for BotW
>beat game, come back
>all this console war shitflinging

Exactly as expected, never change Sup Forums.

>Have you ever considered the fact that reviewers as a group tend to enjoy certain kinds of products over others?
Yes, I've also considered they're susceptible to being bribed. But that's crazy, right? Video game journalists are the pinnacle of morality and ethics.


>or else it'd happen more often
If it happened more often they'd lose all credibility. Better keep the 10s for the highest bidders.

user it's probably not paid reviews. Reviewers are massive cassuals, and casuals are nintentoddler fanboys that think nintendo can do no wrong. And anything Zelda is the best thing ever (on average). Unless one just really pisses you off, and if the next game doesn't have that problem then it's the best game ever.


Could you explain what sort of bribery occurred here?

>not being poor
>having the time to play 3 massive open world games long enough to have a valid opinion on them in addition to your high-paying job

ok let me ask why do you want this game to not do good and really from what i have seen the only place thats hates this game this bad are you guys so why

Such blatant shilling in this thread lol

>own a PS4 and a Switch
>get to enjoy BotW, Yakuza, and Nier as the masterpieces they are
>don't have to pretend HZD is good to justify my choice in console
>Have Persona, Spla2n, No More Heroes 3, Xenoblade, SMT5, and Odyssey to look forward to
Man it must suck to not be an idort


>6636 ratings
>lemme cherrypick these 15 bad ones real quick and ignore the many 10s who are just as mindless

I've probably put a good 10hrs or so into both BotW and Nier so far this week and I just got HZD today.

So ya I can't say anything yet about HZD but as for BotW it's a 7/10 and Nier is 9/10.

The highest bidders like Nintendo — known far in wide for having the deepest advertising pockets in the industry

That's not Zelda.

the fuck are you talking about








That doesn't count

>Advertising budgets ≠ paying for reviews

Lol you do realize these giant corporations have shareholders and have to deal with trade commissions that examine all the litte shit they do with a microscope. Time to come back to real world man

>a 20-30 billion dollar company doesn't have money

SPAF indeed my friend.

There's no bribery there nor is there any with Zelda. Basically BotW is the long time friend that gets a free pass even when it comes to your house covering in shit and breaks all your potted plants.

I see.


>breaks all your potted plants.

b-but theirs rupees inside thei

Want another evidence of paid reviews? Look at user scores of non-paid ones, always close to the professional ones. Suddenly SS and BotW have considerably lower user scores despite the 90+ pro scores. SS being generally accepted as bad Zelda game managed a 93.

All a big coincidence I'm sure.

you mean the red floating energy demon head

I'm arguing against reviews being paid

Then why don't they use it to buy reviews?

I get what you're saying and you're probably right, but I'm in the same position

>own PS4 and Switch
>PS4 is obviously better since the Switch has framerate drops, the left joycon always disconnects and I already scratched the back of my fucking device
>Still only play BotW because it's a great game

I bought my PS4 only a month ago and got a bunch of cheap second hand games with it: FF15, Last Guardian, Gravity Rush, Deception IV, Digimon Cyber Slut and The Witch and the Hundred Knight. Is any of those good enough to beat BotW?


Yes, because as we all know critics always reflect the views of the general public. Anything else must be a conspiracy.

That's not even anime.

Sony? I'm sure they do. The point is that no company is getting away with paying for 10/10 reviews for every game they shit out, it'd be too obvious.

>any game that doesn't fit my narrative is a spinoff regardless of what team made it or how the title has "The Legend of Zelda" in it unlike Crossbow Training or Hyrule Warriors

havin a problem m8?

I asked for anime and you posted French baguettes.





goddamn it's too easy

Here I'll post a faggot just like you wanted.


no game deserves that score

i'm loving it so far. i wouldn't give it a 10/10, but its the best game i've played in a long while

I just made it to the zora domain after dicking about for like 20 hours and i'm hoping the game doesn't run out of steam at any point


>Another GreenGiant meltdown

Poor little cuck

good to know that if i ever want to make a game retroactively shit, i just need to make a few dozen metacritic accounts and give it some 0s

User scores literally doesn't matter when most reds are just angry sonybros.

In respect both Zelda and horizon are good games

For them to be legit by anyway, people would have to rate it a clean 6 - 8 on the majority.
Meanwhile, a fuckton of them are pure 0s.

And this isn't Rotten Tomatoes where a mid 80 is fantastic.


>You change Zelda name and literally nobody would give a fuck

The thing is, we've done that, and nobody could stop saying how it does Zelda better than Zelda.

>Hyper Light Drifter

Only nintendo fags reviewing their only "aaa" game, so they won't be degrading it.
PS4 has tons of perfect exclusives

>I also played a bit of horizon on my ps4 and its just not on the same level.

Should've of played Nier instead.

>Hyper Light Drifter

>User Scores


As a (primarily) PCfag, seeing Sonyfags get so triggered over BotW is hilarious.

You do realise that a zero brings down a score more than a ten raises it right?
This is basic math dude.

Problem is now they're using cemu to shitpost rather than enjoying the game that way.
It really is a shame.

They don't have PCs powerful enough for that anyways.
Sonyfags have genuine toasters 90% of the time.

>Using a meme as proof that user scores don't work.

Amen Brother

>Homorizon has 10 perfect scores

This is outstanding.

The only user scores worth a damn are the ones on sites that use verified owners like Amazon.

Fair point.
I mean if they had the PCs they would have no need for a PS4.

I powered through, beat it in about 40 hours. As soon as I killed Ganon my interest completely dropped.

Theres no super bosses, Theres no whatever. Everything post getting master sword is irrelevant since its all you'll need at Ganon.

Feels really lack luster post-completion. It was good while it lasted.

Wrong. How else would PC players play the TLoU, BB, Horizon etc