PS & Ninty ONLY

This thread is for Nintendo and Playstation fans only
>what ya playing
>favorite PS game
>favorite Nintendo game

Sony bro here, currently finishing infamous and horizon, Just bought a 3ds a while ago and prob getting kirby planet robo next week

>no fanboys allowed ignore shitposters

how do I beat marth in smash? my friend always picks him against me

Beat Marth by blasting him with endless projectiles and then countering him when he gets too close. Peach and Mario are the best for this.

OP here
my thoughts on the switch is that its still early and the device needs lots of upgrades
,love the console on the go concept tho
take the DS systems for example
I played it smart and waited and now have the new 3ds xl with the c-stick which is fucking awesome for lots of games



Fun fact about computer game!

If you put a group of sonybros and a group of Nintenbros in a room, one of them will bring a knife out and stab the other side.

Sonybros would be the ones to bring out knives of course.

>Your company will never be responsible for Kinect

ignored :)



will switch get nier anytime soon?

Im trying to remember the name of a game on ps2 about a cookie/candy ninja

Dont bother, game sucked balls

If you want a good PS2 game try The Geataway

At least you can give me the name please?

Also thanks for the recommendation

why would you want to play that shit

Ninjabread Man

>favorite Nintendo game
Donkey Kong Country 2
>favorite PS game
We Love Katamari
Why were 1990-2005 the best years in gaming?

I'm trying like hell to finish Nioh, but the game feels like a total chore right now. I just got Wind Waker, Thousand Year Door and SSB Melee in the mail, so I'll be pretty busy with those. I want to give Horizon a shot, but it doesn't look like it's worth $60, Lord knows Nioh wasn't


Playing Horizon right now. It's pretty good and I'm liking it. That being said Zelda looks fantastic. Probably gonna wait for holidays to get a Switch though. Sold my Wii U to my brother in law last year :(

I was never able to get into Wind Waker, myself. I dunno what it is.

As for Horizon: it's worth the money if you are really into open world games but want something different. It's got its own charm and atmosphere. Something I really appreciated was the variety in the sidequests.

Early adopter of a Switch here. Besides the lineup I really do enjoy what the console has to offer. Don't regret the purchase.

Nintendo is shit, fuck off

>what ya playing
On the Nintendo side currently finishing Pokemon Sun cause I left it by the wayside for a while.

On PS, finishing FF15 and recently brought Nier Automata so I'm excited.

>favorite PS game
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal

>favorite Nintendo game
>Paper Mario The Thousand-year Door.

Wish I had a Switch so I could play BotW, looks sick.

I feel like many people say this because going from ps1 to ps2 the gap in power is bigger than nowadays

is it true the joycons feel cheap as fuck?
I heard stickers can rip off the material :/

same here

zelda is pretty fucking good though, probably best launch title of all console releases

Owner of both a Switch and PS4.

>Gravity Rush 2 was cute
>Nioh and Nier are great
>Played Yakuza for the first time and now I'm hooked.

>New Zelda is amazing
>Bomberman is fucking back
>Eventually I'll be able to jump in the Spaltoon craze since it looked so fun but I didn't own a Wii U
>New Mario on the horizon.

2017 is being a fantastic year for both PS and Ninten bros.

They do feel odd, but I wouldn't quite say cheap. The analog sticks are my biggest issue with them. They feel rather rigid.

The HD Rumble feature is nothing to sleep on. It really does feel like the actual objects are there. Nothing spectacular but really neat since I haven't really felt anything so accurate before. I usually play with rumble off, but not for these.

Yeah I've put a lot of time in Zelda. I expect it to keep me occupied until Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but I wish I had more options for multiplayer games. Especially since that's the point of the Switch. Or at least thats how it's marketed

the thing stopping me from buying a switch right now is that I played mario zelda alot in my life and feel burnt out

>playing DQ8 on 3DS
>waiting for P5 on PS4 next month
sonyntendo best combo

BotW, while not entirely unique, has a lot of stuff different from other Zeldas. Lot of exploration and shit. I'd give it a chance.

MArio emanwhile sems to be returning to more of a Mario 64 vibre than linear levels.

If you're iffy I'd suggest you to wait till summer as more games come out. I do admit, the launch titles are not many.