The biggest day in PC gaming in 5 years consists of:

> being able to emulate, badly, an 8 year old game on an 11 year old console


> being able to emulate a Nintendo game at an unplayable level

This is somehow a monumentous victory for PC gaming.

One of the major selling points of PC gaming is backwards compatibility. Sure you've got the kiddies wanking about Graphics and GPUs, but the majority of us just like good games no matter the age. We can go and grab shit from the early 90's, run a little emulator, plug in a controller, and bang golden.

Expanding that library of emulators just means every console game eventually becomes a PC game. Saying they were originally console games has no meaning. Even if you own or owned the console this is good, because they will eventually break down.

Pretty much this. PC gaming is about choice

PC gaming is a joke.

I'm looking forward to playing Nier Automata SHMUP segments with a Steam controller.

Sure we get dry spouts so we make up for it by playing pcsx2 and dolphin emulators just nice thing to have, bit variaty, play any game with any controller with any tv or monitor ir resolution fuck you guys on consoles are so restricted. Missing out big time arguing amung yourselves over whats better and even question the master race tut tut

There's nothing you can do.

>This mad

We've been playing the best versions of your games for years now AND the best versions of your older games that you can't even play right now without paying for HD remakes or buying them for the 3rd time on eshop. Not to mention RTS games which consolefags disregard immediately because fox and grapes.

Totally dying market.

Who spent the time to make this? It's too obvious

>Put in disk
>Play game
Thats a damn lie, i bought uncharted 4 on disk and had to download a 30gb update


There's one game available that can be played, at a worse level than the original, of an 11 year old console.

That isn't choice.

You have to play our games years later and don't even have the full capabilities of what we had when we originally played it e.g. network and online features.

PC gaming has zero games so you're resorted to playing our leftovers at a worse level than we originally played them many years ago.

Slave never become master its a lie a dream for you !

The chart toppers, award winners and widely critically acclaimed titles are typically console exclusives.

The backbone of the industry seen it boomed has revolved around console exclusives.

PC has no games so you're having to buy our peripherals to play our games, without network features, at a worse level, on a much more expensive platform, over a decade after we've had them.


>it's another shitty console war thread added to the pile of them that take up 2/3s of Sup Forums at all times
How do people not tire of this shit?


Enjoy playing our old games, using our peripherals. Lol.

>play our games
>play our games
>play our games

There's nothing I need to do. I'm enjoying playing on my PS4 Pro.

Maybe in about decade you might get a chance to play some of the games I complete this year......

Its normal be be jealous OF YOURE MASTERS

That's it user, bury your head in the sand......

>you will never see the underage posters and the people trying to fit in from 2017 leave and take their console war shit with them

this autistic fuck still replay lol

your time consists of:
>not playing video games
>posting on a board making fun of other people happy to play video games
>thinking of ways to mock people who play video games
I'm sorry if other people are happy to play video games

Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of you tapping on a keyboard and clicking a mouse to play games, whilst sat playing games on a 20" computer monitor, on your own, playing a decade old game at 10 fps on a computer you've spent more on than I've spent on every console I've ever bought put together.

Can you speak up please?

>How do people not tire of this shit?
By not having video games to play

> this autistic fuck still replay lol

What did he mean by this?

> The biggest day in PC gaming in 5 years consists of:

The VIVE, motherfucker. Get one.

I was actually enjoying playing Horizon earlier on user.

Are you condemning me for posting on Sup Forums, a board dedicated to video games, a thread about video games?

>a thread about video games
Console war shit hardly qualifies for video game discussion, despite it being the vast majority of the board now, which is unfortunate.

I don't know wtf you're talking about......

It's fairly topical - I'd say it's the most notable video game related news that's been announced all week. Can you think of anything else that's more notable within the industry at the moment to discuss?

I'm saying that you're completely wrong about what the biggest day was.

It's being used as a catalyst for more underage console war faggotry, as shown by the OP of this thread and every other thread, so it doesn't matter.
I hope one day rule 2 is enforced so that the board can be purged of console war cancer.

>correcting a small grammatical error

Found the underage faggot from YouTube.

I have a mid-range PC and it's a godsend to be able to play a backlog of all the last-gen games at ultra settings in 1080p

Played Far Cry 2 and 3, Mass Effect 2, these games aged like milk on consoles, absolute pixellated low-res vomit that looks like youtube vids oat 240p, and the consoles struggle to keep up frames even at that

For reals, if there's some old game you haven't played, don't get it on a console

I'm probably older than every single person in this thread.

Correcting grammatical errors allows me to distinguish myself from the uneducated. It makes me feel great about myself.



But you can't even do that on a fucking dream cast or ps2 emulator - what makes you think you'll be able to do that now on a PS3 one? Given it has taken a decade to even get to play one game, considerably worse than on the original console, why do you think you'll be able to play a full backlog of all PS3 games at optimal settings? Ignoring the fact that online/network features played a major part in most games in last gen, you're only getting half the games anyway.

If it was the case, and it was that easy, then great, I'd probably do the same because there's a shit ton of PS3 games I'd love to have catalogued and available for me to tap into at anytime but it's not - and probably never will be.

that you are an autistic consolecuck

daily reminder every shooter game ever made is a PC exclusive and just a shitty emulation on console

Im not a faggot that runs around starting flame wars. I built a pc because its what I wanted. I understand people buy console for convenience.

>all this shit just appeared in 2017
Sup Forums has been in this shitty state for quite some time now

Fucking retarded. We already played RE7, we're about to play Turok 2 Remaster, Nier and Yooka-Laylee next month, all the best versions possible. Meanwhile people are playing the most popular multiplayer games on PC.

> Slave never become master its a lie a dream for you !

You're right, I didn't know how to tackle this succinctly-put, persuasive argument. I just gave up. I was flummoxed.

Lol. How are you posting on Sup Forums?

You sure as hell aren't posting from a ps4.
Are you a phone poster?


RE7 on PC the best version?

Can't imagine it topped me playing it on PS VR actually user......

>There's one game available that can be played
One game?
From the top of my head this is over a thousand games.


That was embarrassing to watch

You can also use the VR on the PC version. What about the resolution, quality of the image and fps?

We're talking about PS3 emulation specifically.

Fuck that is painful to watch. I remember Timesplitters being pretty good, but I guess it had a lot of wide area weapons that didn't need precise shots.

I emulate on a Pi3 anyway though.

Last 5 PC games I've played:
>Doom where I can run and gun
>A few different arena FPS games
>Morrowind where I can manage inventory and look around easier and mod it to look nice
>Dark Souls 1 where I can make it look like a remaster and play with a WiiU Pro controller (great damn controller)
>Mechwarrior 4 with a joystick

Ya I think I'm doing okay on PC. GTA is nice without all the pop in of buildings too. Consoles are nice, but god damn they need more good games to justify buying a whole box of hardware just for them.

This gen has barely had any. Last gen didn't get a sizable library until nearly the end. Fuck me I don't regret having a PS1 over a PC because I'm still playing through its library, SNES, or NES, or even PS2 era. But damn the last couple gens have ate dick and mainly consisted of FPS and RPG game sales, both of which are way worse on console. Blows my mind.


Timesplitters was designed as a console shooter, much akin to Goldeneye on the N64
The aiming system as well as most of the weapons were all specifically made to feel good on a console
I'd love to try and play it with mouse and keyboard though

No you can't. I'm sure there may be some sort of hack you can do to brute force a PC to work with a 3rd party VR headset, that you have to go through a long, arduous process to attempt to get it working - all the while left with a sub-standard result, if at all. That doesn't compare to using the optimal hardware the game was created with in mind.

Quite frankly, the game wasn't good enough as a standalone title, I can barely imagine playing it without VR - it was clearly designed to be a VR showpiece.

Look, you go back to trying to play games that I completed nearly 10 years ago - I'll move onto the next big console exclusives that you can sit around petitioning to get a PC port.

I absolutely don't know what the fuck you are talking about, or what point you are trying to imply.

>people think fps games aren't fun to play on console because aiming is harder
Holy shit PC cucks need to fucking git gud and stop complaining.
Sure it isn't as accurate as a mouse but that doesn't make it less fun to play at all. It just means the challenge is different.
It is like playing at a higher difficulty.

Besides most shooters have a much more lively community on console than on PC.

> hey look guys i am a smartass who thinks emulation and hacking is easy

Get the fuck out

> emulation
> hacking

Please stop, my entire body winced in half over the cringe that shot through my entire body.

>all the while left with a sub-standard result, if at all

Right, but every time that kind of thing has been done the result is always better. Passionated people doing something > shit company seeking profit.

>Quite frankly, the game wasn't good enough as a standalone title, I can barely imagine playing it without VR - it was clearly designed to be a VR showpiece.

That's outright wrong, though. The VR is just a gimmick, maybe they put a little more thought into it this time, but still it's the same. The game plays great just like any RE game.

the aiming is garbage, not harder

You and me both. That game would be glorious on PC. I loved making levels on it and it was a fast game on console, that shit would be the return of Quake on PC.

Goldeneye had some the most clever level and difficulty design I've ever seen in a game, but going back to that one and trying to play with the N64 controller again hurts.

Aiming isn't harder. Its garbage. You can randomly spray or you can stop to analogue aim like a slug. Anything is fun with friends, even bad things sometimes. Timesplitters is still probably in my top 5 FPS or at least top 10. But at this point I've had some FPS both on console and on PC, and PC is better. Its not even close.

I'll take zooming at high speeds bouncing off a level for some sort of spetsnaz level headshot across the map over the chest high wall spray pray tour any day.

>Besides most shooters have a much more lively community on console than on PC.
Dude. That shit is dead in a year. I could still get a Quake game together if I had to.


You do know you use hacks to run most of that shit right?

Literally brain dead retards.

Mouse is also worse than HTC vive controller then by this logic.

Get fucked retards.

How assblasted does someone have to be to make a thread like this?

pc gamers dont care about emulators, the only people who play emulators are console kids who just happen to be using a pc

That's your opinion, on both accounts. However thinking VR is a gimmick shows your age - and that's not meant in a condescending way.

VR has long been seen as the holy grail of video gaming - even since the 80's it's been a pipe dream. It's been unsuccessfully attempted previously, it's had many steps in the right direction e,g. Wii and Xbox Kinect, but now we're actually seeing very tangible hardware that could realise the pipe dreams.

The PS VR won't be the ending point for VR, far from in fact, but it will be a massive stepping stone to the inevitable, which is the gaming industry dominated by VR technology and companies will then look to make the experience even more immersive.

You have a PC + a console, so why not just play PC games?

Nah I'm playing with a Wacom tablet.

These are my specs and I can barely play any PS1 games at all at a satisfactory framerate. I built this 4 years ago. Explain pc fags

Damage control thread?

most people who grew up with PC have used emulators before
That, on top of actual PC games, is the reason why idgaf how old or new a game is, I'll still think it's worth playing

my assumption is that everyone has a game they wish they could play for the first time all over again
so why should I disqualify playing any game older than the last console generation if that means missing out on what could be a fun game, especially if I've never played it before

>being this mad
I'm having fun with my super modded skyrim and my ported doa sluts on honey select. Is it fun being blueballed in doax3?

This, Sup Forums needs actual moderation, and permabanning every single one of those fucks.

If there were any PC games I wanted to play, then I would do. The last time I did was Half Life.

I appreciate playing Fallout 4 or Skyrim would look better on my PC but basically it's just far too cumbersome and inconvenient to do so, so I just play on my PS4.

Mods don't concern me, they destroy the games in my opinion. I have always used emulators for classic games or to scratch a particular itch, but I've always found the experience to be less fun on an emulator than on the original hardware it was designed for.

>somebody spent his time on this


Emulation is legal if you own the game.

The roms are what are illegal.

Stop talking shit about stuff you clearly know nothing about. I've been using emulators for, most likely, longer than you've been alive (20 years).

This was painful

Internet connectivity was pretty much the end of consoles being consoles instead of limited functionality computers that you plug into your TV.

How so? Because they implemented online features and network play? That doesn't make them any less of a games console.

>AMD build
you got memed


is this bait or are you actually THIS retarded?

Consolefags in the PS2 and earlier era were always "You just put in a CD/Cart and it JUST WORKS we don't have to worry about patches they get it right at launch. :^)"

>consolefags criticize pc users for having no games
>every consolefag except xbone drones have been shitposting "never ever" threads and "BTFO" threads everyday, every hour, for the last 5 years
>consolefags spend more time complaining about how other people choose to play on other platforms then actually playing thier games
For people who picked the "right choice" you seem pretty upset that other people still prefer playing on pc. Shouldn't you guys be busy playing your $60 AAA trash?
>B-but da p-pc musta-ard race
>th-hey started it fir-rst
Anyone who makes this argument is under the age of 15 and falls for old ass bait.

Look at the fucking OP and tell me that this is just video-game discussion?
This is blatant shitposting already in the OP there is nothing to gain from that.

I dont know all those are fine things, but they are indubitably topped by your ilks constant false flagging and hysteric shitposting.

Think about it, there is no better moment than when people who fashion themselves your "enemy" are making such a mockery of themselves like you are doing right now.

How's Total Warhammer user?


timesplitters had a tiny area around the crosshair in which your could aim delicately before you would turn the screen, if memory serves.

>tfw your falseflagging turns out legit

>It is like playing at a higher difficulty.
Against others who are playing as ineffectively as you, OR with copious amount of aim assist and reduced reaction speed and accurracy of AI enemies.

It´s not more difficult, it is playing with a disability, like wheelchair basketball.

I agree with the part about it not being less fun though, wheelchair basketball is a blast.

You may be right, but I just can't have fun playing an action game at 30 fps. All the shiny graphics mean nothing.

Preference is the better word. You can play and emulate games on toasters, a gaming rig is a preference if you want to do said things at their best (if the port/emulation isn't shit).

My main issue with PCbros (I have a gaming PC by the way) is their cult like delusions. Consoles do good, PCbros immediately start shitting on it. Scam Citizen and No Man's Sky dtart a kickstarter, PCbros go all in to fund it and get butthurt when they realize they got played. If it weren't for this elitist playerbase, I would enjoy gaming on the platform more than my PS4. But then again, that is why I only olay single player games on PC.

They are too busy banning things that matter

Not forget top sellers in Steam are Football Manager and retro-pixel.
PC exclusive dont exist anymore outside of Civilization.