A Night In The Woods

We can all agree that this the best game of this year so far, right?

Explain the plot to me.

I don't want to look it up.


No. Not by a longshot.

Absolutely not. The game has a bunch of hidden things that only results in some minor extra dialogue (AKA not worth it), the characters are all "meh", the dream sequences are ultimately all pretty boring and if you don't like those, sucks for you because you'll be doing the same thing 4 times.
The game builds up this somewhat interesting premise that something is going on, but as soon as it start getting interesting it ends.
It's not even really worth a second playthrough for the missed scenes because honestly. none of the characters were interesting enough to make me want to go see them.

So no, definitely not the best game this year, and not even that good.

Its not a good game, but I think I'm in love with Mae

College drop-out comes back home to start living their old life in their parents house. She has to rebuild her connection with the friends she's left behind. Eventually the plot goes off the rails and weird shit happens. Also the protagonist is kind of a lazy asshole with mental issues.

Gay. Undertale is gay. Fuck you, fag.


Mae is bae, post more

Self-pity for millennials

>twenty fucking dollars
Even Stardew Valley was less than this, and it has like 5x more content. Pirating this noa

It's an animated children's book for teens.

Such wasted potential to be honest. I liked it but really wish it was an adventure game. At least as much as Life is Strange.

Pretty much this.

I wish that going around town didn't take so long. Played the whole game yesterday and it took most of it.

>get into fnaf
>fanbase turns to shit

nope you aint doing it this time fuck this game and fuck all of you

I don't think this game will be getting a large fanbase. It's probably gonna stay in the same level of popularity as something like INSIDE.

So Sup Forums, Gregg or Bea?

>It's probably gonna stay in the same level of popularity as something like INSIDE.
This game is a one-off, and definitely not as popular as INSIDE. Whatever the "fan-base" is now, if it exists, won't get much bigger.

Think Persona 4. But without the Persona part

Gregg is my Husband.

It's pretty kid-proof, I think

This is the correct opinion. Too bad he's taken.

Bea definitely. Croc girls are cute.

How can it be the best game without any gameplay?


Post gregg

>it's a nitw antifa cuckold dev turns on his bots to market his dead game on Sup Forums episode

just get a steel factory job, Trump is opening them back up


lol no

Looks like cringey, self-congratulatory, nihilist garbage.
>inb4 nihilism is the truth, it's not a phase mom!

this isn't a game

>The entire appeal and main point of the game is the dialogue
>"Not worth finding the hidden dialogue"
Yeah, and fuck Super Mario World too. The hidden stages are just more jumping and running? Pass.

is fun and entertaining but calling it game of the year is pushing it too much

What about dungeontower? That looks like game.

>But when I die I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something.
Best line in the game

Yakuza 0.

But I want to play the OP game soon.

I bought this fucking piece of shit because people told me it was well written.
In what fucking universe does this cringe-worthy dialogue pass for even decent writing?
Refunded this shit in a heartbeat.

im downloading this shit right now if it sucks then im gonna find everyone of u fucking nerds and fuck you up trust me on that

I feel like the big problem most people have with this is that they go into it expecting it to try to appeal to everyone.
Probably the best way to tell if you'll like it or not is if you're the type of person who plays through Psychonauts talking to every npc after each level.

So they're gonna fuck right ?

gregg 4 lyf

I don't understand who this game is supposed to appeal to outside of 13 year olds.
Can't go fucking 3 lines of dialogue without 'ugh' or 'oh god.'

That's why I said probably, if you can't stand this type of writing then you'll hate it.


So, is The Matrix a good movie?

So what exactly was the point of the three circles, feeding the rats, speaking with the extras every day, etc.? Is there a checklist of endings?

>not pirating
also is well written for someone underage or in early 20s

Achievements and/or sidestories

I know that if you find all the pentagrams Mae says some stuff about it during the end, and if you feed the rats until they leave she'll find that they've taken over the abandoned Food Panther (and also have a conversation with Bea about a recent rat infestation in her store)

It was good at the time I guess? it's pretty decent, the slow mo thing kinda caught on big time.

I like the fighting in it

its about how small towns and mental illness sucks

with a weird cult kidnapping the losers and nobodies of the town to sacrifice to a god that might not exist to keep the town alive

>hm, this seems interesting, I wonder how much does it cost
>20 bucks
>for indieshit

Give me 5 good reasons why I should buy this

Mae is a qt

its a game about the writing and character interactions, there is no point beyond enjoying reading it

Don't. Just pay $7 for Vermintide on Humble Bundle instead.

Why the fuck is there a thread for this on /trash/ but not /vg/? Did /vg/ ban it? If so, why are Undertale, FNAF, or Katawa Shoujo generals still allowed to exist?

Yeah, I consider the consequences of my action to become readable in the form of different endings. Doesn't have to be a red/green/blue endings, just different conversations. Wasn't sure how each interaction played out, since I can't tell if I had missed an opportunity, but I thought certain things like the church dream near the end was part of the consequence of bonding with the neighborhood.

it didn't ever go to /vg/ just went to trash since porn was going to get posted anyway

Yeah but like I want a general for this game without furry porn

Is that really too much to ask

Could this be the birth of an epic new Undertale?

Oh I agree, but I mean porn is going to exist for every game ever. It doesn't matter if it's furry, hentai, 3dpdp,

porn will always exist no matter what? if it's on /vg/ porn would exist too, only difference is it would be linked

I don't think it can catch on nearly as well with 12-year-olds as Undertale did

it's a fun flick
if a political movement co-opting a motif is enough to ruin something for you you're kind of a fucking faggot

Nope. The signs would already be there if it was going to be the next big memegame.

That's fine, I just don't want to see furry porn thumbnails because I don't hate myself quite that much

Yes, but unironically

Well we have Jacksepticeye playing through it and Toby Fox endorsing it on his twitter, but I still doubt it'll reach that level, probably because of how fucked it gets.

>the only version I can pirate is the windows version

Runs in Wine with -force-d3d9 option.

don't want to install wine just for one game