Do you have high hopes for Death Stranding?

Do you have high hopes for Death Stranding?

Kojima has never been artistically free under konami, now he has the space to spread his wings and truly create a masterpiece

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being artistically creative doesn't mean you can make fun gameplay.

We'll see if Kojima can really do it.

After MGSV I couldn't give less of a shit about Kojimbo's next projects.

This. It's literally just idea guy.

George Lucas had full reign during the prequels and look how they turned out.

Also this. Hiring B-movie talent only makes me care less.

Kojima didn't really have anyone tell him "no" after MGS3, so 4 and Peace Walker at least were fully his. Konami probably only put their foot down after MGSV took so long. It's also worth noting that Kojima WAS Konami; he was the vice president of their video game division.
I honestly have no high hopes for DS, it sounds like some run of the mill third person shooter with some pretentious marketing jargon thrown around about it.

Is this game coming to PC? And if so, can you post a source for your answer? I only have a small passing interest in the game but I might be convinced to buy it if it comes to PC

Stop putting Joost in these you degenerate, she's literally not in the fucking game

>all those actors
>all in one game
Kojima is overrated now. He's a complete hack. Normies will fall for this meme.

without fukushima his games are shit

gonna be good movie.

Kojima's never made a good movie, don't lie.

I had one friend that told me that if kojima would spend the rest of his time making trailers like the ones for death stranding he would be fine with it.

I just can't believe it, kojimadrones are some of the most diehard delusional autist ever.

Why do game directors think that having to look at movie actors in game is something people want? Why the fuck would I want to play a dystopic futuristic game and have to look at people I know from real life which often deters from my involvement with the characters.

>Why do game directors think that having to look at movie actors in game is something people want?
Any other examples? Only Kojimbo seems to do this in this day and age.

Call of Duty, uhh, that's about it

Is that slut confirmed for Stranding too?

Mgs V tpp was "look guys im fucking this girl"

DS is "guys i love movies and im gay for Mads, did i told you i love movies?"

>Madds mikkelsen
>b movie talent

Get fucked

Call of duty, star citizen, quatum break, this. Probably more that I can't remember rtight now

He's also surrounded by a bunch of yes man. He probably thinks MGS 5 was a good game because of all the praise it got.

its coming to PS4 and PC. not xbox

Beyond Two Souls

I think it's funny how much hype there is surrounding this game when we know literally nothing about it.

We've got two extremely ambiguous trailers, ZERO gameplay, and literally nothing else.

How can I be excited for something when I don't even know WHAT THE FUCK IT IS?

We actually do know what kind of game it will be; Kojima has described it as a third person shooter "like Uncharted or The Division".

Sweet. How long do you guys think until it's released ?


So then, hey, we DO know something, that's neat.

We now know that Kojima really IS just a one-trick pony. That's a dubious comfort.

Late 2018, early 2019
At the soonest

It's gonna be shit, Kojima games have good gameplay some times, he has no talent as writer or movie director.
But somehow he thinks he is good at it and keep making retarded plots and scenes.

I can't name these actors. Why even bother when money could be spent elsewhere?

its not much money, most of them are kojima's freinds

Is Joost involved? *sigh* Goddammit.
He's gonna insert another shitty character into a game because of his raging hard-on for that Dutch whore.

>Do you have high hopes for Death Stranding?
Not until I see gameplay. Otherwise it could turn out to be a pretentious conveyor-belt walking simulator.

I sense your jealousy from here pal.

I trust him, MGS never had bad gameplay, even 4 as short as it was, was fun to play.

>another shitty character
her character was the best one in MGS5

>Do you have high hopes for Death Stranding?
Not really. A game that appears to focus on movie celebrities instead of gameplay by a dude who appears to enjoy the smell of his own farts. Movie stars are completely irrelevant in games, I honestly don't give a fuck who a character is voiced by or whose appearance the character was modeled from as long as the VA is good and the model is good in general. Looking like some celebrity doesn't matter at all.

I'm sure it's going to be very cinematic.

Kojima is given way too much freedom, he's basically video games George Lucas

Kojimba took out Konami's engineers and artists

>run of the mill
I'm not saying the game is definitely gonna turn out good, but at least we're in for some weird shit, so i'm interested

Kojima is the Quentin Tarantino of vidya: if there isn't a producer to keep a tight reign on him, he turns out shit.

The guy burnt $20M of Konami's money on an engine that couldn't used for anything else, blew a massive wad of money licensing music for flavor, and still couldn't pack his story into his extremely generous development budget. By all rights, he deserved to be shitcanned.

is hideo working on the game as well?

Hideo is DEAD

The Phantom Hideo is stuck in a Konami owned hospital in Japan. Kojima set him up so he could escape. The next time they meet won't be as friends

Instead of paying for over 30-40 unused songs payed for death stranding will have over 100 unused songs payed for! Truly Kojima is ahead of his times

It was Kojima who died.

I want to see how Hideo can even hold up this project now that the peanut butter to is jam is gone.