Alan Wake

Will we ever get a sequel to this? Just replayed it and loved it even more, especially the OST:

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Phil spencer confirmed they don't have any with remedy anymore.

Here's how it could've been tho

Any deal***

>Will we ever get a sequel to this?

Sorry, but no.

Love this game so much, but no, so be it.

Aww that's a travesty, I mean I understand that Microsoft doesn't deal with them anymore since their games just don't sell and Quantum Break wasn't that good but still, that prototype looks so promising.

It's a beautiful game, sad that Remedy is creating F2P MP games now by pretending that that fad isn't already over

It's my favorite Remedy game, i hope that they will come back to it at some point.

I'm pretty sure Remedy owns the rights to Alan Wake so they could get another publisher to fund it for them. I'm pretty happy if Remedy are moving away from Microsoft actually. They deserve better than to be shackled to them. Though it could end up that Remedy just fades away but I hope not.

>their games just don't sell
Gee I wonder why a PC game that becomes a 360 exclusive and a game only released on the Xbone and Windows 10 initially don't sell.

I loved the first game and I don't feel like it needs a sequel.

This to be honest. Part of me wants a sequel just to relive that feeling of initially going through the game.

I think something with a similar vibe to it or a spiritual successor would be great.

Silent Hills never ever

It was pretty but the gameplay blew - especially the combat.

Would have been way better as a walking simulator, and I mean that.

It ended on a pretty mean cliffhanger

the game part of qb was awesome tho

True, the gameplay was great but I didn't like the story or the godawful characters which normally are Remedy's strong suit.

I just classified is as a "main character has saved the day but is eternally fucked" ending.

The game's concept really doesn't have enough steam to fuel an equally good sequel. I'll defend AW until the day I die, I even liked the combat because it was satisfying, if repetitive, but the story has nowhere meaningful to go.

Scratch that, there is always American Nightmare, but AW's setting and Twin Peaks influences were 90% of what grabbed me. Change of setting completely destroys it for me.

>I just classified is as a "main character has saved the day but is eternally fucked" ending.
Not if you count the dlc. If it was just the original ending I'd agree with you.
Also American Nightmare is non-canon, thankfully.

>Not if you count the dlc.
Didn't he swap places with his wife at the end?
>Also American Nightmare is non-canon, thankfully.
yeah but it's a fun twist on the formula

>Didn't he swap places with his wife at the end?
In the main game yes, but there are two dlcs which play in the dark place and are about Alan working his way out the lake. It stops just before he achieves that though.

Sam said there is plot for two sequels and it will happen some day.

Alan Wake is one of my absolutely favourite games, I'll NEVER stop being mad that they scrapped this , it looks great!