Yfw platinum games next project is onimusha

>yfw platinum games next project is onimusha

>Capcom paying Platinum to do shit when they have Itsuno who's better and more obligated to meet their retarded quota

Not sure if I want it, Onimusha was always slower and more methodical than Platinum's games.

anyone else sick of platinum hype?

they're just decent and polished now.
kind of like the nintendo of action games.

I'd rather have Team Ninja do it somehow.

Doesn't Platinum and Capcom hate each other?

They did it last month.

Not quite. I fucking love Nioh and think it's better than either of the Onimusha games I played (the first two), but in terms of structure, pacing, etc it's a very different game.

No, capcom will just have it done in house like nearly everything else they do.

first post best post.

itsuno is king of cuhrayzee action genre. kamiya created it. but itsuno perfected it

Thankfully, no. Onimusha is a Capcom thing. They're too prideful to let anyone else do their beat em ups better.

Course there was DmC... But that was Capcom being fucktarded thinking that they could get CoD-tier sales for some reason if a Western developer developed it.

Alright, moving on, I hope, I REALLY REALLY hope that their next project is Kill La Kill. It's LONG overdue for an action game.

I'd say it's closer to Dawn of Dreams, since it didn't have tank controls, it was mission based and had RPG elements.

Where would Trigger find millions of dollars to pay for the development if they always beg for money on Kickstarter themselves?

Itsuno is the GOAT fuck Platimeme

Itsuno is king of cuhrayzee combat systems. The games he built around them were consistently mediocre.

You say that like Platinum games have anything going for them BUT combat

Weebs and Platinumfags live off of daydreams don't ruin it for them

the bantz in Bayonetta is top fucking tier

>Dragon's Dogma

And DMC4 is unfinished mostly because it's their first Gen 7 game and they want to release it on 3 platforms

Please no. I really don't like Platinums over the top cuhrazy design.

It's tiring after a while.

Devil May Cry 3 is literally the best cuhrayzee action game ever made. 4 has the best combat in the genre. Even the depth of the characters added in SE, Vergil/Lady/Trish, shit on everyone else attempts in the genre and they were budget additions.

Itsuno is a legend.

even though DMC4 was unfinished. It's still a top class action game. playing dante was just fighting your way back to to start of neros campaign. but dante played completely different then nero. its a damn action game that excels in the most important thing. combat.

Nier does but the downside is that the combat is not as good as some of their other stuff. I'm not arguing that DMC3 and 4 aren't at the top of the cuhrayzee genre, but I'm saying it's soley because of the combat. Itsuno's DMC games (well, except for 2) did combat extremely well. Considering combat is the focus of the genre that's a big ass feather in Itsuno's cap. Everything else about those games is mediocre though.

DMC3 had great combat, probably the best in the cuhrayzee subset of the action genre, but the rest of the game was mediocre, yes. Dragon's Dogma is pretty good but I wouldn't consider it a cuhrayzee game.

DMC3 did everything the best.

>Devil May Cry 3 is literally the best cuhrayzee action game ever made.
I'm not saying it isn't. It's the best because of the combat though. Nothing else about the game is particularly well done.

Shit level design, pacing, and AI so no not really. It did combat best and nothing else.

Enemy variety, weapon variety, styles, level design, cutscenes, story, characters, and best of all bosses. Only boss you fight more then once in the game is Vergil and Jester in the SE.

Everything about the damn game is perfect

>platinum meme

I'm tired of this. Why would Capcom hand it over when they have fucking Itsuno?

>level design
>enemy variety
2 main set, each having 7 gimmicks mobs that can do 1-2 things
Fluctuate between GOAT (Vergil, Cerb, Beo, A&R, Nevan) to straight up shit (Time Horse, Heart, Big Worm, Arkham)

You really should have said you were a blind fanboy in the first place so I wouldn't have wasted my time.

Name one cuhrayzee action game as good as DMC3 overall? Nothing beats it in combat cept DMC4. Ninja Gaiden Black only beats it in enemy AI and Graphics. Bayonetta beats it in presentation but that's cause it came out a gen later but it's dial-a-combo trash.

Nothing compares to DMC3

>Nothing beats it in combat cept DMC4

And that's still debatable because DMC3 with Style Switcher mod is fucking fantastic.

Style Switcher just makes the best cuhrayzee action game even better

>Two stupid looking swords
>No sheaths because retarded shape
>Ridiculous non-existant dual-katana stance asking to get killed in a duel.
>Another sword on his hip
Idk anything about Onimusha but this guys a fuckin buffoon.