Anything about this game you are looking forward to ?
Mass Effect Andromeda Thread
when its on sale for 5.99
At least you push this bitch off you.
This game is going to be amazing and Sup Forums will be BTFO yet again
I am looking forward to it being the final nail in Bioshits coffin.
when has Sup Forums ever been wrong?
Looking forward to the glitch and bad animation compilations
Sup Forums is always wrong
Laughing at it on Sup Forums when it's released.
There isn't even going to be any good porn. None of the characters are attractive enough.
The only thing I was looking forward to was gay Krogan sex and its not in the game.
Not even worth a pirate.
Laughing at how bad it is.
I'm looking forward to EA finally putting down Bioware, like it has to so many of the developers it consumed. Does that count?
>record scratch
Name one (2) times Sup Forums has EVER been wrong.
FFXIII is the only I can think about. Bashing Chrono Cross is only from a vocal minority I believe.
Potential new memes. That bout' it.
The new Doom game. Everyone thought it was going to be absolute garbage. Even if you think it's been modernised too much, it's still a functional shooter.
Sup Forums trashed FF13 and a vocal minority of FFfags defended it as the saviour of FF.
Crowbcat's video when it's released.
From what I hear those ayyliens are supposed to be really attractive right? Then why does she look like Shrek, is she supposed to be the retarded one?
Torrenting I guess, can't think of anyone else.
Being told by """""journalists""""" how amazing the game is, being shamed by said people for not buying it, and laughing as they get their panties in a knot when people show just how objectively bad the game is going to be.
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In fairness its not hard to see why. It looked so slow and boring when they first revealed it to the public and the multiplayer looked even worse. Plus the game was in dev hell for 8 years and it had a review embargo, people were understandably skeptical.
That said the final product is heavily flawed but still enjoyable. If they make a sequel that just gets rid of the kinks to it I could get a real kick out of it.
I'm looking for bad reviews to laugh at retards who fell for SJWare.
The Liam loyal mission sold me the game.
bad animations, bad companion AI
Okay, but seriously. Where is the batarian squad mate?
yes! To not buying it
The shit storms it will cause on Sup Forums like Mass Effect 3 did.
So it's confirmed that you can't give squadmates guns or armor. Their stats just scale with their level. Everyone fucking hated this in DA2 I don't know why they think it's a good idea now.
someone else screencapped this too eh? was also gonna use this as a reaction image but decided mine was too low res
Why do you even care about batarians.
Why does anyone care about batarians, they're a shit race.
Can you at least customize armor appearance?
They're the Cardassians of Mass Effect.
only ryder and MP characters.
Well, fuck.
This game gets better every second
Multiplayer if it's just an expanded 3's
I just really hope the multiplayer's alright.
If SOMEHOW they manage to make it worse, this game will have no redeeming qualities
Sara's sex scenes