*saves vidya*

*saves vidya*

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Why is his shirt so ragged? Is he too poor to buy new clothes?

>saves vidya
>by making a movie

that says a lot of the game industry

Mads looks like he doesn't want to be there.

Has anyone told kojimbo that guy is actually a cannibal yet? gonna be eating kojimmy tempura soon

it's street wear grandpa

Sup Forums btfo

he's literally correct


name 1 (one) time a nip has ever saved vidya

nothing personal kid

>Sup Forums
>calling themselves gamers
What timeline do you live in?

Hideo has yet to make one good video game.

Dusk will save vidya, not Death Stranding.

Mads is pretty fucking handsome.


Checkmate, atheist.

that's sorta just his face

>they should call themselves cinephiles

Lego master race genes.

Mads is such an odd mix of devilishly handsome and an uncomfortable hobo

Horrible video game. Sad.

He's picking clothes off the streets? Shit, I knew he wasn't doing well, but this is too much.

I think guys generally look better when they've got a slightly rugged/unkempt look to them. Stubbles and slightly unkempt but still organised hair look good.

I'm straight, honest.

Way worse than Snatcher.

i look exactly like that. am i a fuccboi in the making
are you a girl? pm me


*makes a decade of awful sequels*
*blows entire budget on big name actors*
*retcons Cobra Unit*

damn Kojima looks like THAT?

I ruv you Geoff

>mads in europe
>films outstanding dramas and heavy character roles with an occasional witty pseudo historical action piece
>mads in america
>blood, gore and star wars sidekick + cgi face

fucking hell

Hannibal was pretty great though

is there a more smug man in vidya than kojima?

Fake quote but hes not wrong.

old clothing is 1000% more comfy than new clothing
he's lucky he has no holes

Kojima hasnt been rude

it was an outstanding portrayal of american society

Sent ;)

oh god I remember this shit
>censor the nudity on the old famous painting
>use more blood to hide the corpses ass crack