Remember when we were making fun of Horizon for 'only' having 26 unique enemies throughout the game before we learned...

Remember when we were making fun of Horizon for 'only' having 26 unique enemies throughout the game before we learned that Zelda Breath of the Wild only has 16?

Those were good times. How are you enjoying fighting Hinox and Stone Talus over and over? The game is fun, but the lack of variety seriously drags the game down.

How many threads about this have you made today?


They needed more enemies like the Molduga honestly. Fighting one, or even just dealing with one while out in the desert was fun as hell. They could've had a unique boss enemy for each region type. Death Mountain would have Dodongos for instance. A few less common enemies would help too; Goriyas (boomerang guys from Zelda 1), Peahats, Tektites appearing only in certain areas.

More variety would be nice but the boss we do have are pretty fun imo.

I was pretty shocked first time Hinox threw a tree at me.

no i remember making fun of HORIZON because it was a shit game and the only other game Sonybronie-s have other then Blunderborn

I don't think it's 98 reskins

In horizon everything is some variation of a dog. Breath of the wild has actually variety in its enemies.
Horizon has 26 dogs with 5 recolors.

Get over it, the console companies are raping you and exclusives are just the bait. Break free from your loyalties to those that treat you as cattle.

I have a job and therefore am able to play games on my ps4, vita, 3ds, switch and PC :)

>a handful of similar sponges with a different exterior
>plus ubisoft tier stealth and auto aiming arrows to complement how you can fight them, YEAH!

>16 base enemy types
>which behave differently depending on what weapons they hold
>which behave differently when with different allies
>which have recolors that also have unique actions to that of others in their base type
>complemented with much more unique and engaging gameplay and abilites

what is the deal?

they are both good games

>16 that have unique reactions, unique strategies, unique attacks.
>26 where half of them is charge, swipe, and shoot projectiles.

there should've really been some freezards in the snowy mountain areas and tektikes because of all the water in the game. Redads would've been nice as a Jump scare in that Dark forest area.

also because of this game's heavy use of losing weapons, Like-Likes should've been a no brainer.


Please. Those were basically just wolves and you know it. They're in the game.

Wait, why aren't we considering some of the animals enemy types? Bears and wolves are both aggressive as fuck.

Question for Horizon bros, does Horizon have enemies who use the environment to attack you like the Hinox does in Zelda?

I'm not that far into the game but I really like the bosses so far. Hinox impressed the hell out of me how he rip's trees out of the ground and tries to club you with them or throw them at you. Also thought it was cool how he's wear a necklace of weapons and you can take them when you knock him down. He's not very difficult since he's so slow, I honestly find myself dying to regular enemies more often than bosses but I still thought his design was really nice.

I also I hear there are dragons in Zelda and they're pretty crazy to fight but idk I haven't found one yet.

also fucking goats. first time I saw one it's like oh it's a goat that's cool, turned my back for a second and he rammed me! Kill all those ass holes on sight now.

Nobody here actually plays Horizon, not even OP. They just bring it up to shitpost about Zelda.

>Nobody here actually plays Horizon

Is it really bad then?

ReDeads would've fit PERFECTLY in shrines.

Go away, Drone.

No they were werewolves. There's a huge difference.

He's not exactly wrong.
Drone though he may be, he knows his shit when it comes to BotW

I've heard from very reliable sources, about Link, the character Link, that Link is hot. Is Link hot to you?

Is there any way to keep non-horse mounts? This bear is cool as fuck but they won't let me board it.

I've heard this is shitposting

I feel that while Darknuts, Wolfos, Gibdos, Poes and Aeralfos would've worked in the game. Given the mechanics of the game they would just feel like a small variation or a mere reskin of other enemies. Like-likes also could've worked but given how many people are complaining about the mechanics of weapons they could've been annoying.

hopefully we'll get to see more enemies added but in the meantime I feel we;re alright with the one we have.

>compare Zelda after reviewing Horizon
>holy shit this is 10 whole points better

It'd be one thing if Zelda came out first or Horizon came out way earlier. Zelda is probably a 98 because of Horizon comparisons

I've heard from very reliable sources, about Link, the character Link, that Link is hot. Is Link hot to you?

This user speak the truth