Hated BoTW because it had no real dungeons, no music, no whimsy and played (and ran) like an early acess survival game

>Hated BoTW because it had no real dungeons, no music, no whimsy and played (and ran) like an early acess survival game
>Neir Automata was brown n bloom and dreary. Like every other game
>New Planescape game is massively dumbed down
>Games like Sea of Thieves can only be got on Windows 10 and no way am I using that shit
>Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, Star Citizen, Kingdom Come Deliverence, games I was most looking forward to are vaporware

I dont know man, video games fucking suck right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hang yourself you fucking degenerate


Execute yourself faggot

die faggot

fucking die

Just do something new

especially not shilling shitty toddlers' shows

which they should die for it

>Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, Star Citizen, Kingdom Come Deliverence, games I was most looking forward to are vaporware
>games that aren't AAA yearly releases and take a while to make are vaporware

Consider suicide.

they really should

This purple donut bears the likeness of one of six artefacts that banishes you Barneyfag. With the upload of this image I banish thee from this thread. BEGONE

He does this every thread. Just report anyone who uses this post style and/or picture.


fucking kill them

I really want them dead

There are literally no ponies in the source.
Fuck off Lee.

they need to be dead


they should be dead

But they aren't for some reason