>dad watches you though the window
Dad watches you though the window
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is your dad outside looking in? Did he come home drunk again?
I want to be dominated by Purah (6 years old) and Riju-sama!
He's looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells him that forever
Feels like He's sitting all alone inside his head
Not in this game and not him, but my dad saw me looking at the wii fit girl's feet while he was mowing the lawn. This shit is real.
>waifu watches you through the window
he's always in the backyard working on the garden
Dad please come inside I miss you.
>(At least he's not gay)
I heard this too many times when I was young
>Why is your dad outside looking in? Did he come home drunk again?
One time my mother came home from her job at the stripclub drunk (the owner let girls drink on a double-shift because they need a pick-me-up) She ended up climbing into bed with me as I slept. I awoke from a doze with my arms instinctively wrapped her, I thought I'll wake Kayla (my GF) for sex, then I thought wait Kayla is visiting her grandparents, who the fuck is this, and snapped awake and shook Mom.
>tfw ywn be shrunk by your waifu and dominated
Missed opportunity, you should've given your mom another child
god bless Nintendo
12 years old indeed.
>tfw ywn live in a dollhouse in her room
feels bad man
Giantess/Size is patrician tier
Congrats user, you have good taste
>not fucking your mom
>could've played it off as you thinking it was your gf
You fucking blew it, user.
Is it bad that I find her more attractive than the other Gerudo women?
They all just have this weird body type. The jew noses don't help either.
You are a lolicon.
Me too.
to be honest I like tall thicc women too
why not both
I can't be a lolicon. I like tits too much.
Why not both?
Because lolicons with decent tits is unrealistic.
>Because lolicons with decent tits is unrealistic.
user I...
Real lolis don't have big ol' titties, so I can't take animu lolis with titties seriously.
Lolicon= person who love loli
Thats why your previous post didn't make sense.
watching from heaven
Any clues for finding hearty lizards? Need that 2 star climbing gear bonus.
What a shameless woman, showing her underwear like that.
Beedle sells those
I bet he's saying to himself
>I wish this useless fuck would get a job instead of playing these children games
Take a photo, go to area where they're common, use the scanner.
No you won't. None of us will.
How do I put that monster armor on my horse?
There's a girl on one of the stables that puts it on for you. I think it the one at the west-northwest?
I want to hug the fish
>Dog Tard
what did he mean by this
>implying everyone woman in botw doesn't look like a tranny
You are literally gay.
Nice shit taste there, ESL-kun.
Where do you live that trannies look like that?
I wanna creampie and impregnate Riju
>see a waifu
>take a pic
>take a selfi of link holding/pondering about her ass
it's like clockwork.
strongfat Gerudos
hi i'd like to post some lolis
>House takes a turn
>Switch flies out of window
hope thats ok
He's on the outside, looking inside.
>tfw ywn be shrunk by your waifu and dominated
Good. I want to be shrunk by my waifu and lovingly cared for because I'm so tiny that she needs to keep me safe.
>Link's waifu dies
>Zelda instantly want to fuck him
wow what a cunt
Are ya winning son?
She was already getting there by the time the calamity happened, Link's waifu dying just means she has less competition.
Technically it's not your choice. Your gigantic waifu will do with you as she pleases.
gentle giants > evil giants
needless to say. Japan quickly went looking for Riju 's panties
>DLC lets you go back in time to save them and fuck up Ganon
>tfw can't stasis females
>dat rumbly tumbly
I'm your father, i'm on the outside, i'm looking in.
I can see through you see your true colors, and inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me.
The whole backstory is about Zelda gradually realizing she wants to fuck link
Zelda threads, when not infested by shitposters, are so comfy
That pose looks really familiar so I think it's a shoop
>Moving in on somebodies husbando
2bh that's not much better
It's a shame you showed up and ruined it.
I want to rub my dick all over their abs.
I wanna LICK her tummy
post more giantess pics
>Not enjoying both
>Hot thick muscle women AND cute muscle lolis
>a living reminder of her failure
Wow guess I'll just keep on doing these side missions
she would crush your tongue
It'd be nice if you could idle around with the enviroment, like sitting on chairs or near fires
With her abs?
Zelda is Link's reincarnated waifu, if anyone is moving in, it's Mipha
>Doesn't look anywhere close to the real one
Why do people go so off model? It's not even the same character anymore.
>ywn live off of her body at micro size
>fighting off mites or bacteria
>slowly gaining size with each victory
>one day she notices your 1mm form
>blows you away thinking your dust
>die from the fall
Awww it's retarded
>Wanting a shit waifu that berates you until every other suitor is dead
There's more than one red female Zora in the game.
>all of this happening in one of Zelda's bushy eyebrows
Will they ever make a sequel to Minish Cap?
>you will never summon her spirit to be reunited with her beloved family, finally putting her tortured soul to rest
gerudo kids are weird
you could take a shit in skyward sword
I recognize that noseless soon to be fatty!
Dont u mean cute
>heart eyes
What is this?
Fuck no