Why is Mewtwo so aggressive?

Why is Mewtwo so aggressive?

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Sexually aggressive?

She's frustrated


Mewtwo is waifu material

because he has shitty forced "mega" evolutions

mewtwo is already perfect

Post thighs

I want to throatfuck mewtwo

fuk u

Mewtwo is for marriage







Because Mewtwo is a genetic failure who was forced to be Team Rocket's slave since creation. His aggressiveness is justified


Such a grumpy girl!

>he's gay
Daddy must be proud

My favorite kind of Mewtwo is the OOC, happy, bubbly kind

Mine is tsundere kind

Mewtwo is male.



Are you sure?


you are objectively wrong

I want to cuddle Mewtwo until he's not so Grumpy anymore

not a chance, big boy

The fuck is that

>tfw no mewtwo gf to fatten up


>tfw no Mewtwo wife to impregnate and raise children together


Did Giovanni intend to create a perfect wife when Ash's mom couldn't satisfy him any more?

post more mewtwo(male)

That's gay


Are you sure?

Post femtwo

In our dreams

Mewtwo is shit tier

You know the line

>wanting to fuck Mewtwo
What is wrong with you guys.

He mellowed out eventually

The Genesect Pokemon movie created a NEW Mewtwo and this one has a Female voice implying it's a girl.

Seriously it's not the same original one. The new Mewtwo has different mannerisms like constantly swishing its tail around.

Where is this from?

>Multiple mewtwo.

male mewtwo > female mewtwo
especially with dem hips and dat tail

Not a clue, it popped up in the last Mewtwo thread

Ever considered going to /trash/, OP?

>Reverse search
>It's not real! This was created using PaintTool SAI and Photoshop.

Well, shit
Still cute though
I might crank one up once this one dies

Mewtwo is the most obviously male (if any sex desu) pokemon to ever exist. The Femtwo fiction is a bretty horrid joke.

He's aggressive because of his backstory and lack of identity. He was nothing more than a lab rat, even though he's one of the most powerful beings.

There's two, so we can all lean however we choose

I want him to aggressively dominate my backstory while he psychic chokes my dialogue script


Mewtwo is the most savage and heartless of all Pokemon. Even without a human trainer, it secludes itself in the deepest reaches of a cave full of freakishly strong Pokemon, training on its own and preparing itself for its next opponent, and facing new battles is all it can think of.

And you want to fuck it, despite this and it being a gene-splicing lab experiment with no identifiable gender.

You know the rule
No exceptions

>Mewtwo is the most savage and heartless of all Pokemon
Did you not see the sequel to the movie? Mewtwo is a Jesus allegory

Female Mewtwo was actually pretty chill and the hero of her movie.
Male Mewtwo was the edgy angry one because muh #clonelivesmatter