Tfw MGS4 is the only MGS game with operator vibe

>tfw MGS4 is the only MGS game with operator vibe
>want to play it so bad but can't be bothered to buy a whole PS3 just for it
kill me lads

post shit you really want but you'll never get

inb4 700 posts of "just watch it on youtube its a MOVIE XD"

>tfw MGS4 is the only MGS game with operator vibe
What? Did you play the Tanker chapter of MGS2? Did you play any of MGS3?

What the fuck is "operator vibe"? You mean the operator pistol? Other MGS games have cool guns too, you can thank Motosada Mori for that.

PS3s are dirt cheap nowadays though. I got mine for $100 canadabux for MGS4 and that was maybe 4 years ago.

Mgs4 sucks tho

i'm talking about 5.11 crye tacticool tier operator, not james bond cold war tier

A PS3 is $100 and that game is at least $20, $30 tops

It's the only reason why I bought mine until I picked up Yakuza 4

still haven't beat MGS4 lmao

>can't be bothered to buy a whole PS3 just for it
Buy it for the MGS Legacy Collection + Demon's Souls.

BAM! instant 9 games, for next to no money.

>A PS3 is $100 and that game is at least $20, $30 tops
4€ in my local GS. Just visited one for shit & giggles yesterday; they're trying to get rid of PS3 games now.

I got the Legacy collection for 35€ when it was brand new. The HD collections are going for few buckaroos nowadays too.

I bought a whole PS3 just for the MGS Legacy Collection like four years ago.
I can't be bothered to turn it on whenever I feel like playing a PS3 game so I'm patiently waiting for RPCS3 to get good. Can't wait to play DeS in 4K

>the only MGS game with operator vibe

MGSV my man

also mgs4 was never a good game

>tfw no VR missions in MGS4.
I love(d) 4's engine. Textures may look a bit dated now, but the character models still look fucking fantastic. And it had tons of cool shit gameplay-wise that V removed, like the slow inchworm crawl. V even removed crawling on stairs, which 4 can do.

Look at this retard here

I know it's a meme, but you are really not missing much by just watching it on youtube

it's a really good watch though honestly

>also mgs4 was never a good game
It was always a good game, and BTFO of V in all possible ways.

please drink some acid.

>with operator vibe

what the fuck does this even mean

every character you play in all the games is an elite special operations special operator

>It was always a good game, and BTFO of V in all possible ways.

no, V is the game 4 wanted to be and 4 has too many damn cutscenes

>i'm american and i dont properly read the post, the post

MGS4 was a mistake.

i, too, really really really really really want to play MGS4 on a PC with a keyboard and mouse

And V had too little cut scenes

So ... I am not honestly that good at sneaking around, but I really like the idea of having to manage a merc company in 5. Since it keeps talking about the original mother base blowing up, is the merc side of the game done better in other games? Or at all?


mgsv is fucking good. wish it were moddable though, that's a major factor in a game like that. I want enemies with semi-realistic vision, many more sentries at most of the outposts, more patrols (i've only seen the patrols on the roads of 2 guys, and they are sparse)

if mods like this exist, point us in the direction

I was talking about USD PS Store price she but yeah man if you get it physically games are like two dollars and an apple

MGSV is the best for that if you're looking for operator super ultra tacticool gameplay

4 is too bloated with inane bullshit

>is the merc side of the game done better in other games? Or at all?

no it didn't

Why did kojima make snake suffer so much?


i wish we got a longer GZ instead of the unfinished 2deep4u garbage that is TPP

and real guns.

>MGS4 hypes weapon customization
>half-assed as hell, many guns only have one attachment, some have none

>MGSV hypes weapon customization
>actually delivers

>i'm talking about 5.11 crye tacticool tier operator

you mean space man shit bro?

i restarted my save when I got to chapter 2, so I haven't played these yet. Are they just on the platforms though?

>MGSV hypes weapon customization
>all you ever need is a tranq sniper rifle and rocket launcher

TPP controls feel much more smooth and refined as opposed to GZ.

It's basically the ultimate point of the game

Thats already one more weapon needed than most games in the series.

Yeah but I suppose if you try to invade someone autistic enough, they will have had their cameras and other anti intruder shit setup manually with zones and so on.

Until you meet the guys in the fuck off suits, yeah.

Do the battles/missions take place on the equivalent of the motherbase platforms? I suppose I could just youtube gameplay of it, but that requires opening a new tab. Plz respond

>MGO is back next month
MY DICK. Also, MGS4 had the best MGS gameplay but the campaign had like no time to actually enjoy it since it was 80% cutscenes

Damn senpai. You can get used ps3s for like $40 from gamestop here in the land of the free.


>yfw it is possible that MGSV intended to have a mission editor and you could have been playing custom missions set up and shared by other users similar to the online combat deployments


Those 2 alone make it worth it. Hundreds of hours guaranteed. Also grab up the Resistance trilogy for one of the best FPS experiences ever.

>MGSV hypes weapon customization
>Spend fund licencing shit music instead of real guns
>Frankenstein gun glitch
>Having to wait several real life hours to develop the next upgrade to your gun
>No whacky end game guns
>No reason to use lethal weapons since knocking out everything and Fultoning it
>Actually delivers


>Frankenstein gun glitch
It got patched )^:

sounds like you're just shit at the game lol

The music might not be your cup o tea, but its hardly shit.

But the fucking endgame pokemon with A++ and S ranks is pathetic ... the fulton shit shouldnt be in the game. If you want to extract someone, you better get their ass to da choppa.

>taking rocket launcher on FOB ever

I don't mind the "fake" guns in MGSV but I wish some of them looked more (or at all) like the weapon they're supposed to represent.

For example, this thing is supposed to be an AUG (the short barrel, 9mm and MG variants give it away), even though it looks pretty much like a FAMAS.

You don't have to fulton someone if you don't wanna, and you get bigger boosts if you do extract them with the chopper

>5.11 gear = operator

A game where I can run around killing shitskins with a babyshit-green FAL while wearing daisy dukes would be infinitely more operator than some tacticool mall ninja simulator.

It's not very good.

the whole game is designed around fultoning everything you see

>bigger boosts
explain please?

Also I know I dont have to, but its pretty much expected of you. Just imagine the game without the fulton cheat. All missions just got so much harder and more interesting.

>No reason to use lethal weapons
That applies to every MGS game since 2.

Peace Walker was a good middle-ground. I loved it and think it deserves much more praise.


which is why you almost never fulton soldiers

and like I said, you get big boosts for using the chopper when you can

reminder that MGO is coming back next month on unmodded PS3s.

The whole game is designed around tackling missions the way you see fit, so you don't have to fulton anyone.

You bet a bigger Heroism and Demon point boost by extracting prisoners or puppets through the chopper for example

yeah well you don't HAVE to play the game in the first place
the point is the stupid fulton collectathon is a big part of the game

/k/ just called. They wanna talk.

and they already have missions where you're forced to use the chopper, just play that if you can't limit yourself

>You bet a bigger Heroism and Demon point boost
literally irrelevant

Rainbow six has that operator vibe.

>Game focuses on stealth
>Gives you all the guns to shoot
Fuck stealth sections in games and fuck stealth games, if you give me a gun I want to fucking use it.

demon souls is getting emulated right now, check the catalog

Just use the battle dress

Literally two fundamental mechanics of the game tho

let me guess you use the tranq all the time

You can shoot and still be stealthy user

The only time I got my horn to grow ... ehm, to any sort of size where I realized its there to, well grow, was when I was about to make some motherfucking artificial diamonds... But honestly I dont see much use for heroism and demon points, the game already gets you plenty just by playing.

Again, the game expects you to fulton half the map anyway. And the missions where the target is injured and you have to choppa them out are too few and still dont really solve the problem.

And dont get me started on the fact, that everyone joins your merry band of killers. Kojima pls.

Old Snake's design was wasted on a shitty game.

But I guess that was the point, it was a tragedy.

making your character grow a cosmetic horn is a fundamental game mechanic?

If it's any consolidation, only the first two chapters have that feel. The rest of the game sucks.

MGS4 is based on sneaking in a battlefield. Enemies won't notice you shooting them when they're busy shooting at other people. Plus MGS has boss fights where you can use the weapons too.

>a ps3 still almost 300 dollars in my shithole of q country

Kill me

You lose your camo index as demon snake, and yes the game does give you points by playing and gives you more the better you do

>tfw still have my launch PS3 that can play PS2 games

>all you ever need is a tranq sniper rifle and rocket launcher

You only really need a rocket launcher for the Mg S encounter.

YOu can play the entire game with the silenced shit sniper rifle... and gun

thats what i did.

>the game expects you to fulton half the map anyway

which is mostly shit like mortars and MGs

>YOu can play the entire game with the silenced shit sniper rifle

how is cutting yourself off from almost all of the loadout and ignoring FOB completely considered the entire game?

Shit I'll never get to play no matter how hard I want.
>Ace Combat 6 on the 360
>Sunset Overdrive on the xbone

>"Hey! We have established fan base and a following on this one platform. Where should we publish our next game?"
>"Oh I know! On the other platform only!"

In that case going demon is something to be avoided, but as I said, I never got nearly enough points to be in danger of getting the demon shit and I killed basically anything that wasnt A++ or S rank.

I suppose harsher punishment for just headshotting everyone with AM sniper rifle might make the game more interesting.

the tools you use to complete the game are not the game and neither is some shitty tacked on pseudo multiplayer mode

what the fuck.
ps3s are 30 bucks.
mgs4 is like 5.
Nigger just go without eating for a day and youll have it

>tfw you had so much hero points that you developed a nuke and still had an angelic halo

>MGSV hypes weapon customization
>all you ever need is a silenced tranq rocket launcher sniper revolver.

>only I can say what counts

pretty sure weapon selection is considered part of the game dood and FOB has the best gameplay so I fail to see how you could consider it shitty

What a garbage game mode. It was a broken unbalanced mess that had to get its missing content patched into it months later.

Sniper rifle was cheating. I used a 1* Tranq gun for nearly the entire game.

Nothing he said was related to how well you play. You cans use skill to wait faster.

You can use cheatengine to do that.

They improved it and you still find a way to spin it into a negative, just hilarious

who plays a single player story-driven game months after completing it? oh, metal gear autists, I dont even need to ask

Improved it? Its still shit.

>mfw MGSV controls where a big step back from 4, can't slowly worm your way around, can't strangleride guards etc
>mfw weapons feel in 4 is sublime, mainly the god tier sound
>mfw in 5 weapons feel so bad
>mfw MGO2 is coming back to unmodded PS3 in a month