Wallpaper thread?
Wallpaper thread
Wallpaper thread?
Shouldn't this be on /wg/? I have a few vidya ones though, I'll drop what I have.
Fuuka wallpaper.
Last one. I don't even know why I have this one saved. I have never used it, and I probably never will.
I fully expected that to have a P5 spoiler
also I'm out of this thread before anyone ruins it
>Wallpaper thread
>not saving all of your pictures as jay pegs to save space
I've had the same wallpaper for years
This one is really nice
There's a board for this, but I'll dump some.
Junko is cute!
>Shouldn't this be on /wg/
of course it should, but neo-Sup Forums doesn't understand the concept of non-Sup Forums boards so they post everything here
Virgin wallpaper thread
what's this from?
Extreme comfy.
Got any phone wallpapers? I already have a desktop one I like