Battlefront Ultimate worth $20?

On origin there's a sale going on right now, would the ultimate edition be worth it at this price?

I thought it might be kinda cool to play in the offline mode even if it would be hard to find matches sometimes on PC.

Kek no
Save the money and spend it somewhere else


I loved Titanfall 2 but they let it die as usual.

Op get origin access instead. You will pay 6 euros or so, play it for a hour max and never touch it again.

Yeah I thought it could be wise to wait until some other game piques my interest, I do also have a pretty big backlog. Titanfall 2 is fantastic but yeah, of course EA throttled that one to death...
Might do this, and also comes with a trial to andromeda too although if it releases how it looks it won't be worth it to pay for that garbage

Thanks for the help guys, I think I'll save my money this time around!

I hope the next battlefront will be good (finger's crossed) I'll have to hold in my urge to fork over shekels until we see the opinions

Damn guys, come on.

You bought an actual no games machine?

Path of Exile is being ported, thought I'd give this 4k piece of shit a shot.

Imagine being stuck with these kind of games with you console.

>no games
>40 or so games sitting on my shelf
>playing wildlands, fo4, witcher 3, Red dead, currently, have a backlog rapidly getting too big to get to

So I don't have access to weeb exclusives and suddenly my game library disappeared?

That's impressive.

I also have the other no game machine.

>that HDMI cable
praise the KEK

Yeah if I had a bunch of leftover money laying around it might have be worth it for me to get a console, but then again there aren't too many exclusives that I would be interested in to justify that...

It would be nice to have a larger player base for a game like battlefront which I was considering getting (but it's basically dead now on PC) but I think it'd just be best to wait for the next release and see how people respond to that

You could play all that shit on PC and for multiplayer PS4 has the highest numbers. Battlefront peak numbers today for example are 25k PS4, 19K XB1, and 5K PC.

>Dark Souls II
>But no bloodborne

Yeah imo PC and Ps4 would be the best combo, battlefront on ultra is just insanely beautiful...

xbox is going to be shifting into the PC market it looks like anyways..

Get the EA thing for $5 a month, play the game for a week and then realize why everyone ditched the game a week in as well.

I have it downloaded and platinumed. Its old and shit

It was irredeemable shit. Don't spend any money trying to play it.

Yup, and I could drive to Mt. Hood in my truck, but if I had a motorcycle I could drive further and if I had a helicopter I could land on the top.

So because two other modes of transportation offer options beyond what mine does, mine suddenly has no engine or wheels.

Sup Forums logic.

Just play Battlefront 2 or get Jedi Academy and install Movie Battles.
>giving money to EA in any year