Is this the best controller ever made? Seriously

Is this the best controller ever made? Seriously.

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No it is uncomfortable as fuck if your hands are bigger than that of a childs.

fuck off shill

I have big hands and it's so comfy playing Zelda with it, it's literally perfect

>he doesn't know

Your definition of big is very different from my own then. I can't hold that tiny thing in my fucking hands. Slightly more comfortable with the joycons separate.

Hahaha no fucking way like not even close.

>literally perfect

You clearly don't know what either of those words means

I really thought it's a regular sized controller.
It's just too small. A shame that I have to buy the extra controller for the third time in a row since the Gamecube.

Actually made for children

i was surprised at how much i liked it. it's replaced a 360 controller for me.

Nintendo shill.

Yeah, all those hard edges digging into my hands really accentuates my experience.

Why are Nintendo "people" this retarded? Is it gooks?

I do like using this more than the pro controller

ok haha you got me haha

>asymmetrical sticks
It's hard for me to button mash on too but that might just be a personal thing

it doesn't even function properly.

My personal favourite is the gamecube controller

How so?

it has tons of synchronization problems. especially on the left side, for some reason.

I've heard this but haven't met a soul irl with that issue. That's anecdotal on my side I suppose.

>implying that people on Sup Forums go out and interact with people.

This thing looks like it would be extremely uncomfortable to use for more than an hour if you've finished puberty and aren't a manlet.

I know it looks that way, I thought it was gonna suck but it just feels great.

Looks cheap and flimsy.

A friend of mine has it, took it to work we hijacked a conference room and started playing it. we were passing the controller around ("get one heart and try to survive the farthest") since we were passing it around we started noticing the sync problems like you needed to be fucking close for it to work properly.

You sound like a shill because it actually doesn't look bad in the promotional material, it's when you see it outside of Nintendo's marketing studio that you realize how fucking bad it looks in the real world

Thats because they are a shill. I can't imagine this controller being comfortable even for a woman.