Japan a small ass island can create better games than the rest of the world

>japan a small ass island can create better games than the rest of the world

really activates your almonds

Whose the lady next to 2b?


Not him but that looks nothing like her

Isn't Kat darker skinned?

I really wish this shit wasn't true, but it has been for way too long.

Western developers need to get their shit together again and start making real video games.

I want the 90s/early 00s golden age of Western developers back.

Where's Kevin?


Why are japs so much better at making games? Is it some kind of gene they have, or is the west just shit, thus the games are also shit?

yap its shit

All fan art of Kat makes her twelve shades lighter.

But yes, you're right.


What western developers need to do is stop making shitty rpgs and games with no gameplay.

its the only games you play

>Literally all of those are PlayStation games except for Link

really sad that Nintendo has no mascots

but japanese games are SHIT

>you need tons of land to create intellectual property

Oh wow a racially homogeneous nation with no welfare state, jews or niggers makes better culture then the west? what a suprise


>Nier girl aka le butt fanservice girl xD
>Tales of Beseria girl aka le edgy boob girl xD
>either of those shit characters from shit fanservice weeb games belonging in a pic with Link, who is in the greatest game ever made, BotW

that pic is utter garbage lmao kill yourselves

>le kill urself XD haha! dab!

>can create better games than the rest of the world

This isn't even good bait.
I expected more from you, shitposter.

>>Nier girl aka le butt fanservice girl xD

xd! WoAH! haha lemme NAYNAY :)

is the other way

Harry Potter, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Gutsalina, and I don't know who the last person is.

fucking this

well when jap games are the only ones you play and when a game does come out you dont play it and just call it shit yea

Why is the smartphone not the sheikah slate?

Not really a difficult thing to achieve, they're the only ones not doing first person shit.


Triggered much? Lol!

but where are the pc games...

>no Horizon cave girl

Lol, Zelda really did erase that games existence

It's their design philosophies. They make games like games.

you sound fucking stupid

it only took them about 20 years to get it right again

T'is sad but true.
Sad, but true.

>pc games

you sound fucking stupid

you sound upset

Literal nintenigger, not only do you come into a thread celebrating your game anyway but you then have to go and attempt to shit on games that are better than your normie garbage anyway.

Automata is just a better 3d zelda anyway :^)

>comparing two different games of two different genres

I bet you also compare BotW to OoT.

It doesn't look like it on the map but Japan's pretty big. It's bigger than the United Kingdom by around 30%

look he hates horizon look how cool he is

Thia is like 60% "tumblr" artstyle.

she's so qt. she looks like a generic bimbo in the OP

The pic is about Japanese games released so far this year. Why would a Western game protagonist be on it?

>Both are open world quest em'ups
>Except one has good combat and the other has standard zelda shit
>Except one has a well written story and characters and the other has zelda shit
>Except one has a well composed soundtrack and the other has an alright soundtrack
>Except one has an interesting world and the other just keeps saying "IM BIG WHICH MEANS IM GOOD"
Fuck off

>>japan a small ass island can create better games than the rest of the world
thanks america


Breath of the Wild is an open world sandbox game.

Ocarina of Time is a shit game.

What's wrong with the west

he wanted to show how epic he is

Is geralt getting another game of the year award?

>good combat
>well-written story and characters
>interesting world

I was talking about nier and botw nonce
But then again you probably havent played both of them so you actually think botw is the best game this year

They seem fine to me, dumb frogposter.

nothing you just make yourself hate then because of your east vs west meme

nobody knows

You're playing the wrong games then

Since when was OOT a questem up? Did you actually bother to read the thread?

SJW's and SHARIABLUE destroyed westurn culture.
thanks god for the nips

They not good anymore

Marry me, Potterie!

It's literally only posted because of muh waifu 2muchass.

It's a Platinum game. Play one, played them all. W101 was alright, though.

But can they make a console that isn't a glorified Blu-Ray or a dysfunctional piece of shit?


Can someone explain why anyone would want to live in Japan? That doesn't have to do with having a warped sense of it being awesome because of anime?

>the west makes games for PC
>Japan never has and never will

>It's a platinum game
Kill yourself

Leftism. Western game developers are either leftists or afraid of them
Also people here just have shit taste and want more "realistic" grafix shit

Azn qts
No SJW bullshit
Comfy little apartments

I don't wanna live there but if I did, those would be my reasons

East Asian here. Japan's the most alright East Asian country

Guaranteed replies.

Jesus, Sup Forums, why didn't you see through this low-quality nintencocksuck bait?

>Link hanging out with all the cool kids from Sony


>Can someone explain why anyone would want to live in Japan?
no shitskins


The country is extremely beautiful outside the big cities, largely untouched nature and very calm wilds make it an excellent hiking/trekking country. Honestly if you enjoy nature and its simplicity then Japan is the best place on Earth to go to, warmly recommend visiting Okinawa or Hokkaido if anybody ever gets around to going there. Or if you have the time, visit the cat or rabbit islands for some relaxing time.

>east asian

Fucking hell Link looks so much like that Ellen dyke that looking at this picture is not enjoyable for me

Because it is Tumblr
That type of art would get you kicked out of a doujin convention



>really activates your almonds


>everyone complains about kat in this image, but not toobie having the wrong skin color

she's pale as fuck, she shouldn't be as dark as kat

This artist draws fucking terrible Kiryu and Majima. Kat and Velvet are pretty unrecognizable as well.


You are a fool.

Male feminist faggot or land whale confirmed

There is literally nothing wrong with having video game characters of color.

It's a taro game you stupid fuck. Hell the combat doesn't even really play like other platinum games anyway, which is the only part they really had the most influence over.

Why dont you just. Play the fucking game

Here's a version of the OP where only the characters from PC games are present. Japan refuses to support such a cancerous platform of non-gamers, that's why their games are the best in the world.





They just are that good, but there are many good western games out there too


This is what I want to do if/when I go with some weeb friends I've got.

I've got some pretty entry level weeb taste, fuck I'm only watching Little Witch Academia this season and can't really talk about other seasonal shit, but I fucking want to go hiking and do some bodyweight /fit/ shit under a goddamn waterfall while someone plays the Rocky theme on a Shamisen so bad.

>those games' primary market are PS4 owners anyway
>95% of sales of both of those games are on PS4

why bait
SJW shit has made western devs crap

Im playing yakuza zero now even and way more fun then anything western past fwe years

Silly dumbass. Taro is only credited with directing and scenario writing. He didn't actually make the game. Platinum did. That's what a developer is. And if a game is being developed by a shit dev team, what motivation do I have to give it the light of day? especially when Nier 1 wasn't anything worth writing home about apart from the tranny.

If Japanese games are so good how come weebs are always talking about the west?