How again is he the bad guy?

How again is he the bad guy?

He wasn't

Solidus very, very literally did nothing wrong.

>hurrrr did nothing wrong lmaoooo

Except murdered jacks parents. Now shut up

kojimbo is a leftist shill so naturally he saw the people's hero solidus as dangerous thinking

Created and used child soldiers.
You moron

>had the mind of a 12 year old

No wonder you guys like him so much

Have you ever heard the saying "the end justify the means"? He had to do a few unjust things to bring about a successful revolution that would bring a better life to everyone. But because he got fucked up by Raiden, everything went to shit.

>murder is ok!

Lol ok

Liquid/Ocelot was the bad guy.
Robo Campbell was the bad guy.
Vamp and Fat Man were bad guys.
Solidus was basically Big Boss, doing bad things for good reasons.

He was gonna nuke Manhattan.

Yes. If anything the whole MGS franchise shows this isn't true ant turns everything to shit.

This. Its no surprise that these retards think he was a cool guy

(((Oi vey))), don't nuke greatest city goyim.

>by the way jack i murdered your parents lol

was there ever a case where the ends actually DID justify the means at any point in history? i certainly can't remember any from the past 100-200ish years anyhow.

Well, that's the intention, but take into account that the good guys operate on this philosophy in every game, but it only achieves a good result after MGS4.

He's a completely cruel cunt. His EMP plan would probably fuck over a lot of people, though it's an understandable way of trying to disable the Patriots.

His reaction to Fortune's plan is pretty telling.
>Liquid was a bad guy
>But Big Boss wasn't
They wanted the exact same thing.

I can tell you're a true scholar

just like daddy

you realize he says this just to make Jack fight him, don't you?

Also "do the ends justify the means" You need to take a step back and realize that the critical theory you've been spoonfed is literally poisoning your ability to think in relative terms. Do you enjoy using a computer? Do you enjoy living in a country with electricity? Do you enjoy modern medicine? Then yes - the ends are justified by the means.

>>Liquid was a bad guy
>>But Big Boss wasn't
>They wanted the exact same thing.
Dude NO ONE was BAD in MG and MGS. In the end the closest person that can be considered good is "you" the player depending on the way you play. EVERYBODY kinda is grey and has a reason and "good" arguments and truth to what they do, but Fatman, he was an asshole.

The patriots are bad, Liquid, Revolver and Solidus are good, and Snake is patsy. .

He isn't supposed to be.

The whole point of the game is that Raiden is manipulated into doing the Patriot's wet work. Solidus had no idea that he was also being toyed with the whole entire time and that his whole entire plan was rigged against him. The only reason that the whole situation got fucked up in the first place was because Solid wasn't intended to be there.

People having motivations doesn't make them justified unless you have very little moral standards. You can empathize but disagree with characters.

But that's not the point of my post. My point is that the idea that Big Boss is any more "good" than Liquid is stupid. Big Boss and Liquid had the same goals in mind. The Patriots being cunts doesn't make Big Boss and Liquid not cunts. Solidus may have been somewhat less of a cunt, but he was still a cunt.

Solid the only good major character in the series, the rest are either cunts with a decent excuse, deluded cunts or just cunts