Is it possible to make a good looking custom Shepard?

Is it possible to make a good looking custom Shepard?

i thought i had screenshots

i dont

but yes

>try making the prettiest fem shep in the land
>looks good on the character creator
>go ingame
>looks like a goddamn witch from the side
>different lighting also makes her ugly
every single time

That lighting was absolute ass in all ME games.

no. the best you can do is make one that looks good in the chargen menu, but as soon as you start playing the game and terrible Bioware animations start getting applied to your custom face, you'll see your character that you spent so much time on turn into a hideous freak

Basically the same exact trouble I have when making an MMO character and why it almost always take 20 recreations and attempts to make a character I approve of.

Give one of my character a nice tan that looks okay in the character creation, but once I go in game notice that I turned her into a nigress.

I think mine looks alright, but half the time you're fighting the cinematic lighting and facial shadows

>gave my Shepard a slightly bent nose because I thought it would give the character more flavour
>see him in game
>full blown jew caricature

he looks like he's made out of bread paper

It really depends on the lighting. Also, the animations are designed for Sheploo, so your character will look kinda off when making any noticable face expression.

Give him a better jawline and he'd look good.

I made 2 different hot femsheps

I made a cute male in ME3. Whatever I did in ME1-2 were all uglies.

Better question, did anyone manage to create a decent looking character in Inquisition?

Inquisition had decent character creation.


I made some decent femsheps but for the male version they were all bad devianart OC tier, it triggered my autism so I always ended up playing with the default male shep.

There's something special about my ME1 shepard, remakes i had to do for other games just wasn't as good.

no, femshep is especially fucked


Tattooing a Quarian would be like giving it 2000 allergy skin-prick tests where every sample was positive

brah....i'd be jerking it every time i turned on the game.

Until you saw your abomination in-game

i definitely had some private time with my dildo over that one back in the day

>no scars after Mass Effect 1


the name's tyrone

voice acting is the major reason i dont bother with a custom shepard

>make barack obama shepard
>still sounds like a bored white guy
>make a mentally deranged asian/hapa shepard
>still sounds like a bored white guy
>make a fencehopper shepard
>still sounds like a bored white guy

Because they just had to go with the edgy glowing scar system that effectively punishes Renegade players and further cements that Renegades are evil.

Got rid of that shit as fast as I could.


It's a rub on tattoo made of chocolate.

Why don't you love Tali user?

I do, but not when a bad artist draws her with tattoos.

Honestly, I could totally see tattooing being the ultimate teenage rebellion for a Quarian.

>Not loving your waifu enough to get a correct resolution picture of her


no matter what you do a custom shep won't look as good as default

Any good mods for these games, particularly about fixing how bad it looks?

Thinking of doing a rerun.

I've never touched a Mass Effect game and even I know she L I T E R A L L Y gets a tattoo


>forgetting that 2010 Sup Forums was nothing BUT talifags

Jack is also acceptable.

Young Chawkwas?

No SS but I had a custom male Shep that looked like Ahnold as the Terminator with full renegade. It was great until Shepard talked. Because Mark Meer sounds nothing like Ahnold.

It was easy to make a pretty elf or something in Inquisition.

He looks like a 24 hobo stoner that lives in memphis

Cute, going to have to wait for a good face code or whatever for my broRyder, not using that default twink abomination.

Custom shepard was godly.

A shame that ryder looks like a san francisco college student

There's nothing wrong with Tali though. Or at least there wasn't, but then they had to include that horrible picture without the mask.

Left was her initial intended design.

Lol /nochin/

Definitely better. Shame Bioware is full of lazy pieces of shit.

He's going to be a manlet no matter what face you put on him lmao.

That is unironically pretty good for DA:I.

The haircuts in it fucking suck. You can pick like 2 normal haircuts and the rest are what feminists would pick.

He's 6'1.

Every single custom character posted in this thread is several magnitudes worse than Vanderloo, so no.

I liked that you could have a casual fuck with her without a romance path.

So is Tom Cruise

Nobody pretends Tom Cruise isn't short.

Dev: Hey artist for our game, can you draw us a picture of tali unmasked, sort of like if it was a photo? We need it for this one part of our game
Artist: Sure, that's what you pay me for!
Dev: Nevermind, I found stock photo, we'll just touch it up in photoshop.
Artist: B-but I already finished it!
Dev: Don't worry about it! You're still getting paid, right?

I will never understand this logic

>that thing

Far left is great. If they had this in their pocket... why cop out?


It's all relative my man. Compared to what most people characters come out looking like, that's bretty gud

My guy looked fine in the creator then apparently Bioware decided that once I left that he put on some sexy, glossy lipstick and his cheekbones became malformed


Good lord my that femshep does things to my penis you could never comprehend. Even in the moment that fools are washed away by the most minuscule of yellow-green semen liquid that overflows the land, and destroys the greatest nations. Even as children cry and mothers panic you will never comprehend the level of blood pressure that caused my procreational organ to spew streams that not even Moses could hope to part. And as the earth shudders as I release my last gasp and my penis hole sighs a fervent "puh puh puh" before it relaxes into its limp and flaccid formyou will forever tremble in fear of the day I might reawaken

I played all 3 games with Tyrone Shepard. Easily made it more enjoyable than it would have with some rando.

Everyone got that lip gloss shit turned on by default because why the fuck not Bioware

God if only Femshep was voiced by Gillian Anderson instead of that whore Hale

there is literally no part of th body than the lips.
It's worth sexy lipstick or lipgloss is fucking God tier. I fucking dare you to debate md

you made that ridick guy if he did meth for a year

Chris Evans is easily over 6 foot you dumbass

I would debate you if I understood what you were trying to say.

sure thing buddy

Too alien = Not sexy = Can't romance = Average Joe won't like it.
Hence why pic related almost literally always happens.

sexy lips make my penis get hard

kek even FO4 does men better than this garbage. Bioware is literally shittier than lowest of the low.

Ah. Well they don't make me hard, I like em too.

Your Shepard looks Renegade as fuck, I like it.

Yes, 47 Shepard looks like a default.

I made a Samuel L. Jackson Shepard that didn't look too bad.

>character creator with more options in a game released last year produces better results than a shitty creator from nearly a decade ago


So the game released 8 years later looks better?

GLOSSY JUICY LIPS my man, I don't mean whore tier lips but healthy soft and a little plump

ME2 is years old user, don't pretend like fallout 3's faces were lookers

One more. Would look better if they weren't screenshots from my old laptop

I had a good shepard who turned renegade in 2 because 'they fucked up his face while rebuilding'

>from nearly a decade ago

I-it wasn't that long. Shut up.

Jason Statham?

I am sick and tired of all these motherfucking Geth on this motherfucking battleship!

>tfw went renegade just so i could fuck that tight tomboy pussy



You could actually make good characters of any race in Inquisition, especially with mods, I'm sure the character creator will be good in ME:A even if they use the same exact Inquisition assets

It seems like every humanoid in ME:A has really stubby limbs. Is this just the new normal in the future?

That's exactly the point. Even bethesda has at least improved the aesthetics of their games, and they are some of the laziest devs out there. Bioware has only gotten worse as time has gone on.

gfycat com/CriminalEvergreenAmericanwigeon


So you're comparing FO4 to ME1 to prove the point that Bioware hasn't improved their character creator in ME:A?

post more

i too created an angry black shepard and named him tyrone.


I did the same thing except my Tyrone was a much kinder looking fella

Needs a little work, but is much better.
Tali's writer wanted to show her face, fully designed. But they would have had to cut out an enemy type for time.

There is a middle ground user