This is Sei Asagiri, a glitch city white knight and also my wife. Say something nice about her!

This is Sei Asagiri, a glitch city white knight and also my wife. Say something nice about her!
But no seriously where is the rare gaby?

Are you a qt op? I hope so, but i guess you're a butch dyke...

Sei a cute tho

Dyke?! I'll have you know I am the daughter of the CEO of... none of your business.

Eye guess you are right... None of mEye business...

What the fuck did you just fucking say about my eye, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Glitch City University, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret deals with the white knights, and I have over 300 confirmed charity events. I am trained in corporate mergers and I’m the top executive in the entire Glitch City corporate sphere. You are nothing to me but just another target company. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying EYE over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of titty hackers across Glitch City and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, fuckboy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. Jamie can be anywhere, anytime, and he can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only is he extensively trained in unarmed combat, but he has access to the entire arsenal of the White Knights and he will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, fuckboy.

There's only one best girl, and it's pic related

Now kiss.

Don't be gay user

>she isn't gay

>likes classy drinks
>has giant tits but doesn't whore them out
>mother fucking cat ears
>loves christmas, acts as Santa and throws giant parties for kids
>sweet bodyguard that probably joins in sometimes for threesomes
>kickass robot eye
>adorable when she fangirls

No one will ever convince me otherwise that she's best girl

Alma is best girl
Not a waifu but a good bro.

This is Jul- Ahem, Jill Stingray, a glitch city registered bartender and also my wife. Say something nice about her!

She smells like stale cigerette smoke and cat piss
She wants to fuck her boss and never will
She's a lonely sex starved who abandoned her only true love

Just finished this game last week. Was a very sweet experience, but now I just want more.

Also met the musician on it at PAX East this weekend. Was a nice guy.

Also sei is best girl.

you forgot to mention the best part, she's a tokufag


Was the ending disappointing to anyone else? It felt too abrupt. Will there ever be a sequel?

I dont know why but I find this really hot

Well, it was about Jill growing up and moving past Lenore.

But all the other subplots were rather open ended and felt just as important so it just leaves you feeling anxious for more.

I think the devs are making a new game, but there's no telling if its even connected.

sei say sei

>tfw no Stella gf to watch Boukenger with

Julianne is a cute name


Eye went into the game expecting some deep plot or at least a little mystery/suspense, so when eye realized there was none eye was already disappointed.

Then eye accepted it for what it was and moved on.


This is your companion for the night. Say something nice to her!

She's a pretty loli that everyone draws with too full features.

I want to create a backdoor to her systems


She's such a adorably shameless whore I love her

Me too


Sei has nice abs, and she also has great taste in picking her waifu

Here's a rare Gabby, don't download or send this to anyone. If you do, White Knights will come and smash all your anime figs She's in the postgame Anna epilogue added in the last update

She's nice to turboslut ghosts


How's your eye, OP?

Christopher said there's a super secret easter egg hidden somewhere in the update

how get anna ending


I thought that I was only halfway through the game when it ended.
Mildly disappointed, but I really did love the atmosphere and characters. I was hoping that there would be some kind of time mindfuck with Anna, but I suppose that's been overdone lately.

It's in the main menu. Click the plus on the upper left, click Anna, and beat the demo. Then there'll be a new option in the Anna menu labeled Start. Play it

Play that, and then make sure to replay it enough times to ask her every available question!

Back on Feb 14th. They ported the demo and prologue, and added a new epilogue scene with the gay ghost. Access it using the instructions above

Why is someone like Stella posting on danger/u/

Do you have a single that to back that up?

I bet she wants a big Bad Touch

What are some other games that show the horrors of state capitalism?

>game portrays ancap dystopia with all the symptoms of the socialist dystopia the devs live in
really tingles the noodle

Actually, Venezuela doesn't have a socialist economy. The means of production aren't in the hands of the working class, and severe wealth inequality is present.

So are Stella and Sei a couple or not? It's not as if the game shys away from lesbians.

Always came off more as a peppermint patty/marcie type deal

Yes, and...?

Stella obviously crushes on sei from her danger/u/ posts, but Sei is a little oblivious.

So they're basically the baka genki and her lesbian best friend that we've seen in recent mahou shoujo?






I can't hear you!




Excellent form.


It's MIKI.
And don't you ever forget it.


Eh it was okay, wasn't really a fan of the Anna character. Guess it teased they're making another game?

Why was everyone so gay in this game?