Video Games

whats the best gamemode on tf2

serious question


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idk I only play shitfests
>most fun
24/7 2fort muh nigga


Medieval Mode



i like pyro dodgeball guys :^)

CTF, because faggots always want to have friendly dance parties and repeatedly gibbing them makes my dick hard.

how do I git gud at this?
Tried playing for the first time today and kept getting my shit pushed in. Mind you there wasn't that many people on our teams

The steam library

It's CTF

Everyone shittalks 2fort but I seriously love it.

Everyone shit talks it but they are a loud vocal minority. 2fort has always been the most played map but now there's finally more evidence to back that up.

Vocal minority? I don't think you have enough evidence to say it's a minority. That chart shows 2 Fort might be the most played, but that doesn't mean it's the most liked. It's still possible a majority of people dislike 2fort openly.

don't get me wrong user its all I play, but i get annoyed by by the pocketed black box soldiers that stay sewers and think they're good. otherwise its awesome what server you play on? I play on skial LA servers catch me playing demolition man

Honestly, the best gamemode is Overwatch. As soon as I started playing Overwatch I haven't touched any other TF2 gamemode.

Do people really play on anything other than King of the Hill?

>Saxton servers full of pony shit

unless you are playing in baby easy mdoe, you are going to need all 6 people, and the team must be roughly balanced unless you are super experienced

an Engi is almost always needed, but if you have too many it becomes sentrybuster central

a good scout is super useful since he can collect all the money

demos and soldiers are just fantastic in this mode

a heavy with natasha can really put a stop to those giant scouts, and its also generally a strong pick

a sniper can be very good agaisnt giants but he needs to be GOOD, explosive headshot is a must

pyro feels a bit more niche but it can be great at resetting the bomb

a medic can sometimes replace an engi as your support in this mode, the barrier, heals, ubers and revives are lifesavers, theres almost no reason to use anything but the kritzkrieg

the spy is... i unno, never figure out how to make it work, but ive seen people argue it does work

good to know, I think we were in normal mode with like 4 or 5 people but kept dying anyway.

Any tips on upgrades? what to get first and what to avoid

5cp is objectively the best and most balanced gamemode

Still? Guess cancer really can't be cured.

spys are really good if you know how to use it.

>Sap all the medics in a small radius and murder them all
>Backstab a giant quickly and cuntinously while its distracted on your team
>Deal with supports like engies and snipers
>Use diamondback for free kritz

Attack and Defense is my shit.


>Living that Hoodoo 1%

Still finding new engie nests every day

Exiting the game


>playing any variant of hightower

payload. 5cp is good too

flag is ok, a lot of the popular flag maps suck

Payload a shit

KOTH and CP are the best Mobius, THE BEST.



CTF for Well alone.
Best map across the series.
Debate me.

I don't know about best game mode but Mario Kart is the best community map. Feels like looking into a time capsule.

I thought the the actual mode was developed with pony shit in mind, since so many of the saxton alternatives are fucking ponies.

It's a shame, the mode is pretty fun otherwise.

that's just a server mod

Bullshit, as long as it's not expert it can easily be done with 4 or 5 people. Just don't get in a team with total noobs.

Vs Saxton Hale was out way before the whole MLP revival, I never played it though, I hate downloading custom content from shit servers.

>ctrl+f surf
>0 matches

What the fuck guys, surf a best.

surf is gayer than aids and you know it

I've actually never played CTF in TF2 before in my 600 hours in game.


>re-install tf2
>load server list
>uninstall tf2
every year.

Is it bad that I play all gamemodes but only pay attention to the objective on attack/defense and payload

Fuck you nigga, surf is the most fun that can be had in an FPS game. You're just mad that you don't know how to do it well.

5cp maps
capture point
meme modes
dm outside of mge


I've put in like 400 hours on that server alone.

I never heard of it and just looked it up. so it's basically just tribes on rails?