What does Sup Forums think of Don't Starve?
What does Sup Forums think of Don't Starve?
Wasn't great. Nephew wanted it because his YouTubers played it. Neither of us could really get into it. I wanted to learn more about the in-game universe but kept getting bored or stuck.
Almost passed it over because I thought the graphics looked to much like a mobile game. Glad I didn't, because I ended up loving it. The game has an oldschool explore and figure things out on your own thing going on, and isn't afraid to punish you for screwing up (die = game over). Do yourself a favor and don't look up anything on the wiki, especially in the beginning. Discovering things for yourself is half the fun and challenge.
Really liked it, although it feels like the game could and should have been a little more than it was
Shipwrecked should have expanded on RoG instead of being the stand-alone that it was
Was really into it when it came out. Haven't really played it much since the character balancing that nerfed wolfgang.
Not because of that, mind you, it's just I haven't really played it since.
The game itself is really good, but the main thing that confuses me is how they segment the game so much. There's the base game and the toggleable dlc (which makes sense) but then there's shipwrecked which is like an expansion pack except you can only play it as a "stand alone" game.
Then there's multiplayer, which is an entirely separate game altogether. It has most(?) of the features from single player, but not all, and it's just in general a pretty big mess.
Really fucking hard if you have dlc, Sup Forums should host a sever sometime
it does expand on RoG, you can carry your shit between the shipwrecked world and the normal world (except structures)
Got it free on PS4 for a whole month 2 years ago from PS+. Was way too hard. Kept starving to death. Felt way too weak as a player to fight. Gave it a thumbs down in the store page. Overall it sucked, tried way too hard to be Minecraft.
I like it a lot, but pretty burnt out on it. It's fun at first but once you get past winter it becomes somewhat easy since you probably have enough food to not die by that point. Summer sucks though.
This better be bait
I'm deadass.
Just play WX and never die
Yeah this, I've played the fuck out of it already but I never really got to the endgame content with all of the magic items you get from the ancient guardian.
I love the game but I can't really go back to it anymore, I bought shipwrecked when it came out and only played it that day.
I'm looking forward to Oxygen Not Included, made by the same devs and should be just as hard and fulfilling.
The avid modding community never ceases to amuse me.
It's great. Got a little burned out on it after losing a 400 something days save, but I still love it.
Anime mods are a guilty pleasure between my friends and I on our server. They're usually OP but we already did everything on vanilla and it's fun seeing how it's like playing with such crazy strengths (And sometimes weaknesses)
It's awful.
Mod of the year
t. died in winter
Survival sandboxes are gay
I want more art like this, where the characters hang together like friends and partners on survival, nothing romantic.
Burned out after 500 hours of modded DST with friends. I loved the whole exploring and mapping part if it, but once the map was filled out and a functional base with anti-giant defenses is built you have to start finding wacky side projects to attempt to stave off boredom.
I'd like to play it but hate the artstyle
Havn't played it in a few years but I really REALLY loved it (pre-DLC). The only thing that has kept me from going back is remembering the constant need to farm / keep warm, which seemed to make up 90% of the game and leaving little time to explore.
I do like the game and I've gotten some solid runs, yet I find myself always dying to giants come Summer or Winter.
Is stacking gunpowder that essential or am I missing some way to actually fight these assholes?
Ser/v/er when?
>everytime I think I'm read for the bosses
>gets btfo every time
I bring pigmen
I bring beefalo
but everytime it's always a massacre
Someone host.
I have nobody to play with
What the fuck am I reading
>Kanna and Tohru mods
how bad are they
I really like it and still play. I didn't think I'd like Shipwrecked but it grew on me.
Gunpowder is kinda just the quick and easy way especially in DST. As long as you're not making the kill with gunpowder. Just run them into other mobs.
>Not doing the panflute + gunpowder method
Thought this one was pretty neat
Me and a friend has been losing to deerclops several times now, it's becoming stale.
Is gunpowder the only way to do it?
Learn to dodge. Learn to farm pigs and spiders and you'll never be low on healing items and armor or hambats.