What has been the best console launch in terms of good games released on day one?

What has been the best console launch in terms of good games released on day one?


Probably the western release of NES or The N64.


The N64 had 2 (two) games at launch.

GameCube. 12 launch games, more than one of which was good, and a new Smash Bros. as well as a brand new IP less than one month after release.

Nintenbros are sick.

Anyway, it was the Dreamcast. Mostly because it was full of arcade perfect ports.

Dreamcast, easy.

Wow, there's a word filter on Nintendo drones? This board is really biased.

Smash Bros came out 2 weeks after the console launched. It was a big controversy at the time since Nintendo claimed it would come out the same day as the system. And if GameCube counts, then so does N64 since it got some of its best games a few weeks after the console launched. Namely Mario Kart and Shadows of the Empire.

yeah but one of them was the best game we'd ever seen up to that point

and mario was pretty good too

>What has been the best console launch in terms of good games released on day one?

PS2, followed by PSX and Dreamcast.

It's to stop rampant shitposting and repeat meme phrases.

PS2 had a good one. PS1's was weak though. Dreamcast beats them both in terms of launch. It ended up being the worst system of the three of them though.

There's a filter on all of them you console warring faggot.

>Smash Bros came out 2 weeks after the console launched
mario kart 8 (which is already available on the wii u) is coming out two MONTHS after the switch launched

They only did so people wouldn't think they're biased. I'm not falling for their tricks.

easy, the original xbox. Halo and pic related


What, Fantavision?

There have been some really strong regional launches but if you mean true day 1 games I don't think any consoles get above 3 good exclusives.

yeah but I don't think anyone is referencing Switch. I sure wasn't.

There's a word filter on that not because the mods love Nintendo but because so many Sony guys were using it to troll in threads. Even when Nintendo was never mentioned, they would turn around and claim anyone who didn't agree with them that word.

that's far from the truth, both Nintendo and Sony fans have been false flagging for shits and giggles and (You)s

>PS1's was weak though
PS1 had the whole PSX backcatalog as launch lineup. Is was one of the cheapest and best consoles to buy in 2000 and killed the Dreamcast by price alone.
