Can Sup Forums prove this wrong?

Can Sup Forums prove this wrong?

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if the gameplay is shit everything else can go fuck itself

No we can't.

>Replaces Majora's Mask with yakuza 0
Never played it or didn't understand it?

yakuza is just flavor of the month shit



yeah a flavor of the month series that's been going on for over 10 years

>Play any souls games with headphones

>Dat different sound effects for different surfaces

Little things like that make it for me.

>Walking around ontop of bones
>You can hear the bones crunching and cracking.

this argument makes zero sense to begin with
the game was entertaining, but nobody's even talking about it anymore, and it can't hold a candle to the others on there in terms of how iconic it is and how much of a timeless classic it is

Nobody talks about Killer 7 anymore, either, and nobody even mentions MGS2 when talking about MGS. Does that make them any less essential?

>Nobody talks about Killer 7 anymore
Haven't visited a real videogame board or taken a college class in a while, haven't you?

Quality sound design can make a good game great, but it can't make a bad game good.

MGS2 is constantly brought up for how it accurately predicted the internet age and Killer 7 is constantly brought up when talking about videogames and politics. What are you talking about?

>but it can't make a bad game good.

You guys are super full of shit. Killer 7 is almost never talked about on here. Fresh newfriends?

I'd say graphics and gameplay go above narrative, but sound designis absolutely the #1 thing. It's a shame so many devs don't realize how important it is. So many shooters I've played with guns that look cool but have no power to them sound-wise.

Killer Instinct is so satisfying primarily because of the amazing sound design and OST.

>but it can't make a bad game good.

>Literally lying for no reason
>Even though Killer 7 is constantly mentioned in "best games ever made" and threads centered around politics (often used as an example of "political videogames done right) and every so often someone who newly plays it will make a thread on it.

>Denying the importance Killer 7 has to begin with

>Thinking that a game that's stopped being discussed after a month is the same as a game that's stopped being discussed after 13 years.
Any Ludo that has real depth would be able to be discussed for atleast a couple years.

>graphics and gameplay go above narrative
Good thing OP specified Ludonarrative you dumb fuck

Explain to me what ludo-narrative is. Never heard of it before.

Narrative expressed through gameplay.

Point still stands either way. Ludonarrative doesn't matter if the gameplay is shit at its core.


If you think gameplay isn't the most important thing when it comes to a video game then you are objectively wrong and should find a new hobbie

If the gameplay is shit then the ludonarrative is shit, so that's kinda redundant.

If you truly believe this, then why don't you only play Roguelikes, Dwarf Fortress and Space Station 13?

Well isn't Ludonarrative being on the list at all pointless then ?

If the gameplay is bad, then the Ludonarrative will always be bad, but if the gameplay is good and the ludonarrative is shit, then the game feels disconnected and doesn't age well. If the ludonarrative is good, then the gameplay is automatically good. Therefore, Ludonarrative is more important than gameplay (unless the narrative isn't important at all)

>Sup Forums is finally seeing the light

I love you guys know, I think I'll stay a bit for now

Most important does not mean only thing that's important

No, because a game can have good gameplay and shit ludonarrative, but a game with good ludonarrative will always have good gameplay. Obviously, the latter is superior to the former in every way.

Not that user but I think gameplay being the most important thing necessarily means taste is universal.

I can power through a game with mediocre or bad gameplay if i'm interested enough with the story but if all a game has is gameplay I get bored of in in a couple hours.

*doesn't necessarily mean

But the majority of your favorite games will likely have god-tier sound design, you just fail to appreciate it because you're a philistine who doesn't understand why he likes what he likes.

That's irrelevant to your arguement


is this the vidya term for kino?

To all of the people who think "Gameplay > Ludonarrative"

Name me a single bad game with good ludonarrative and bad gameplay.

Protip: you can't.

Yes. Ludo emphasizes gameplay while Kino emphasizes visuals.

Literally can't

I can appreciate sound design while also thinking gameplay is the most important. Are you retarded?

Play your favorite game with the TV muted.

Is it still good?


specops the line

Kino is a German word

what language is Ludo from?

I said good ludonarrative, not good narrative.


Yep, not to say it couldn't be better.

sf3 isn't that bad of a game
sure, it's broken as fuck, but the game is pretty ok

You're right, SF3 is a mediocre game with sound design that elevates it to a great game.

by that logic, overwatch is a work of genius

But Overwatch has awful sound direction, inconsistent and nonexistent ludonarrative, and mediocre gameplay.

The only people that think Gameplay doesn't matter the most in a video game are game journalists.

If "framerate" refers to stable framerate, I can agree.
I think artstyle > resolution though because you take resolution into account when designing an artstyle.


I thought Undertale was a fantastic example of this.

how can it be the best post when it's wrong

I agree if not for the fact that undertale's actual story was awful

this isn't Sup Forums, fuck off

Because it's correct and you're wrong

and probably gay too

The story was pretty alright I think, but I have a boner for meta shit and the power of friendship. The way the story was told was pretty great though.

A ludonarrative can't be good if the gameplay isn't good.

Gameplay can be good even if the ludonarrative is bad.

Therefore, Ludonarrative is much more important than gameplay.


The entire story foreshadowed a cynical and grim pacifist ending but blueballed with a "everything is fine even though it completely contradicts the entire story xD and we won't explain why it worked out perfectly either because lol kids won't care xDDD"

that was unforgivable

Check these out


>A ludonarrative can't be good if the gameplay isn't good.
>Gameplay can be good even if the ludonarrative is bad.
>Therefore, Ludonarrative is much more important than gameplay.

You literally just wrote the argument against yourself and then said something objectively wrong. Holy hell you're dumb.

>Ludonarrative can't be good without good gameplay.
>Therefore gameplay is more important than Ludonarrative.
Are you retarded?

You originally posted that ludo can't be good w/o good gameplay therefore ludo is more important.
If your gameplay is shit, your ludo will then suck 100% of the time.
Therefore gameplay > ludo

No you fucking moron. Because Ludonarrative elevates a good game to a great game, it's more important than gameplay because it encourages you to make better gameplay.

Basically, it's like this:

Good ludonarrative + Good Gameplay = Great Game
Shit ludonarrative + Good Gameplay = Good Game

Because Ludonarrative is required to have good gameplay to be good, it's more important to focus on because you're ultimately working on gameplay, but you're also making the game better than if you weren't focusing on Ludonarrative.

But if gameplay is shit and ludo is good the whole game is a wash.
The ground floor of a building is the most important you gaping anus.

Sound design is just graphics for your ears

More like contingent on good gameplay. I'd say you're right about a game with a shit Ludonarrative doesn't age well it's what makes games like SotC and Ico still amazing today.

>Google has estimated that as of 2010, approximately 130,000,000 distinct titles had been published.
there's no way this is accurate

If the game doesn't have so much gameplay that shitty gameplay would ruin the whole thing, then it's not really a game

>But if gameplay is shit and ludo is good
That's contradictory because that doesn't exist.
The point is that if you have good ludonarrative, you inherently have good gameplay, and if you just have good gameplay and ignored ludonarrative, then you made a worse game overall.

No, Graphics come from a digital screen, which ultimately hurt your eyes and won't ever be as good as any tangible visual things--such as nature or a painting.

>If the gameplay is shit and the gameplay is good then the whole game is wash.
What did he mean by this?

>But it can't make a bad game good