>Favorite characters
>Favorite part of the game
>Who is best girl

Other urls found in this thread:


Anything involving Terra

>whole game

Also FF7 is objectively better.

Sabin, Mog
Dunno. The whole game's amazing

ff7 is overrated as fuck

Not really. FF7 is the best in the series. Reason why everybody loves it so much and it gets to be remade.
Where is FF6 remake?

ff7 is overrated

Is Terra the Fuuka Yamagishi of the Final Fantasy universe?

>Favorite characters
Locke with genji glove, offering, and 2 atma weapons
>Favorite part of the game
Finding all the hidden rooms and "secrets" after a bunch of exploring on my own
>Who is best girl
Celes only because Terra gets super boring after Leo

fuck off with your garbage shitflinging about which game is more buzzword

>Favorite characters
Terra, Locke, Celes, Shadow, Sabin, Edgar, Cyan. I know that seems like too many for favorite but I cared a lot for these characters. I even liked Gogo for just being a mute guy that decides to join you. Found it quite funny that he was the guy I was playing as through Cyans dream too.
>Favorite part of the game
Whole game. A lot of good moments
>Who is best girl

Why is FF6 so good?


Daily reminder that FFVII is not even in the top 3 best FF & FFVI is the best FF

It does a lot of things right in terms of story and gameplay for a 2D FF.

It's aged really well too, but SE completely forgot about it.

FF9 is overrated and I thought FF7 got the right level of everything. FF5 is still the best

How do we fix FF6?

The whole cast is great
Sabin's adventure

>He plays the android version.

>very ambitious story for its time, almost feeling cinematic
>"For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like a painter using crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel in FFVI."
>huge cast
>beautiful art style
>that fucking opera scene

It's truly one of the best games of all time.

I wish SE forgot about it honestly
would have been better than this zombie parading around in its corpse

>Terra, Gogo, Sabin
>suplexing a train, too many great story moments to count tho

Terra, Relm in certain expanded material
Difficult to pick one spot, but the approach to Vector when you first get the airship is pretty amazing.
Terra. I ship her with Sabin. It works surprisingly well.

then the Genesis sound engine must have been like a painter using chalk and nails on a chalkboard

how's that for ASMR

get out

and never come back

Sabin, Edgar, Cyan
Kefka's ascension at the floating continent

-best music in the whole series
-story actually has loss in it that makes sense
-you CAN change the ending by getting a few characters murdered. such as Shadow
>characters have motivation. Sabin hates the Empire for murdering his father and wants to see it destroyed. Unlike a CERTAIN GAME where NONE of the characters have any motivation whatsoever to do bloody anything

Good taste

Relm, Terra, Sabin, Cyan
Imperial MagiTek Factory

you dont remake classics like Citizen Kane

by remaking it you are saying the original did things wrong.

How do you go from this youtube.com/watch?v=PqtOWpNAs48 to...



This. youtube.com/watch?v=-O-9U_QKhgA

>From finding Terra to waking her up. It is such a cool chain of events. The opera sequence is unique and doesn't overstay its welcome and the Magitek Factory is such a crazy place. You finally have some Espers and now that almost every character has been introduced, the cast feels like they finally have some agency and can finally get around to saving the world. The magitek factory has several different paths to go through and converges just in time for 3 boss fights, during which you gain a ton of new espers. My favorite part of World of Balance, easily.
>mechanically, Terra beats the other two. Trance is useful, unlike Runic and buggy Sketch. Green hair best hair.


In order: Edgar, Terra, Kefka, Shadow, Gogo, Sabin, Cyan and Gau. I actively love/like every PC and NPC besides Celes, Matron and Cid. To be direct, I find VI's NPCs peerless in the series.

Kids aren't afraid of Terra


Kefka, because he's as intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor as myself

Phantom Train, Emperor's Dinner


>Where is FF6 remake?
there's already been a few

Terra, Celes, Edgar, Cyan
Probably the split, specifically Sabins part of it

Sabin and Clyde
The whole world apocalypse thing, seeing the world you explored get torn apart from the escaping magic; then waking up in a blasted sundered world with a dying Cid looking after you then you try to commit suicide since everything seems to be dying

lol never again will there be a game on a nintendo console where the character tries to kill themselves

best FFVI theme?

-Expand on Kefka's background more so he's not just HATEHATEHATE because he was experimented on.
-Clarify a lot of interactions between Celes and Locke/the party during magitek and the floating continent. It felt like dialogue was missing to explain why she was still willing to listen to Kefka.
-Give Umaro a reason to exist.
-Have Gau actually interact with the party members after Sabin's scenario. The hidden scene is more of an easter egg than a part of the main story.
-(personal preference) Turn Locke and Terra's Scenario at Thamasa be a split scenario where we also play as the remaining party members at Vector who get backstabbed by the empire. There's a huge potential for an entire scenario of everyone escaping out of Vector's prison, confronting Kefka, Leo, and Gesthal before they escape, and rushing towards Thamasa to meet with Locke and Terra but getting delayed somehow so that Kefka makes it there first. The Two scenarios rejoin when Kefka invades Thamasa.

-Make the esper leveling system more flexible so that minmaxing your characters doesn't involve a low-level playthrough up to Zozo.
-The obvious fixes for the Evade bug, sketch glitch, psycho Cyan, and vanish/doom or x-zone
-Revamp Cyan's swordtechs so Cyan is actually useable besides the psycho Cyan glitch.
-Make Terra's transform not requiring grinding to recharge so people actually use it.

-Don't let SE touch the game ever again, as already incriminates their incompetence.
-If an actual graphical overhaul is to happen, it should still stay in 2D or at the very most low-poly 3D. I'd personally like drawn sprites kinda like what Skullgirls/Indivisible does, but not in their art style.
-Keep the music the fucking same. Even changing the instruments from the SNES soundchip would be a disaster.

Honestly looking at the fan art of the bitches is more fun than actually playing the games
Post lewds

>tfw no wolf partymember

>I'm Lone Wolf, the thief!

Technically Interceptor.

>>Favorite characters
Sabin, Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Celes
>>Favorite part of the game
That part where you're fighting off all those empire soldiers in the mountain place, Zozo, Magitek Factory, Kefka's Tower
>Who is best girl

Why are FFVI fags eternally butthurt over VII? Hell I even prefer 6 to 7.

How is Shadow's dog so fucking strong? It can tear through giant monsters and machines like butter.

living in the shadow of your older and more successful brother does that to people

Mog, Edgar, Celes, Strago
When you first get the Falcon in the WoR and Searching for Friends starts playing

Decent audio and visuals. I found it OK. Big step down in gameplay quality after V though.

That image is missing the text box with the moogle telling you what youre supposed to do next for highest possible disgrace levels

even I have standards, man

Celes' scene on the ledge, after you enter World of Ruin. i cry evrytiem

>he let cid die
truly deplorable

What's the best way to play FF6 with a good translation?

I know hacks fix the palette of the gba version, but the music and sound are horrible in the gba.

>not liking the original Ted Woolsey translation
it's like you just want FF6 to be an anime instead of having any charm

awesome, thanks for posting that

Just started playing recently. Really loving it so far.
>Favorite characters
Sabin and Edgar
>Favorite part of the game
I know I haven't even gotten to the great stuff, but the Ultros fight was a lot of fun.
>Who is best girl

Is the GBA version good?

You're in for a nice comfy game, user.

Sabin, Mog, Gogo
The part where Relm is trapped in a housefire

>the Ultros fight
that's cute

you need to patch the shit out of it if you want the palette and sound to be tolerable

This. The original is way more captivating.

>game is zoomed in on the GBA version despite not being letterboxed
why did they do this?

>tfw we will never get a ff6 remaster with the artstyle of yoshitaka amano translated in 3D

i want it to happen

>Most of them
>Getting the airship
>Can't pick.

>with the artstyle of yoshitaka amano translated in 3D
Do you not realize how much of a convoluted mess that would be? They couldn't even use his artstyle for the 2D version aside from monster designs, character portraits, and some backgrounds.

Nomura tried to capture the Amano style when working on Dissidia. But even then, I'd agree with you that it'll probably looks like a mess. Amano designs work best as flowery 2d works.

Sabin for Dissidia.


FF6 has enough characters to be its own fighting game.
>never ever

Nomura's redesign of Terra is not good. She literally is making the same expression as Cloud with the same cocked head.

>Favourite characters
Why, that'd be Kefka, of course.
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.

>The YM2612 sounds bad
Good joke.