Game comes out this Tuesday

>Game comes out this Tuesday
>Literally no advertising of any kind

Its like they want their game to die

>go to their site web
>get advertise

thats not how advertising works

I can't wait for it to come out, it's going to be amazing.

I'm really happy for them to have made enough money from Styx 1 to get a sequel

I mean as long as they can sustain themselves as a studio it should be fine.

day one

I thought this game wasn't due to come out for a very long time.

Completely forgot about it. Shame because I really liked the first one.

The last couple of games didn't get any advertising either and that must have worked out well enough if they're still continuing the series.

How to make sure your game is never a huge commercial success:

Make the player character a hideous, deformed goblin creature.

Plenty of games where you play as chads. Let me have this user

I imagine their advertising budget isn't huge considering how niche the first game settled itself into.

They're probably relying on the quality of their game to get it's fans to spread the title by word of mouth.

I already have it pre-ordered and everything.

Came across a gameplay vid in my recommended section and was happily interested.

Red pill me on this game - I've heard of the series but know nothing about it. BotW will just be a nice memory for me soon

See the reason they don't spam their name everywhere is because they know they made a good game. They have confidence in it. It will sell steadily as word of mouth spreads just as the first one did. If anything fans of the first one will give it a huge initial boost.

Its basically the only decent stealth game that we have left.

>No wall hack vision
>Combat is almost guaranteed death
>Fancy stuff like is locked behind a resource limit so you cant cheese your way through the game.
>God tier level design in terms of verticality
>Higher difficulties dont let you quick save, you have to start at the beginning
>High difficulties mean instant death more or less if enemes go into high alert.

The sequel is also going to have a co op mode if you have a friend you want to play stealth games with

Play as a homicidal drug addict that's able to literally vomit clones of yourself that allow you to fuck with guards and reincarnate yourself in a sticky situation. Watch out for giant cockroaches.

It's the true successor of Thief compared to THIAF.

No it's not

The first game was free on xbone a long time ago. It became one of my favorite stealth games.
Preordered this one. Really happy they could afford to make a sequel and have a physical release for it.

Does it have denuvo?

>Doesn't watch TV in 2017
>Has adblock/ublock enabled
>Wonders why there's no ads

I think the keyword you're looking for is "shitpost threads about game on my malysian underwater basketweaving forum".

Fuck off. Any AAA flop in the past 10 years could have been saved if they took their retarded $500M marketing budget and split the bulk of it between market research and development then dump the remainder into simple adds.

>>No wall hack vision
But that's wrong
>Fancy stuff like is locked behind a resource limit so you cant cheese your way through the game.
Sure, but most powers refund their cost or a large chunk of it
>>Combat is almost guaranteed death
Only on higher difficulties, and it actually is in the highest
>>Higher difficulties dont let you quick save, you have to start at the beginning
That's wrong though

I do very much like the game, but let's not exagerate

Fuck off, Razorfist.

Highlighting items is not wall hack vision. There is no way to see whats behind a door with amber vision