If I had that shit on my computer I would literally never let anyone ever touch it.
If I had that shit on my computer I would literally never let anyone ever touch it
I'm not retarded so I don't use services like that and I don't watch child porn
Good think I don't have CP on my computer
>living in a third world country
of course your government agencies suck
do you know what 'third world country' means?
>de facto leader of NATO
>not 1st world
Who else is gonna repair my razor computer with sweet sweet 2 terabyte harddrive and windows 10?
CP is gross. I prefer mature women desu. Is adult porn okay?
I see nothing wrong with this.
usa was fully first world, but now its only politically first world, but economically its third world
>having this shit on your PC
you deserve to get ass fucked by the FBI if you do
I don"t know what"s stupider, having cp directly on your PC or ever using geek squad for anything
the geek squad will still make a copy of your porn, they just won't call the FBI afterward
The Geek Squad aren't even geeks or highly knowledge with computers. I remember a time when the computer club compete against these faggots in a contest and won every contest but one. That one was when some faggot decided to make it worth all the points and it about movie star and media nonscene and the "geek" squad won that
>were you dumb/stupid enough to fork your computer to Geek Squad for "repair" or "service"?
>were you dumb/stupid enough to pay someone to use google to fix your computer for you?
why would anyone. they are literally bottom of the barrel retail employees. why would anyone assume they are any kind of expert?
>economically its third world
We use to routinely find shit like this, even more so with big corporate accounts, we'd never do anything like contact the police though, black mail and extortion was the way to go.
>Sup Forums hates cp now
1st world countries are pro capitalist anti communism countries
2nd world countries are pro communist anti capitalist countries
3rd world countries are countries that didn't choose a side between Russia and USA.
So 1st world countries are USA and it's allies
2nd world countries are Russia and it's allies.
3rd world countries are all the other countries that didn't participate in the cold war.
3rd world countries hold a different meaning today because of uneducated people such as this user here.
>Geek Squad aren't even geeks
kek no way
>Being a pedophile
>Having CP on your computer to begin with
Sorry the judge won't believe its a 1000 year old dragon resurrected to go on an adventure with you.
>Be honest with me, Sup Forums, were you dumb/stupid enough to fork your computer to Geek Squad for "repair" or "service"?
What kind of casual faggot lets other people "fix" their machine? Especially when you can't see exactly what they're doing, and even more especially when you have fucking child pornography on it?
Creates an incentive for the BB employee to fraudulently plant illicit material.
The FBI is also no stranger to looking the other way to that practice and pushing for prosecution in such cases.
Good on the Geeks helping Uncle Sam root out pedos. Do they have a Go Fund Me or something I can give to?
>To convict someone of child-pornography charges, the government must prove the suspect knowingly possessed the image. But in Rettenmaier's case, the alleged "Jenny" image was found on unallocated "trash" space, meaning it could only be retrieved by "carving" with costly, highly sophisticated forensics tools.
so geek squad was using these "costly, highly sophisticated forsensics tools" to find this CP, huh
>"The government concedes it presented no evidence that Flyer knew of the presence of the files on the unallocated space of his Gateway computer's hard drive," declared judges at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit before overturning that conviction. "The government also concedes it presented no evidence that Flyer had the forensic software required to see or access the files. . . No evidence indicated that Flyer could recover or view any of the charged images in unallocated space or that he even knew of their presence there."
>had a couple loli doujin on my computer
>took it in for a fix after I couldn't fix a BIOS issue that made it impossible to boot
>wow i'm so above everybody look at how smart I am
You fucking retard we all took high school history we know what the definition was, but times change and words have different meanings now.
Women are gross. 2D for life.
>Giving your computer to ANYONE for repair to begin with
If you don't know how to take care of whatever the fuck is wrong with it then you clearly shouldn't have a computer.
I don't care.
>having cp in the first place
It was actually middle school history buddy.
Sorry you went to a public school.
they're just drawings user
>Getting mad that BestBuy is outting you pedo scumbags
Fucking sick work Geeks, throw these chomo fucks in the pen.
They don't care about 2D. They look for real CP
>lol my parents are richer than your parents
Speaking of middle school
Illegal in most US states and certainly most first world countries.
>comparing anime shit to real life
Enjoy your (you)s
3rd world means a country that does not align with NATO/Capitalism nor does it align with the (former) Soviet Union and communism.
Educate yourself.
>all of my 3D porn are JAV and brown women
>90% of my 2D is loli and furry
Unless you're in australia or the uk you'll be fine.
More like Spook Squad
>things/don't click/cp/cp
>Thinks Sup Forums has ever liked cp
This isn't Sup Forums. thank god
>Apple has been doing this FOR YEARS
>Nobody gave a shit
>Geek Squad does it
Sup Forums is currently experiencing a BSoD.
But legal on a federal level so they don't care.
>have super illegal shit on computer
>Not passing a magnet over it, microwaving it and dumping it into the nearest trash heap then buying a new computer
>downloading and saving porn in your computer
I will never understand this. You masturbate for 10 minutes and move on. There is so much free porn to get you off quickly that why bother saving it?
some people are still stuck in the hoarder mentality where they think someday they'll run out of internet
No, but I might get v& anyway.
Had the police come and take my computer a few weeks ago claiming I'd been downloading CP. I know I haven't but I live in the UK and visit websites like sad panda and fakku, and in the UK there is no distinction between fake and real.
Stupid thing is I don't particularly look at lolis, but in the UK it doesn't matter, 7 or 17 is treated the exact same.
Probably going to be the second person in the UK to be prosecuted for lolis (except they're not even lolis but it still counts).
Dumb degenerate pedos using geek squad deserve it. Fuck child diddlers
the best part of this comic is the casual conversation of having sex with a six year old boy. I don't know where you'd have that conversation.
How retarded would you have to be to hand over your computer to someone else while you have child porn on it. I am reluctant to allow anyone to use my computer and all I have on it is regular porn.
So the poor guy basically browsed Sup Forums once, got a glimpse of cp and now risks being fucked by Tyrone in a federal prison?
That would require the use of Apple products, precisely why Sup Forums doesn't care about that.
Wrong. It is protected by the Supreme Court. The only times anyone has ever been charged for loli was when the prosecution just tacked it on to increase the sentence of someone who possessed actual CP.
I keep all my CP in the cloud
This tbqh. God help us when then make big titty milf porn illegal
>knows all this
>hasn't exit-bagged himself
Stronger man than me.
post them
I don't think I've ever seen a comic that actually did this unironically. Maybe idort, but I thought that was also cutting it.
Sometimes my internet goes out and I want to have a few choice things on hand
>Thinking yesteryear Sup Forums degeneracy defines the website.
Some of us grew up user, most of us hated you.
Did he look like this OP?
It's nice not to have to hunt for something every time you want to see it. Some videos or images get removed, some sites disappear, and some have so much stuff that it's not really viable to try to wade through all their stuff just to find something again.
Granted this is all legal porn I'm talking about, I can't imagine being dumb enough to save CP, even if it was something I enjoyed.
probably nambla
You are on a board that attempts to justify $1500 purchases because it "looks nicer". I'm willing to bet 15% of users right now are posting from iPhones.
I used to work at a computer repair store. I didn't know shit about fixing computers beyond the basic bare minimum pleb "can build his own PC and do basic troubleshooting but barely knows how jumpers work for overclocking" shit. Only reason they couldn't get rid of me was because I was the only one who spoke fluent English in the whole shop, so I basically dicked off reading trash fantasy literature all day.
It paid like crap but it was worth it for the "used their cd tray for a cup holder" moments. But you'd be fucking amazed how many times we got PCs brought in, often mostly functional, that had the most heinous shit on them. Never anything I felt like I had to report to the authorities like snuff or child porn, but there was definitely beastiality, scat, etc.
The best part was when someone brought their PC in and it wasn't booting at all or otherwise in a state where they couldn't hide their shit. Because every time they'd ask something in this strained fake-nonchalant voice about whether or not we would have to look through their files. Or preemptively trying to say that looking through their hard drive would be an invasion or privacy or something. Because you might as well tell me "I have loads of fucked up porn on this machine, please don't look at it".
Sometimes you'd get a PC working again and it'd boot to Windows and the desktop was of some depraved ass porn. It was fantastic. But even better when they showed up to collect their PC and all the spaghetti was flowing out of their pockets. I'd usually change their desktop to rainbows or a picture of a kitten or a frowning Jesus or something before turning it back over. Just to drive it home.
lolicon is actually classified as "real" child porn in many cuckworld countries now.
this is what happens when you give women the vote.
I know how it is here and all, but that's obviously still ironic. No one is that disconnected.
>lolicon is actually classified as "real" child porn in many cuckworld countries now.
canada isn't a real country
USA literally has the largest economy of any country on Earth
>you can get jailed for being a pedophile for using a site that hosts images of young-looking cartoon girls in the UK
What a fucking shithole, why haven't you retards abandoned that place to the mudslimes by now?
even retarded Mad Thad pedos wouldn't be dumb enough to give a repair shop their computer with a a harddrive full of thick cheesey goodness before removing it or at least deleting it.
Nobody's mad at Best Buy. They're mad at the retarded pedos who thought gicing their kiddy porn filled computers to strangers to fix was a good idea.
i have 2 TB of porn subdivided in
>furry porn
>doujin (no loli)
>random hentai pics
>real porn videos
and a 8 gb SD on my phone with the most fapped pics/vids
it's useful when i don't have internet or if i need a quick fap on my phone. Also for collection purposes.
They are completely governed by emotions. Show them a picture of a crying arab child and they go: "fine, abolish my nation"
That's China now
If you have anything illegal on your computer why the fuck would you let strangers touch it?
I have an obscure fetish for which porn is more difficult to find for free, so I save the stuff I like. Sue me.
This place is a joke, at least I'm in Toronto aka best of the worst
I hate Canada so much.
I hate living here.
I want to go somewhere better.
australia too. australia takes it a step further and classifies LEGAL AGED WOMEN as child porn if they are super short/flat chested/baby face.
not by gdp, and it's gonna take a while until it happens, especially if the chinese gdp growth keepq slumping
* nice~
>all these people saying it doesn't matter if you get caught and sent to court for lolicon because it's not illegal on a federal level
And? You really think you getting taken to court for something like this isn't going to spread out? Do you think all your family and friends are going to be fine when they learn that you fap to loli? Just because you don't go to jail for it doesn't mean it won't ruin your life. If my mom figured out I fapped to lolicon, I'd probably be disowned.
>furfaggot hates loli
Nice video games.
God I miss this show
Season 2 was the best TV ever
>obscure fetish
Fuck user now you have to tell me. I am curious.
>Looking at porn on your phone
To be fair, prison in the UK is easy as fuck. You lay in bed all day watching TV, thats not much different from what I do now.
I'm more likely to get community service though which will be shitty. Upto 300 hours of unpaid work. I'd rather do 6 months in prison.
>this is what happens when you give women the vote.
Because fascists and right-wingers would certainly be okay with child porn for losers that refuse to get out of their houses.
>Never masturbating to the same scene again
>Never buying a subscription to a porn site for just one month and downloading every single one of their videos and then never paying for another month
>finally gets out of jail
>immediately posts about having CP again and gets thrown right back in
Good thing I live in a real country then.
LOL like where? At least piracy is not strict here