I'm pissed about this...

I'm pissed about this. I was going to get the Wii U version just cause I love my Wii U and wanted another game on the thing. But nope, they cancel it and announce the Switch version. After this swift kick in the balls, the developers weren't done. The Switch version isn't going to make the April 11th launch, so Nintendo fans have to wait even longer to play the damn game. But if that wasn't enough, the game is being released digital only for Switch users. But wait, there's more, the developers haven't even announced a release date for the Switch.

IT's bullshit and I'm tired of us on this board just taking it. The bullshit "it's ok, at least we are getting the game" is a lard of shitty Spanish hashish. Now I don't know if I should just get it on X1, but the reality is I want the Switch version for the portability. But I also want the physical version promised to us.

In essence, what has happened with Yooka Laylee is total BULLSHIT to us Nintendo fans. It's absolutely fucked up considering Nintendo fans made the project happen. The developers screwed us over and over and over again - perhaps it's time we screw them and refuse to purchase the game.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nobody wanted or needed the fucking Wii u version you dumbass. You would have been the only sale just like how you are the only one who cares

Lots of people are pissed at the betrayal of no Wii U version.

>Binding of Isaac gets physical release
>Yooka Laylee and Sonic Mania don't
Who makes these decisions anyhow?

I hope you enjoy what PC people have to deal with all the time.

Can't wait to play this on a nintendo sys-

>cancels Wii U version

Oh well, I'm sure they'll give extra love to the Switch vers-

>no physical release

Nah, fuck this game.

Also of all the systems to have it be only digital, why would you choose the system with barely any storage space? Shit is ridiculous

People still buy physical copies of games?

Nice post OP

They probably dumped too much money into the WiiU version and with it being canceled have nothing to show for it so they're not releasing physically on the Switch to save some money there.

True. I'm going to get mine for PS4 anyway so I don't really care, but still seems like a kick in the balls

Did someone say YL thread?

>angry because they dont support a dead console
if you didn't expect this then you are really retarded

The tantrums thrown after that announcement proved that hardly anybody was really interested in the game and instead just wanted to shitpost about their favorite console having the best version.

No we're pissed because we want to play on aNintendo console like we did with Banjo-Kazooie.

how dumb do you have to be to buy multiplatform games on the Wii U?


It's about reliving childhood memories of playing Banjo-Kazooie on a NINTENDO console. What dont you fucks understand?

I played it on Xbox 360 :)

You just don't get it.

that's retarded peasant logic. do you also still listen to music on cassettes to relive your childhood?

jeesus christ is this bait? do you even read what you type after you type it? stop acting like a child, the company is profit based, they will get more sales on the switch and to be honest the switch needs it more than the already dead wii u needs it, sorry mate, life isn't fair.

Isn't the switch a nintendo console?

>People still buy physical copies of games?
Yes, more than people do digital.

Eh, if it's AAA multiplats then avoid it like the plague.
Indies and stuff like this? Go for it, I mean hell SK ended up being the definitive version on Nintendo systems.

Are you asking for a quick rundown?

Just play it on PC. What's the big deal here.

It's going to be a fucking shit nostalgiafag game anyway.

Why would anyone pay for this trash willingly?

I have played some of the game at events and it honestly isnt that great, doesnt feel like banjo 3 at all. It feels like a remade banjo 1 with an uglier aesthetic, garbage music, and less content

Holy shit, what a cry baby

>I was going to get the Wii U version
No you weren't. Quit false-flagging.

I and my brother loved banjo kazooie on the 64.
I'm getting it on PC.

Don't be a homo, you homo.

For the most part physical release is a lie when even Nintendo releases day one patches to their games (Zelda BotW).

Yeah but we dont know the release date and it's not in physical form! We were promised a physical form for Wii U but now we don't get that for Switch.

You're actually on the spectrum, aren't you?

>he bought a WiiU

Everyone point and laugh

>Physical copies in 2017

Oh yeah we should waste ressources making the plastic cases and fueling the trucks shipping it just because some random fucker wants a physcial copy.

The internet has solved the problem of media distribution m8, deal with it.

No, I'm a backer who paid money for a physical Nintendo version. I'm rightfully pissed.

This is what all Playtonic defenders act like.


Good thing I'm getting it on pc then

When is this shit coming out anyways

Not only are you autistic, but you're also a liar

WiiU fags are pissed because they can't pirate the game with how easy it is to hack the system on any firmware

>"I played le AYYCHDEEE version where dev replaced le Nintendo logo with Microsoft logo XDXDXD"

Neck yourself now

Yes. It's something you new PCfags wouldn't understand

I'm getting the xbone version, ordered through amazon.

You sound like my dumb faggot friend who wouldnt let me show him Duck Tales Remastered on Steam because to him it wasnt real unless it was on the Nintendo Wii U.

April 11th

Is this r34 or just really disturbingly anthro fanart

That's fucking autistic.

Grow up and play it on PC. Everything better on PC anyway.

You're a pleb, that's the problem

>trusting Kikestarter projects

Serves you right.

Ok. This pleb will play on xbox with 60fps while you play on n64 struggling to hold onto 20fps

>Unity engine game
>60 FPS on Xbox One


>The switch and the Wii U are both shit

Yeah we know get it on something better than nintendo shit, like a fucking printer.

>Banjo Kazooie


>I love my Wii U
You deserve this fate

I didnt know Unity existed in the 90s with the ability to export to N64s. Where do I get this?

Why the fuck would I want to bloat the miniscule space on a nintendo console with digital downloads?

I've heard from very reliable sources, about Link, the character Link, that Link is hot. Is Link hot to you?

He is talking about the Xbox ports of banjo kazooie

Is this you, OP? Or did you just copy paste this shit?