Haha piratefags! Nier: Automata has Denuvo! You're doomed now, freetards! Go play your shit indie games then, you third world retards!
Where is your savior now?
Do you want me to tell you the lecture?
Nier: Automata uses Denuvo!
This is good to hear!
You mean crackednuvo?
Good tbqh
Less pirates leeching of the industry the better
lel how about last time when it got cracked in two weeks, TWO WEEKS LMAO.
Just after what? 8 months after a game's release?
literally 2 weeks retard.
neo-Sup Forums needs to be burned to the ground
nothing but perma-triggered trumptards and literal anti-piracy shills circlejerking as far as the eye can see
Does this matter at all if I already pre-purchased it? I'll just download the cracked version afterwards for archival purposes
Yeah I remembered when Mankind Divided was released last week.
Stop this.
Denuvo in its current state is perfect, to be honest.
It holds up a week or two, long enough so that publishers can't claim that sales were butchered by piracy, but not so long that the game is forgotten before its cracked.
For example: RE7 was cracked too soon and publishers can use that as an excuse to justify not porting games in the future, regardless of whether it actually affected sales or not.
But Tales of Berseria was cracked right at the perfect time in which people were still talking about it and had me interested, but not so much to the point where I would consider buying it.
That being said I already have NieR pre-ordered because I want to support Yoko Taro and have convinced multiple people who were planning to pirate it to buy it as well.
I just have to wait some hours more
That was dlc. The base game was cracked way before.
Tales of Berseria was cracked literally 2 and a half weeks after release
Pre-purchasing isn't a problem on PC. If the game/port is shit you can get a refund easily.
ah, nvm then.
>what is resident evil 7
don't you have some rope somewhere? better start learning how to tie the noose.
Starve, my friend!
I pre-purchased after it was released for PS4 AND the reviews from those I trusted were positive. I wouldn't ever otherwise with the exception of discounts and extra merch like the ZTD watch, considering it's all easily refundable
>what is resident evil 7
that hard up for scraps?
why shitpost
what scraps? Denuvo is done and every crack will just be faster. I'm going to pirate this shit and you can nothing about it :^)
I do not doubt that the game is good but it could still be a shit port.
Only if you purchase through Steam.
>wait between 1 and 3 months
>pirates will be played a modded game at 4k 120 FPS, with possible lewds
>customers get fucked with their unmoddable, resolution and FPS locked "product"
In that case, I'll refund it. No harm done
t. child rapist idiot
>That being said I already have NieR pre-ordered because I want to support Yoko Taro
Then mail him a cheque
taro has already been paid for the game, squeenix is the one that gets your pre-order money
You forget that Squeenix pays YokoTaro, faggot!
This game won't be cracked for years, same as Warhammer or Hitman. And even if it gets cracked, piratecucks are still going to be cucked out of ending E, LMAO.
you can pirate whatever you want, just be sure not to cry foul when devs don't feel like porting PC releases or delay them months later.
With all the talk of Denuvo being finished, why is Total War: Warhammer still uncracked over 9 months later?
More dlcs are coming.
>Haha piratefags! Nier: Automata has Denuvo!
I'm already playing it on my PS4.
It doesn't have Denuvo.
the game fucken blows
Then good for you.
I'm a buyfag and I don't buy games infected with online DRM malware.
Call me back, when it appears on GOG.
That probably explains it.
I nearly added ">inb4 'because it sucks' ", but I figured that'd be way too bait. Personally it's one of my favorite TW games, was just surprised to find out yesterday that it hadn't been cracked yet.
but people actually pirate because of denuvo not the other way around
Oh nooo. We'll have to wait 2 extra weeks for the crack. We're so doomed~
Yoko Taro would never have gotten this opportunity if not for the new Square Enix President's motto of "every new IP deserves three entries before you can call it a failure".
No other publisher would have given NieR a sequel in this industry.
CPY will BTFO taroshill in few days, so I don't really care.
Dont you have to be connected to the internet for this game aswell? Like dark souls type shit.
You are swindled! You fell for the commiefag lies!
is the gameplay good
the demo was kinda mediocre
1 week. Cpy crack.
this is the one case where "it's shit and I wasn't gonna buy it anyway" is legit because the actual fucking director said the game isn't very good
what you're saying is that this game and probably another nier game were for sure going to be made regardless of how many copies they sell
which means I have even less reason to give one of the most evil and mismanaged companies in the industry any money
>evil company
T. Commiefag
the same director that rolled around the floor with a tshirt shouting shit square enix while wearing his skeletal mask
>But they wronged muh Nomura
Fuck off.
you misunderstand, not all companies are evil
square enix is a company that happens to be evil, but they're not even very good at it the way say, activison is.
nice strawman, I could come up with a list of shit before I even get to the mess that was ff15.
More likely an eternity if I call Interpol!
post yfw cracked within two days
These threads have totally lost their flavor and their humor lately. Drain the shitposting swamp.
Really depends on whether the pirates think it's worth cracking Denuvo to play this game. If they do, then it'll only take a month or so before the game gets cracked so that the pirates can enjoy the game. If they don't, though, then you're SOL in terms of that.
denuvo can be cracked, just takes some tme, ill wait
>download the demo
>it plays like any other generic Platinum hack n slash
you mustards really aren't missing out if you already played MGR. I'm passing on this shit.
That's every Platinum game. They're all more or less the same thing, with the bulk of them (TMNT, Korra, etc) being really bad. Bayonetta and MGR are fun, but it seems the norm for Platinum is rather mediocre quality.
As for Denuvo, it'll be cracked fast enough. Even the longest waiting times like God Eater were 2 months at max, and subsequent games have been cracked even faster.
>actual people actually arguing against piracy
if it's all just elaborate bait, it's working cuz i'm a tad triggered
>paying for games with the worst anti-consumer technology embedded for free
Who's the real cuck?
Pre-ordered just so that I can refund it on release day in outrage.
And that's where you're wrong
I hope so. Let consoles be early access beta testers while pc gets the superior version.
GTA 5 was fucking amazing for a PC gamer.
Nah, it's probably some New Uncrackable Version™, I'm calling three weeks.
>GTA 5
Prepare to get CRACKED.
I don't give a shit.
I just hope they release a demo for PC, just like Bamco did for Berseria.
I ain't buying 59,99€ worth of shit without checking it out first.
If there's no demo, I'm waiting for a crack.
>the rare reverse bait
Single player was top notch. Online was fun if you went in to it without a min/max MMO grind mindset. I heard there wasn't even online for the first several months on consoles. How sad that must've been.
>game has Denuvo
>this basically marks it as a game not worth playing when you consider all the other games that had Denuvo
Thanks I guess
MGSV was fun
Don't worry OP, I already refunded it.
My poor third world $60 have already gone into other games.
I'll find a way to pirate it anyways, feel free to stay mad
pls buy taro's game
>Single player was top notch.
Did we play the same game?
It was neither as thrilling as IV, nor as fun as SA and VC.
GTA V was a technical masterpiece, but the SP was the worst since 2.
memes aside, the only good GTAs were VC and SA.
Story was a little bit weaker, but the gameplay was way better. I stopped giving a shit about stories in videogames around 5 years ago so I guess that's why I see the game as a masterpiece.
>tfw will be playig MHXX with eng patch while CPY does their magic
Dialogue is such a huge part of the GTA SP and V was so bland and boring.
Yeah you read that right. IV had the most emotional storyline in GTA. Probably even the only really emotional one, thought VC stories wasn't bad either in that department, from what I remember.
I can wait. So no problem.
Good. I want DRMfags, poorfags and 3rdworldfags to suffer
>90% of denuvo games are cracked
>Most games disregard DRM altogether because people will still buy good games
Denuvo will surely and slowly die
How mad does this make the Poorfags ??
Indifferent. Do whatever you want with your money.
>your face when drm-free copy before release like with dragon's dogma
Laughing at you for buying it from steam when it's cheaper on gmg
why do you think anyone cares
Bought it on GMG too. Here's hoping they don't fuck up and deliver the keys on time.