What exactly didn't you like of this game?

What exactly didn't you like of this game?

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Are you referring to the base game or with the expansion?

With the expansion

If we don't count in the lazyness when it comes to patching content to the game but just the game itself, I guess I would like to see some change to items so that if you find a weapon with amazing stats but not the right affix, so that instead of putting it in the trash, you can make a viable build around it.

But otherwise I don't have much problems with D3, if they're gonna be lazy about content then they might as well shell out seasons faster cause like many, people play it for 2-3 weeks then drop it and wait til next season, so I wish'd they have 2month seasons instead of 3.

Gameplay is too spammy. You're given all these abilities but your dominant strategy is still to just spam click enemies until they die. Bosses work the same way, you just run up and click it to death.

You pick up way too much shit, your inventory fills up way too fast with (+10 gauntlets of the cool dude) that are objectively better than your current stuff, so you end up churning way too quickly.

Didn't pay much attention to the story but I don't think it was very interesting. Music is pretty bland too.

I got this game because some friends were raving about how amazing it is, but I really find it mind-numbingly boring. My friends said "it gets good when you hit endgame" but why the fuck would I sit through hours of grindy boring shit to get to an endgame which I can't imagine being any different? I know I'm in the minority.

no runewords, boring uniques, boring sets, no skill points, to much pony shit, no gore and satanic stuff, no pvp, no endgame, worse campaign than d2, overall much less depth than d2.

I think it's easy to forget the music because abilities/monsters and whatnot is pretty loud, Diablo3 has pretty good music tbqh.

And I'm not really sure about the spam part since we are talking about a arpg


About 80% of it

datgap is pretty hot desu

stash. The stash alone limits my gameplay and character build and forces me to play the "best" build in the current meta which sucks.

>Diablo 3 has pretty good music
jesus christ

>not being able to farm specific mobs/bosses for specific items
>being able to respec anytime which just kills the idea of new builds
>every season one cookie cutter build rekts face and rest cant do shit so you are boiled down to a single cookie cutter build every season if you really want some sort of ranking
>too much rng loots

imagine fucking femdiablo into submission and mindbreaking her, you now own queen of hell, damn boi

>boring grind
>completely different tone from Diablo 2
>cringeworthy bad story
>ugly as shit grpahics, bloom and glow everywhere
>designed around RMAH
>less flexibility than D2

to effectively clear GRifts and high torment Rifts,
You eithe need infinite paragon level or to build up one of those broken "+17000% dmg on ____ skill"
The game gives little to no variety on builds at higher difficulties, that's why I dropped it.

Pretty sure that's one of the biggest misconceptions about D3 really, yeah Diablo is much more slim but Diablo houses all the other lords/devils in one body (Prime evil and black soulstone shenanigans), but still a male, just because Leah was the host of the Black soulstone doesn't magically turn Diablo into a female.

shit artistic direction is what killed it for me

Great argument kid, but yes I am he, what do you want?

>designed around RMAH
Still bringing up that point even though it was removed 3 years ago, or do you have several text files on your computer to copypaste into every thread and never update them?


2.40 and let your dick decide.

diablo is not sexual, he is not for sex, Andariel is though

Well OP was clearly referring to the original game, which is what that first poster was criticizing. It's neither a controversial opinion to state that the first game was garbage, nor is it highly contested to claim that the expansion was great.



it's literally "World of Warcraft: Rated-M for Grimdark&Edgy Top Down Camera Edition". Created by RTS retards who never touched an ARPG in their life.

Fem diablo is still a boy, just physically a female
It's the same diablo from D1 and D2, just now he's got a cooch, boobs and is deliciously thick

see and

removal of barter trading
environments were uninspired
artstyle was uninspired
colors were uninspired
maximum of 4 people
destruction of pvp
story and dialogue (remember Diablo 3's cries in Act 4?) was fucking retarded, but i should've expected that after starcraft 2
fucking up the game economy by trying to take control of d2jsp
no fun runewords, just collect billions of gold instead as currency
the only progress is a constant, endless progression of the same exact items

You sound like you have some sort of upper hand in discussing whether Diablo 3 is shit or not. As if I even need to entertain you. Go twiddle your thumbs while you wait for PTR.

They got rid of every good feature from D2:LOD and made the entire game look and play like shit.

Why are you posting a image that is 4 years old and no longer true? Why do you have it saved even

You sound like you have no argument but still want to argue

i remember reading that when i picked up RoS late
it's still true user

Removal of runewords and community driven market / currency system was really bad.

I actually enjoyed it more in vanilla when the AH was still a thing.

Also driving people to use the same repetitive builds and sets was awful.

Game is only """fun'""" the first week of a new season, after that you quit and come back in 3 months for the next season.

can you still edit your stats? are stats still tied to equipment? are stats still directly tied to character classes? are classes still restricted from equipping other types of weapons and equipment that other classes can use? Are you still entirely full of shit?

I never argued, I reacted to your unbelievably shit taste. I don't need your permission or approval to laugh at you. Why would anyone need to argue when there's nothing to debate over. This game sucked, twice, climbed up for a brief period of time, and then smeared shit all over itself again and will keep doing that to give themselves time to announce Diablo 4.

Also this. Most legendaries were useless or just weren't viable in any serious difficulty.

Wanna use that cool sword you got? Too bad it doesn't work with this cookie-cutter meta build that relies on using the last set blizzard decided to buff. Sorry.

The art direction, the story, the characters and the original itemization, balance and difficulty

D III's cover art is atrocious fared to the old school classic cover arts for Diablo I and Diablo II which are absolutely badass. The best looking one imhotbh is Diablo II's.

Because you don't build a character, you build a set. There's no reason to make more than one of any class

The weapon damage argument isn't really true anymore
The "Zomg I wish it had vit on it" would get you laughed at by anyone who is semi-serious about the game
And there is certain items that every class can think is good like necklaces and rings mostly

There is a smart loot system.

Main Stat is rolled based on what class you are when it is dropped for example if you're a Wizard you'll never get STR or DEX gear.
Primary stats after that are still random and can be rerolled
Secondary Stats are random and can be re rolled

You can equip class sets and weapons that aren't apart of your class for ex: My barb is wearing Ancient Demon Hunter Set leggings reforged to strength.

The only issues loot has now is leveling gear does not matter at all, and the DPS on weapon is all that matters still. .

You are literally the only one who bothers to try and get (you)'s about the music

Was Diablo 3 the biggest case of brand suicide in the history of gaming?

There's no one left defending this game at this point.


More like you're trying to get (you)'s by actually asking why Diablo 3 is bad. Anyway you wouldn't even know what would make a good Diablo game, music or gameplay.

It is garbage compared to alternatives like Grim Dawn, Path of Exile and even Diablo II.

I had so much fun with the auction house.
Running became fun when afterwards you could actually sell your good loot to someone who could actually use it in their build.

Then there is the downside that I actually bought all my upgrades, but hey, It's better than running X amount of hours to get basically a guaranteed full set every season.

I always assumed that Diablo's body was shaped off the host. Since D2's Diablo was hosted in the barbarian, it had a more masculine body. I am not a diablo enthusiast but I always imagined that the shard in the warriors head was symbolic of the fact that diablo always reincarnates.

So? The game is still literaly desgined around it, removing it fixed nothing, they just turned it into a wow-lite with the stat rework. The expansion merely brings it from absolutely terrible to merely absymal.

>DPS on weapon is all that matters still. .
You can have a weapon with really good DPS but have have a low roll on the affix you try to make a build for, so no, that's not true.

A vengeful wind weapon for example with 6 max stacks instead of 7 might as well be trashed, even with good dps.

I actually like playing the PS4 version. The combat is a lot more fun with a controller for some reason.

Because they removed the RMAH.
Why keep playing when I can't keep making $7,000-$10,000 every 3 months buying and reselling things?

But I do like it.

>The game is still literaly desgined around it
>Removed from game
Not an argument

Whenever I see a game like this with a silent protagonist I always like to assume they're just going through the game with a sense of tired resignation we're they're loath to go on the quest but it's easier to just sigh and get it over with

>tl;dr - no

I just play it on ps4 and pretend its Guantlet: Edgends

>Since D2's Diablo was hosted in the Barbarian

Doesn't look like a Barbarian to me.

I think suicide as well. It will be decades before Blizzard dare release Diablo 4

You still havn't brought up anything except exchanging (you)'s

Diablo 1 was just a "warrior" or rather, King Leoric's eldest son

>set = your build
>lack of atmosphere
>butchered lore and plot
>shit pvp
>the game is fucking boring and not rewarding

How the fuck its not an arguement? Literally the entire game, stats, mechanics, loot and everything is designed about buying things so youre able to progress from RMAH. Removing it just created a gaping hole and even MORE problems. The entire game should have been scrapped and redesigned.

No wonder they arent making any new expansion packs.

>No wonder they arent making any new expansion packs.
But they are, the Necromancer is inbound this year.

Oh, i only played D2 and D3. I did not know there was a warrior class, thought it was always barbarian. But I still thought that Diablo was just a genderless abomination, and just shaped itself based on the host. I never thought of it as a boy or girl

Because WoW-Like Class Sets ruined the game

>Oh man a set piece dropped let's see what it does!
>X ability damage increased by 3000%

Bought RoS for console and it's a comfy couch co-op game.
Didn't really feel like diablo sequel but more of a Gauntlet sequel

>there is still such a retarded thing as a main stat restricting character customization
>you cannot allocate stat points and all of it comes from equipment
>a barbarian still can't equip a bow
>the only issue is see is DPS because i'm too blind to see all the huge glaring faults of Diablo 3 because I'm such a blizzdrone and enjoy paying them to fuck my ass

Because for how many problems PoE has, I can still have fun with it and not in DIII

and PoE is free

>shit art design
>non existent atmosphere, where diablo 1 & 2 mastered that craft
>no attempt at real horror or terror involved
>generic music, which is something Blizzard never does despite all their faults
>bland gameplay
>classes no one asked for, monk and witch doctor really?
>retarded angel storyline
>stat fillers that are reprehensible

It's really just a glib affair.
Blizzard hasn't made a good game since 06',

Luckily people have realized what has made the Diablo franchise good in the first place.

Games like Path of Exile and Grim Dawn are good replacements.

They mention both in Diablo 2 and 3 that "The wanderer/Aidan" was hero/adventurer/King Leoric's eldest son


i bought and played the game for one week in January for the d1 event when it was 10 bucks. I think this game is ass, but ok I'm a blizzdrone because you said so

That sounds more true to Diablo2 with trading

>>there is still such a retarded thing as a main stat restricting character customization
That's a power creep problem. Stats in D2 just dictate what piece of gear you can equip, so the difference is minimal. The power creep is a real problem however.
>>you cannot allocate stat points and all of it comes from equipment
Paragon points. Not that is truly matters before GR 95.
>>a barbarian still can't equip a bow
Because the entire barb gameplay revolves around the barbarian hitting things and getting hit in melee. That's how he get his resource, that's how he uses his skills.

>lack of character builds

I hate the music in D3, but partly because I would make love to Matt Uelmen's guitar if given the chance.

Diablo 3 music just goes full generic horror fantasy without him there. I'm no music expert so I can't say where or how it went wrong, just that the heavy base and more rattling kind of sound to 1 and 2 make it feel more like music for exploring the unknown, rather than exploring a hallway.

I actually liked Diablo 3 too aside from the music, at least when I tried it recently. Tal Rasha's set for life.

The story was very boring, as was the gameplay. Diablo 1 felt so original back in the day, and 2 had tremendous replay value. 3 just felt like a warcraft spin off, like everything else blizzard makes these days. That being said I didn't hate it, and I do go back and play every now and then.

BioWare shat itself worse.

Blizzard still has droves of fanbois regardless of all the mistakes they've made with Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo; BioWare has none left.

It's sort of funny nuBlizzard shit up all three of the pillars that made Blizzard famous, though.

>heavy base

wew I'm retarded

>Because the entire barb gameplay revolves around the barbarian hitting things and getting hit in melee. That's how he get his resource, that's how he uses his skills.

Yes, now you discovered why that design sucks and its wow-lite.

D2 had freedom, you could create all these werid builds like melee/poison necromancer, lycantrophy barb(from item), ranged barb and the likes.

D3 is dumbed down drivel, so console babbies wont get confused by so many choices.

I can understand that there is gonna be some tonal shifts in the music because the setting is not the same because you're fighting angels in Reaper of Souls, but I think it's pretty good.


youtu.be/c0xaDZavpDw The buildup of this song is pretty cool too

It's called Path of Exile.

>you could create all these werid builds like melee/poison necromancer, lycantrophy barb(from item), ranged barb and the likes.
That wasn't because you could use every weapon that was because + x class skill benefited other classes. It's why everyone and their mother had a teleport stick if not enigma

>instead of earning your stripes, you can just buy it, since your proof of merit is attached to your clothes and not the individual
>all the fixes are included in the DLC which you must pay for
>I enjoy not having freedom and taking whatever chewed leftovers my masters give me
>Because the entire Warrior gameplay revolves around the Warrior hitting things and getting hit in melee. That's how he gets his resource, that's how he uses his skills.
>I-it's not WoW, I swear!

yeah yeah, I know PoE isn't lazy with pushing out content, but it has other problems, but I'm not here to discuss that

Pick related.

Diablo 3s problem was that it was made for people who only knew Blizzard from WoW instead of the people who loved D1 and D2. It has almost nothing in common with those games except for names like Deckard Cain etc. I fucking hate neo-Blizzards cartoony art style.

you literally can't make a melee sorceress or necromancer in d3, those classes can ONLY be "use laser on man" and "summon pets and debuff"

in d2 if either class finds gear with a bunch of energy (for skills) or bonus melee damage they can use it. in D3 every item is either specifically for you (because every class has their own resource and super limited focus that means they only care about 1-2 stats) or it''s for someone else and you're supposed to trade it on the ebay auction house

the appeal of diablo 2 at it's core is getting loot, D3 fucks with this fundamental part of the game so throughly the game can never be saved no matter how many times they backpedal mechanics or update it

And I personally like the concept. That means the class you pick has meaning. Which is not to say it is without fault, but rather that I enjoy the idea of a specific character with a defined gameplay.

On the market, D3 is the most fun to play (and only play since theorycrafting is minimal) Grim Dawn is closest to D2.
And PoE is copying D3 with every new update. Which is hilarious.

>>instead of earning your stripes, you can just buy it, since your proof of merit is attached to your clothes and not the individual
Again, power creep. Also, due to that every build becomes a glass cannon beyond a certain level in Torment/GR.
>>all the fixes are included in the DLC which you must pay for
What fixes did I mention?
>>I enjoy not having freedom and taking whatever chewed leftovers my masters give me
I enjoy good gameplay, even when it has many faults. Its a decent time sink.
>>Because the entire Warrior gameplay revolves around the Warrior hitting things and getting hit in melee. That's how he gets his resource, that's how he uses his skills.
>>I-it's not WoW, I swear!
I never played WoW, and I fail to see the problem.

Not that guy, but yeah, they screwed up with Diablo 3, we know it, blizzard knows it, and most d3 players know it, but the game can be pretty fun although flawed

>all the gore and grimdark aspects get undermined by the overall brightness and tone
>locales are way too busy (spike traps in the middle of the walkways in the halls of misery for example)
>terrible god awful dialogue that bludegens you over the head
>given a lot of abilities but only able to use a handful, builds made around sets rather than skills
I played at release and played a bit more when it was on sale and it's way better, but it still doesn't feel like Diablo.

p much this, the start of a season is the only enjoyment left to be had in d3

It took a long time before they did anything like a lycantrophy barb. Took a long time before a lot of the rune words or even elite unique items. Diablo 2 was a very different game before synergies, and again a different feeling game for casters before cool downs were implemented.

Cool down patch is still stupid, can't flood a room with fire walls like in D1.

>good gameplay
>I never played WoW, and I fail to see the problem.

D3 has no depth but the combat is fluid, looks nice, sounds nice, and feels fucking good.

PoE has a ton of depth but the combat is ass, looks ass, sounds ass, and feels mediocre.

D3 is a casual feel good ARPG that should only be played during Seasons start and then benched for real ARPGs like PoE/D2 until the next Season starts.

There is one thing that really annoys me in general when it comes to ARPGs is that you never attack with your weapon. The baseline is spell spamming. I feel like you should still do "normal" attacks for the majority of the time.

- The game was polished to a level where I lost all shape.
- Itemization is "moar of moar"
- Players effectively are in different games, even if they are side by side, because of private drops and no trading.
- shitty UI
- no necro with 40 minions running around.

But it does. The production value is high and it shows.

And I yet again fail to see a problem with a fighter getting better at fighting by hitting things. Enlighten me