
>fags said dlc bosses were hard in this
>nobody said getting the rakuyo would be ten times harder

fucking died 15 times to those 2 fuckers

Blades of Mercy are the superior version anyway.


>Clear out the entire level.
>Descend the ladder walk to trigger their patrol, then climb it quickly.
>Go around through the Winter Lantern tunnel near OoK where you are overlooking them.
>Equip your regen gem items.
>Hit up for blood bullets.
>Use Blacksky Eye or Evelyn and aim with monocular, fire your blood bullets.
>Re-blood bullet and wait on regen.

Congrats, you can cheese them with zero risk.

The one fish giant with the anchor right before the final bonfire killed me more than any boss in the game it took me like 2 hours to fucking deal with him. I unironically had an easier time with both Ludwig and the Orphan. Those fuckers are HARD

I need help and I'm desperate I can't get pass the boss in old yharnam can someone help me

You can just run past that one, it can't follow you into the lighthouse building and gets stuck on the door.

Relatively easy boss, make sure you aren't underleveled or haven't been gimping your HP. Use fire paper and antidotes. Summon Alfred.

parry, and always keep walking to his left.

Blood-starved Beast is REALLY weak to fire. If you have fire paper on you use it during the final phase to make it die twice as fast. Also she is attracted to the pungent blood cocktails that you've probably not used ever before now. Throw one at a wall to get a free hit or two in or to give you a breather

Yeah but that's the pussy way out son. I beat my head against that wall for hours and I'm proud of it

What are the dankest Bloodborne memes?

use shaman blade on the first guy when the second one pops in. watch them kill each other.

this shit cracks me the fuck up every time i see t

someone dump BB memes I need them please

Have IRL insight in exchange

When the anchor shark does his land swimming charge of infinite range, you can parry it

There, fight is over

Use that little flamethrower tool.
I cornered it into a wall and just kept flaming it and it died in less than a minute.
Easy fucking boss.

Kek, I had the same problem as I recently got Bloodborne

They're literally harder than any of the bosses

I started it on NG+, and fuck those guys.

This. I don't understand how more people haven't thought of doing this or some variation. The same for Micolash too.

Superior at doing what?


Hit em with arrows and spammed ludwigs holy blade from the ledge. Side note; rakuyo is cool but mercy was still 10x cooler.


>How do we make the DLC bosses hard?
>I know, let's give them 10 billion HP!

Did this piss off anyone else? In comparison to the mainline bosses, the DLC enemies have absurd amounts of HP, closer to the (terrible) chalice dungeons than anything else.

You could try justifying it by arguing it's a post-game area, but then why the fuck are there so many weapons locked there? You can't even use chalices to access them early (unlike the Burial Blade), you have to defeat a boss stronger than the final boss before you can use the damn Church Pick.

Just parry them

You can use some dagger to make one kill the other one. It was the only way I could do it.


Is this an edit of something? Source of original?

*blocks your path*

*boops on nose*

The skybox changed after I killed Amelia. I thought the big orange thing was a moon but I guess it was the sun?

>defiled watchdog
>defiled amygdala
Sup Forums WILL defend them

Superior at being the worst weapon in the game.

You know you can visceral all the bosses in the DLC, right?

>Playing Bloodborne for the first time
>Get to Micolash
Who thought this was a good idea?

Me, he's the best idea

Had a hard time with him until I decided to fight him like I would in any Souls game and didn't get hit.

It's from berserk

Berserk. Volume 17 page 52 or so. Can't post the original manga pages because nudity.

"How to pick up fair maidens"? I'm surprised there are still details like this I haven't tnoticed.

Share play me and I'll do it for you

Yeah, it's late afternoon-ish prior to killing her.

I am literally you user. I just lost to him after chasing him for 10 minutes and shut off the game. I'll try again tomorrow

>platinum is locked behind those two shark giants

feels good, man

You can cheese him with poison daggers when he's in a certain spot below you, just before he would run to the final fight area. Chuck enough to start the DoT and wait.

He's kind of a bastard about running around sometimes though.

You need to scare him into room, rape him, them he will run again, drive him into room again and rape him. Nothing hard.

Just started playing this after getting a PS4. I haven't been enjoying a game as much as original dark souls which I played the fuck out of (200 hours on 360, 400 on PC).
Really did not enjoy DaS 2 and 3.
Anyone else find Bloodborne really compelling to play, or has the drought of good games/enough time passed since 2 and 3 were a disappointment lower the bar?

I was a big fan of DeS and DaS 1. Played DaS 2, hated it.

Got Bloodborne, plat trophy, around 150 hours game time and I never get bored of it.

Got DaS3, around half way through the game never touched it again went back to BB. It's just so superior.

I prefer BB as a better overall game experience. Dark souls is something I could play a second time sooner than bloodborne, but I think aside from how fun my reroll is in each game, I think bloodborne is a superior piece of art.

It's hard to put one on top of the other, though. They can be played for different reasons.

>mfw invading hamlet and finding some dumbass and his buttbuddies trying to get the rakuyo

>lonely bitter shut-in detected

Aw, did someone barge into your attempted rakuyo ganksquad recently?

No need to be salty, user. It's just a game.

You don't need dlc to get the platinum, but you do need to 100% achievements.

Beat watchdog first time no issue. Amygdala on the other hand was complete trash, taking about a week of practice.