ITT games better then BOTW
ITT games better then BOTW
Ratings only matter when they benefit Nintendo
We all know anything above 9.0 is a paid review
metacritic alligator score for Horizon is 89
8.8 was Twilight Princess' score from GameSpoot
you first OP
Admit that her game is good, Sup Forums.
>All the webs that gave it a perfect score have for name something related to Sony
>10/10 from "Playstation Lifestyle"
Why can't we just have both?
>That gamespot score and quote
>the fucking game that released just days later
If reviewers played BoTW BEFORE Horizon, they would've given it a 60 out of 100, not joking.
Games better than both Horizon and Zelda
ITT: best game ever
I can admit this.
But that said, i honestly can't think of many games that i have enjoyed more than breath of the wild.
>this level of delusion
the Switch will get a port of Project Mirai if they're lucky
Few if any people who reviewed Zelda also reviewed Horizon. The games released almost simultaneously, so the games would be under review simultaneously, and that means different reviewers.
When did Sup Forums become SonyGAF 2.0?
Feels like Zelda excels at physics (like those awesome lightning strikes) and just random cool things while Horizon excels in graphics and a World that actually feels inhabitated.
Considering this was Guerillas first foray into this genre, going forward they're only gonna improve.
>trusting User Scores
>He thinks this changes the fact it got a 98 and is better than Horizon or any of those games in the picture
You poor bastard
Its my bad, my good sir, I simply chose the first image in my gallery that was the cover to a video game, not including the new Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Horizon was good but it has the pontetial to be more.
I really hope Guerilla improves on the formula.
I really would hate for Horizon to end being other killzone.
>shoot fire arrows into grassy field, nothing catches on fire
>explosive arrows don't blow up anything in the environment
>can't damage environment with any weapons, like chopping down a tree
>can't retrieve arrows from missed shots
>can only climb ledges that the game allows you to
>NPCs don't act dynamically
>weather system is a joke, can't get hit by lightning
>character movement isn't affected by environment or weather
>jump in pond, character gets out completely fucking dry
>fish don't swim away from you as you get closer
>can't even kill the fucking shits
>loading screens, 10 minute load just to play the game
>only one meter weapon
>MMO fetch/kill quests
>convoluted HUD with bloody-so-real effect
>dodge roll combat with gimmick trap arrow
It's a shame the Decima engine was wasted of such an unimaginative pile of garbage.
Can't wait for God of War to be the exact same shit with a different leading character!
Why post a trash tier game, OP?
HZD is pretty low tech in terms of world interaction. Nothing can be destroyed or set on fire no matter how hard you blow it up. There aren't even any fucking water ripples.
Also the handholding is unreal.
Fighting the machines was fun as fuck though and kept me playing the game for long sessions.
>Can't wait for God of War to be the exact same shit with a different leading character!
Hopefully they learn from their mistaked with HZD. They made plenty.
between this, Nioh, or Nier which should I get?
I've been sitting on the money to get either one and can't decide
I have all three and I'd say Horizon.
Nioh is good and Nier is good but Horizon is like my crack right now from the world to the longevity to the fighting machines that never gets fucking old.
Nioh and Nier are both quality Vidya. Nier is available for the PC, though, so as far as exclusives go, definitely go Nioh.
Nier > Nioh > HZD
>can't get hit by lightning
why do you want this to happen
Nioh if you like gameplay
Horizon if you like game worlds
Nier if you like waifus
how can you idiots get so ass mad at this game
>games better then BOTW
most of them
you sound like a idiot
I haven't played the game the post
> wanting games to improve
digital deluxe edition worth it or just a waste?
>Nothing can be destroyed
Get Horizon
I didn't encounter said long loading times, but the rest is true.
It bothers to no end how there is absolutely no fucking interaction between Aloy and the environment. This has to be the only big game since 5+ years where you don't get wet when dipped in water.
Also the predetermined climbing is so dumb
you retards just show that you haven't played the game and you look fucking stupid
Horizon is actual pleb filter. If you're praising it, it means you're ignoring or forgot what makes video games good/great.
BOTW on the other hand is the epitome of what makes a video game different and unique from other media: Interactivity. It's not perfect but it's a much better VIDEO GAME than Horizon.
You can't fell trees or even slightly damage structures.
I even plat'd the game, but I'm not a retarded fanboy that is willfully ignorant to all flaws
you do know the robots destroy rocks trees and damage structures when they attack right
Learn how to speak English before you try to trash talk you faggot
He is right though. HZD is incredibly restrictive
Consider any fight you have in the game. Remove the enemy and graphics and simply look at what your character is doing during the fight.
Almost every encounter all your input is simply a few steps to the left or right and that's it. It's all flash with incredibly minimal input.
fuck off shill
reminder Zelda got 9.8 after Horizon
so they had a what should be a completely next gen game to compare it to
Yakuza 0
what the fuck does this mean
> Game isn't perfect
> You didn't play it!
The player can't
So what can the player do?
>remove the enemies and world and the game is shit
Why don't you actually play and not on easy and you will get killed one hit if you don't move right
Yeah you don't play as the hulk you retarded
Eh after 12 hours... no.
so these are great other than the getting hit by lightning...
It reminds me of the modern Tomb Raider game. The entire gameplay is 'press up on thumbstick' while explosions occur around you, shit is falling, ice is cracking and slipping, etc. None of it presents an actual gameplay obstacle so long as you continue to press up on thumbstick.
Sorry, I moved left and it was just as successful a strategy. Enemies don't actually charge at you, but rather a pre-determined spot 5 feet behind you.
Is this a pizza game?
so it's like uncharted with the cinematic faux jump scares
sounds exhilarating
But you have fucking fire arrows and bombs and they do nothing to the environment, you retard.
Whoa, so nothing that matters then.
>enemies don't charge you
>Wew lad at these Nintendo kiddies
Why not?
Instead of mindlessly hacking and slashing you have to pay attention to what you and your enemy are using so you don't fucking die in a thunderstorm.
>can only climb ledges that the game allows you to
fuck open world games are going to feel gimped compared to zelda, with enough stamina potions or food anything is reachable
Have fun with the newest Battleborn, Sonyfriend.
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Thanks for proving my point
Is HZD your first video game?
The newest battle born Is a single player rpg that did great in sales?
yea i dont want to be fighting a boss then dies over some fucking lightning thats some stupid shit
no but zelda seems to be yours you can do most shit in zelda in farcry 3
None of these nintodddlers could handle a thunderjaw
You destroyed that fucking porch man.
also using lightning by turning conductive weapons into elemental throwing weapons in thunder storms
ok so
So basically you're admitting you're a casual. I mean it's literally item management and observation.
>botw gets 10s
>botw: sony edition gets 10s
>press Δ to win
Exactly, their is nothing about it that impacted gameplay at all.
The triangle button doesn't even do anything but loot and interact.
how does that make me a casual
>mash x to win
>I can't manage my items and look so the game needs to be easier for me!
You do realise that this is what you're saying right?
dying to lightning is nothing
>fighting large enemy then a nearby ram you don't notice flips out and knocks you off a cliff
>try to escape by ssx trickying out and it turns out the enemy can rain ice from the skies freezing you in place then casually walks on up and one shots you
>a pigman grabs a nearby explosive barrel and throws at the barrels surrounding you while fighting their leader
lots of shit goes wrong all the time, it's fun
yap and you need to unlock the override you fucking idiot
>Remove the enemies
>The triangle button doesn't even do anything but loot and interact.
Exactly >"interact" with Δ to win