I can't believe they spend resources on programming this in.
I can't believe they spend resources on programming this in
Other urls found in this thread:
Programming what in?
>don't mind me, just programming this painting
new metal gear looks pretty good.
you'd prefer she be naked underneath?
Did you take a photo of your screen?
Yes, that was quicker.
dont be a faggot it got the job done
imagine to be she big pusy slave mm big pusy
>muh feminism
>muh vagina
>Ya'll nibbers mind if I PROGRAM this texture? EHEHEHE I am so programming right now. Haha lol amirite??? Fug drump go bak to \pol\
Get your eyes checked. We're talking about the firecrotch vulva you can see through the underwear
>Someone in the dev team had to make the texture for that
Just imagine slaving away trying to make the piss stains just right.
>He actually believes this
That's a ginger bush, not a stain.
Wait, is that red public hair and a small camel toe?
let me just program this image into your thread
Confirmed troll
Is everyone ignoring the fact they shit themselves?
>t. someone who hasn't seen a ginger bush before
Horizon Zero Dawn.
oh. I thought this was final fantasy XII hd.
man that looks shitty.
look at that navel. absolutely disgusting. this is the power of the ps4 eh?
The new Zelda game
looks like piss stain
Meanwhile at DoA...
>programming textures
What am I looking at here?
>all those illiterates who think textures get magically transfered from Photoshop to the game
You clearly don't know anything about videogames, even if you think you do.
>ignorant social retard who thinks he's smart but is completely missing the point
Video game texture artists have the purest form of autism, I can guarantee you whoever made that did it just because he could and he wanted more detail.
Ever wonder why you can never find a clean toilet in a video game and it's always covered in wide varieties of hand crafted shit stains?
>you program textures into games
Noice try m8
>i am very smart
I'm pretty sure it's just menstrual fluids
this is quite fucking disgusting.
2D > 3DPD
lmao @ u
what final fantasy game is this?
This is a shoop, r-right?
yea someone programmed it into photoshop and then into a jpg
It's almost like the entire work of UV mapping and texturing is done without involving the code at all whatsoever, then imported using a generic script or function of the game engine. A for effort though.
Is it possible to get a picture of her backend, or is it obscured by clothes?
what is it?
Op here. It's possible but not easy, you need to "glitch" through her clothes. Takes some tries to w ork. I'm not home right now but will post em when back.
It's not really thicc btw.
Let's see:
Nora armpits: hairy wild
Nora Bush: hairy wild
Carja pits: hairy trimmed
Carja bush: hairy stylized
Oseram pits: hairy/ sometimes trimmed
Oseram bush: thick/hairy and sometimes lightly trimmed
Banuk pits: hairy
Banuk bush: thick hairy
Utaru pits: medium hairy
Utaru bush: hairy trimmed
Shadow Carja pits: light hair
Shadow Carja bush: light hair/bare shaved
PS4 wons again
Is that her bush?
I'm a fan of Nora/Banuk
Carja master race
So is it her bush or just dirty panties because of her fluids?
That's her bush, my dudes.
>hunting day by day without rest and bathing
In my head both are canon
By having an MC so unattractive that her pussy is literally encased in spiderwebs?
How long until Tumblr riots
wat gaem
Aloy is 1 or 7
Imagine her wrestling you to the ground and pinning your arms down as she straddles you, grinding down on you harder and harder every time you tried to push against her. Then she loosens up on purpose and lets you overpower her so she can pretend to be the submissive damsel in distress, her hot breath radiating across your neck as you put your entire body into desperately trying to hold her down, her strong frame alternating between slowly gyrating and suddenly bucking you every once in a while just to remind you that you aren't really in control.
It'd be gross, right? Haha.
Zac Efron?
>weave vag hair into full blown undies
So progressive
Nah I can confirm for him that it's Zac Efron.
I can see it
Really disgusting. Like, who would even want that? Certainly not me, haha.
I was right
>in reality the devs gave aloy visible pubes, child bearing hips that sway like the tide, and thighs that could crush a watermelon
Sup Forums btfo once again
Doesn't even look like pubes. More like Diarrhea.
She looks like a mix of Zac Efron and Dave Fanco.
He looks like a girl anyway.
I made this shoop a few days ago thinking the same thing.
What are you doing in this thread mr. marketer?
I want to fuck a Horizon sheboon warrior. Or be fucked by one, whatever.
Anyone else?
Oh, right, because when making a base low-poly model, followed by sculpting it, followed by UV-mapping it, followed by texturing it, followed by rigging it and then followed by animating it contains actual programming or scripting. It might, but in most cases, only on the consumer level - you use the scripts someone else made, not the other way around.
Could you be any more stupid?
Yeah, an ugly girl.
Nah, Petra did it for me.
t. doesn't know shit about game programming.
you belong on /fit/ my man. Sup Forums only likes other men
What is this? A disgusting bushy vag?
No Way Fag
/fit/ doenst like manlets
My dream
How does would a female be considered a manlet?
You mean a sexy hairy muff
I imagine the Shadow Carja having their pubes in some sort of hawk design
Anything below six feet.
Fuuuuuuuck, those Abs 10/10
Wow. Well put.
You're a fucking idiot. And whoever else keeps screeching that it's "fire bush".
It's menstrual fluids. If this isn't painfully obvious to you, that's your virgin showing. Anyone who's ever had a girlfriend and seen her panties knows what that is. Girls don't just know when their period is going to start by the minute. They get stained from the little bit in the beginning, over time. It's nasty, and you bet your ass they wanted you to find this. Welcome to feminism in gaming.
That is genuinely disgusting. I think I've become even more gay, thanks
>hey john you working on those in game paintings yet?
>yea shaun, 'bout to finish one up right now
print "painting of man next to tree"
>nice work john, just 5 more to go, coffee brakes in 10 minutes so you should be able to print the rest before then
>sweet shaun let me get right to it
>in highschool years ago sitting across from a girl
>she stands up
>crotch area red and bloody even through her jeans
>she gasps drawing everyone's attention right to her
I wanted to puke
I just realized Petra is probably the only character that shows cleavage in this game. Are there any other female npcs with their tits out?
Why does a robot need pubes?