>$200 CE
Pass. Day 1 for the normal edition though.
Who else hype for gambit system here?
>$200 CE
Pass. Day 1 for the normal edition though.
Who else hype for gambit system here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>All those people that were burned by the FFXV CE
I still feel their pain. All those day-three unboxing threads.
Why did Square never release the updated version to the west until now?
FFXIII and XV burned people so bad that FFXII is now considered a masterpiece.
Hated it the first time round so giving it a miss
>Sewer level/catacombs/tomb
Nope, nope, nope! The entire game is like a checklist of dungeon tropes that I hate.
I generally never buy CEs but I really want the Zodiac Age CE because I fucking love FFXII so much. $200 is rather pricey, though.
Can't wait to play through the game again, though.
isn't it coming to pc soon??
I never understood how it worked.
Is the regular game full price? I love XII but i don't feel comfortable paying full price, in my country's currency no less, for an HD remaster
You need to buy a dlc to get background music? wtf?
Fuck you guy, I liked it when I borrowed it and a ps2 from my friend in 2008. I also bought FF13 and FF15 day one.
Those busts are pretty nice looking but not $200 nice looking. Also this card art/postcards in Collector's Editions of vidya and animu meme needs to fucking die already, it's the most useless extra you could include. Give me an artbook and a DVD or download of the PS2 CE extras instead.
$50 for a decade old game
>200 dollary doo for a special edition rerelease of a decade old game.
Jesus wept.
None of you assholes get to say anything on pricing issues after this bullshit.
Fuck you in the throat for allowing this.
This is coming with that job system and zodiac whatever I never got to experience right?
XII is, unironically, my second favorite Final Fantasy IX is my favorite
Yes, Zodiac Job System, pretty good shit
It's also my second user VIII is my favorite
>tfw emulated the IJZS ps2 version years ago
>Don't really care about HD graphics
Is there any reason for me to be interested in this?
>Background music DLC
If this isn't free for all versions I'm fucking pissed.
>not getting the limited edition steelbook
I'll buy this game for a second time/10
The voice acting not sounding like it was recorded in a bathroom.
Is it re-recorded or just remastered? If Phil Lamar isn't Reddas than I'm fucking out.
Remastered, still the same top tier stage actors and British accents
I like you, that game gets way too much undeserved shit.
No, it's a piece of shit and I'm glad you are in the minority.
Just emulate it.
I loved FFXII but I can't remember much of the music.
Except for this masterpiece of course.
It plays like a single player MMO. If you like the game playing itself, open fields with nothing in them, and a irrelevant MC then this game is for you.
Last CE I got was for FFXIV, Never again.
>Who else hype for gambit system here?
You mean, the thing that single-handedly killed FF?
Dont kill me but:
Will i like XII if im liking XV so far, loved FFXIII (post game), XII-2 and Lighning returns
But i fucking hated X and X-2?
Yeah i know i have shit taste
>the thing that single-handedly killed FF
no, that was the merger and letting go of most of the original team behind FF1-10
That was Spirits Within.
>Yeah i know i have shit taste
Yeah, chances are you're going to like 12.
After all, it was the direct prdecessor of 13 from a gameplay standpoint
I fully agree that the Squaresoft and Enix merger was one of the worst things that ever happened in gaming, but in the end, 12's attrocious gameplay is what ruined the series.
old square management most likely didnt see any reason to do so and figured people didnt care.
probably the same reason why they didnt bother to re-release the final mix versions of kingdom hearts
Fuck you, FFXII and the rest of the Ivalice Alliance are some of the best FF games. They're not the same as old FF, but they're far from being bad. They're just different.
Thank god that I never said anything about it being perfect. I'm fully aware that it has its fair share of flaws like any other game. but thanks for confirming exactly what I said with your ridiculous attitude.
Final Fantasy becoming an MMO was the start of it becoming shit.
XII is a game that was SO CLOSE to being good. But the randomly generated loot system ruined so much about it for me. Is it cleaned up at all in this? Because to me, there was no point whatsoever in exploring the big maps when all the treasure was either a knot of rust or 3 gil, even in the final fucking dungeon.
>They're just different.
They're the very definition of cancer.
Similar to halo, it ruined an entire subset of a genre (JRPG) for years to come.
I never cared for those spinoffs (even if they're in the mainline count).
Hype AF for this. I was only about 13 when it was first released and I dont think I grasped the scope of the game so O didnt play much of it
Hey uh, does this game have dual audio? I really, really fucking hate the forced brittabong voices from the original.
Last CE i got was guild wars 2 and i still havent taken the statue out of the box for anything other than getting the game key out. Its massive too.
>After all, it was the direct prdecessor of 13 from a gameplay standpoint
>it ruined an entire subset of a genre
Only it didn't. SE ruined FF on their own, FFXII had nothing to do with it. Hell, they made Last Remnant AFTER FFXII came out and it was great.
>he didn't have high enough chains to get good drops
You don't like catacombs and tombs? They're some of my favorite areas in games or anything really.
Kill yourself
I didn't have any trouble with drops or getting good gear, did vast majority of the hunts for the main game, but why have these giant maps and hidden areas if there's nothing to find in them?
>Yeah, chances are you're going to like 12.
Nigger, what?
This is how I know you never actually played 12.
It does, but ur a faget
Quoted wrong line
>After all, it was the direct prdecessor of 13 from a gameplay standpoint
I really like those busts but I don't 200bucks like them. That shit should be cheaper, I bet they're made of fucking plastic.
>nothing to find in them
Where were you getting good gear then? Lots of areas have rare monsters with rare weapons don't they?
It's 100% shit though. The junction system is broken, it introduced level scaling in a story based game, characters other than Laguna and Seifer were boring and unlikeable, story itself was beyond retarded even for Final Fantasy, the music is not as good and memorable in comparison to other FF titles save for one or two OSTs, to top it all off the fanbase is by far one the worst of all Final Fantasy fanbases. All they do is wrongfully shit and downplay every other fanbase because they can't acknowledge it's a bad game so they must respond in a passive aggressive manner when they get rightfully shat on. FF8 fags are worse than the FF7 fanbase. I played every FF game I can say that even 2 and 13 is better than that trash.
>being this retarded
FF12 was still the best "mainline" FF game SE could come up with after the merger, and that was because it was an Ivalice game and not waifubait cup noodle shit.
It is. Not that user, but XIII's combat is a combination of X-2 and XII. Where they fucked that was removing gambits/party control. That alone would bump xiii's combat from a 5/10 to a 9/10 easily.
Did 13 have gambits? I don't remember.
How is it anything like 13 and not just X-2?
The Brit voices are probably the only good thing about XII. Kill yourself, you piece of shit.
Literally anywhere but treasure jars? I only ever got good gear by either buying it at the store after selling materials, or as rewards from marks.
>people THIS defensive over british VA
Fucking kek, quit pretending to be cultured
When you make a stupid opinion, don't be surprised when people shit on you.
Fuck off weaboo
>even 2 is better than...
yeah there's just no way to make that sentence truthful
Like half the voice actors aren't even British anyway, shit's just well acted.
>How is it anything like 13 and not just X-2?
Because it's 80% FF 12?
It had better.
On one hand, this thing is 200$, and you need more than that to make me paybthat much.
On the other hand, there's so little of FFXII merchandise that I might get it in the end. There were some Gabranth figures before, but never did I saw a figure of Bergan or Zargabaath. If only these busts were buyable without CE...
Oh sweet-
>Store exclusive
I like sewer levels.
the music seems purposefully forgettable. same with tactics ogre. it's great, but not something that gets stuck in your head.
XII is the best 3D final fantasy.
VI and Tactics are the best overall.
I'll get it day one but no way I'll pay 200 dollars for the CE
I disagree. I know a large portion of the soundtrack by heart and I've put 40 hours into the game at most. I basically can't go a month without Salikawood popping into my head.
Only other game that has done that to me is Ragnarok Online.
Think you meant to post this auditory wonder.
>Do do do do. do... do
How do people have taste this shit? The Japanese dub is the laziest, phoned-in piece of shit I've ever heard in a JRPG.
Kek no Vita. GG no re