What games have that sweet 90s CGI aesthetic?

What games have that sweet 90s CGI aesthetic?

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StarCraft/Brood War



im trying to make one of my current games with this aesthetic. It's going ok so far.

Damn that's a good aesthetic.

Surely it's easy to make something that looks kind of crap.

pdz kind of had it

not many people have made games with a good 90's aesthetic. its not easy

The Final Fantasy PS1 Trilogy is the king of 90s CGI aesthetic.

Can't really find any good pics on google, but Raidou Kuzunoha has some nice pre-rendered backgrounds.

Fear Effect is like, concentrated 90's.

The game is boring as fuck though.


>Damn that's a good aesthetic.
FF7 is top atmospheric, comfy and aestetic.
I miss the slightly grim modern city style, mixed with cyber / dieselpunk shit, that we got in late 90s.

I think it's something about the way things were rendered back then. I just can't put my finger on what I like about it though.

Looks retarded once the shitty models start walking all over the screen though.

Pretty much all Scott Cawthon games.

hellos is this A E S T H I C thread

Shit, this is actually from one of the games?


>games wont look this good in your lifetime

They already look better.

no they dont. post an example with a similar style that looks better

Yeah, The Desolate Hope.

Is it that sense of depth and life to it? Especially with the locked camera angles that highlight the area?

Some areas in modern games could be great, but you're often seeing it from the character's perspective.

That looks neato. I'm surprised he's not tried to cash in on the vapormeme trend.

Zork Nemesis

Absolutely impressive.

Combat Chess
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Many other 3dfx era PC games

Never felt "retarded" to me at all.


How would you accomplish this look today? Are the programs or whatever still around or is there a way to do it with modern tools?

The Amerzone was so fucking comfy.

you just render your scenes with only direct lighting and use bad textures

don't forget ugly colors

Why the fuck does the hair on their arm look like sleeves?

A lot of original Xbox/early Xbox 360 games had it thinking about it, way too many out of place reflections.

Why is the girl's tongue white when Diddy's tongue is pink/red ?



Don't forget to use simplistic geometry with an asston of subdivision applied.

The use of negative space in this game gives off a particular cosy vibe. It's kind of weird, because Midgar really isn't supposed to be that appealing.

That grainy darkness. Good feelings. 80s is my favorite era, but I loved this shit in the 90s.

It's cyber-hopelessness is visual form. Shiny, metal, no bloom. Everything's sharp. Roundness is plasticky. Lighting is basic A lot of designs of the time, in vidya anyway, took inspiration from grimy graphic novels as well.

what game

Oh yeah, try to avoid primary colors unless they're depressing.

It's also free on Steam.




Revolution 60

Too much banana milk.

old games

>ywn roll dice with a skeleton man to determine the fate of gielinor

>posts bethesda animations
c'mon user at least try.

The page- did you bring the page?!


Muh pages

The entire game is muh pages

Also that static is annoying as fuck

Is Riven good?

Why is no one saying Melee?

The games art style is very much 90's FMV's

I miss that "Woah, it's the fucking FUTURE, man!" chrome effect.

>models are shiny
>textures made with photoshop skills that are easy to do nowadays
>music is either techno or eurobeat, or symphosised
>fmv is 240p with CGI that has limited character movement

I miss this aesthetic

I wish this game blew up instead of FNaF. It's ten times better without question. It's not perfect, but it's a game and a pretty fucking neat idea for an RPG at that.

Also his robot designs are A++ when they're not animatronics or Bible metaphors.


Not really. It definitely looks like an early 00s game with the sleek interface and neon lines going through everything.

>Also his robot designs are A++ when they're not... Bible metaphors.

The thing I really don't get is why people aren't taking advantage of it given it's surely one of the easiest ways of doing 3D.

Maybe the whole vapourwave meme will make people get on board with it a bit more.

I love that thing's appearance but the context fucking ruins it completely.

its easier to make soulless, generic 3d models/textures than comfy vaporware stuff



>pre-rendered backgrounds

I'd love to make something that captures that mid-90's Sega arcade feel, personally.

>bright, colorful everything, but doesn't look pastel or cutesy
>the intro music is basically just a bass track and percussion
>everything is hype and over-the-top as fuck





I think... I think I really have a problem with this. Did they just not see it looking this way when they ran the animations? Or did someone think this was good? This was even okay?

>emulating mario party style


luigi's mansion is really at that weird middle between the 5th and 6th generation of consoles

Probably because they know 8-bit shit prints money. Stupid people would say that the 90s CGI aesthetic is ugly.

We do. Theres no reason to have prerendered shit anymore, now we can also take advantage of the scene. I bet "walking simulators" wouldn't be so badly received if they had fixed camera angles elevating the scene, so I'll give you that. That we must bring back. First person perspective was a mistake, it's unnatural, floaty and ugly.

Are modern devs afraid to use darker color pallets?

Christ you people are deluded. FNF, one of the most popular games in the last few years uses it.

They actually were Mario and Luigi in disguise.

Deepest lore.


They did try darker color pallets in the late 2000s, but they didn't realize that there were more colors available than dark brown and grey.

Scott's robot designs are fucking nuts, I wonder how long it must take him to make the models

Very happy for him to finally hit it big because he's been pumping out game after game since like 2003

Full fucking circle. Now fags want gray shit again, devs just got over their color phobia.

because it looks like shit?

>5 cucks at cucky


even Bethesda can make weirdly good looking things


Darker colors != grey
Also it's completely dependent on theme and situation

his games are fucking terrible, fnaf was only successful in the same way a broken clock is right twice a day

I have no idea why nobody makes Indy games with a 90s cgi aesthetic

its objectively a videogame whether you like it or not

Don't mistake dark colors for neutral colors


how about you stop typing like a fag maybe that will help

The FF7 aesthetic bleeds depression for me.