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i support all of that except independent games

like so. Lets see your convictions Sup Forums

You misspelled independent.

Only indies

>GOTY edition of already existing game
is there some other type? how can you be GOTY if you haven't already been sold that year??

>console exclusives


Because I like consoles, physical discs/carts and hard cases. PC offer none of that anymore and PC uniformity would all be entirely digital.



>Supporting paid internet

For what fucking purpose?

>GOTY edition of already existing game is there some other type? how can you be GOTY if you haven't already been sold that year??

GOTY editions wouldn't be needed im my perfect DLC free world

>paid internet

what type of fag are you?


Because consoles have longetivity unlike PC.

Your PC will get replaced in 5-6 years with a new OS, and a new tower. That new Os will then not support the older OS's (as has been proven since Vista kicked XP out) thus, will not support the myriad of games you picked up over the years.

Consoles however, can be kept and easily plugged in and ran at any given time, and won't break down for a good 2-3 decades if well treated. That old Windows XP tower? Its dead jim. Wont start up now, wont work. nothing you can do about it.

Green - Support
Yellow - Depends
Red - Against

None of these

these are all shit that should stop existing

I support gassing people who only play PC games.

why though

>mommy he didn't buy the toy i like

If you don't agree, you are delusional to the world.

The only answer if you actually care about video games

shills fuck off

>Actually getting your game on the disc shouldn't exist
>Digital distribution shouldn't exist
Do you hate games?


>this many people support console exclusives

Cancer all of you.

This. Games are games, regardless of what platform they're on or how much you got nickeled and dimed in the process of obtaining them. Indie games don't really fit in with the rest of the list tbqh and they tend to be shite, so yeah.

>If you support games not backed by a publisher, you're killing games


Internet all over the world is paid, why would you expect it to be free.

Eh, support is a strong word for don't give a fuck about.

>Your PC will get replaced

You know it's possible to keep an old computer, right? The fact is, hardly anyone does, because most old games will run acceptably well on the new operating system, even if it requires a patch or an emulator or a source port. But if you want to play one of the old games that absolutely will not run worth a shit on Windows 7, there's no law against continuing to use Windows XP on an old PC instead of throwing it out.

>That old Windows XP tower? Its dead jim. Wont start up now, wont work. nothing you can do about it.

Just because you broke a computer once doesn't mean all computers self-destruct.


It's referring to Xbox Live/PSN, not internet itself.

It's all they have, bro. Just leave them be. It's all they have...

If you don't support console exclusives you're sending games to die. PC uniformity will kill those games because unlike said console libraries, PC will move on and get more high tech, elaving behind playability of those games long ebhind and at the mercy of the publishers whim in the future

Remember that old Win 98 carmen san diego game you like? Can't play it on your new Windows 10 PC! And guess what, every Win 98 tower in existence is long dead due to lack og longetivity. That game is literal trash now, and won't ever see the light of day.

>DLC that gives me new content
It depends if its something akin to expansions like Diablo 2 :LoD or TW3 expansions
>GOTY editions
If it bundles togather all the dlc released for a cheap price, sure
>digital distribution
Im ok with this
>account based systems and shops
nothing wrong there if im not misreading it
>indie games
some are ok, Primal Carnage is one of my most played steam games between the original and Extinction once the game chanegd ownership

Calling it Paid online services or something like that would make it more obvious.

Dumb fucking idiot.

Well it should say that then. 'Paid Internet' could refer to MMO subscriptions under that definition.


Is this the hot new meme? Pretending that PC of all things is the worst platform for backwards compatibility?

Is that the CD i paid for in 1995? No, its not. You can take your digital age and cram it up your porthole

It is in regards to physical. Digital doesn't exist to me as far as I'm concerned. If its not on disk, it doesn't exist.

My friend has a "junk box" computer he gave his kid that he upgrades with his old parts whenever he upgrades and its running XP still

I mean its slapped the fuck full of viruses from googling ben 10 porn and clicking on every goddamn link for the first 20 pages but we spend an evening cleaning it out and laughing every couple of months and it still runs fine

Denial of objective reality is not an argument.

What do I win?

Don't get digital

Don't preorder unless its a game like nioh where you're gonna wait months to get a physical copy because of artificial scarcity

I never fall for jewish tricks like cosmetic dlc

Low IQ niggers who can't spend 2 seconds using primitive technology to quickly play literally anything should be gassed.

>B-but it doesn't feel right!

Go play with sticks, nigger.

Independent games and GOTY editions are all that I see on that list which are acceptable to me as a consumer.


Fuck off faggot

well congratulations youre retarded and dont have an arguement

>Doesn't support DLC
>Supports ""GOTY edition""

What the fuck am I reading.

>Low IQ

Ha, thats rich, this coming from the guy who covets "easy access" mindless installing of nothingness through torrenting programs. Cry me a river asshole. You probably don't even know what a Floppy is.


The amount of technological illiteracy really goes to show people who hate PC really don't know anything at all about it, like if you prefer consoles that's fine, but you're pretty ignorant about the other platform

Don't you have shitty greenlight games you need to pretend are good?

>console exclusives
Exclusives are corporate wankery to jew people into buying their console rather than by making their console better than the competition

>my precious disc images are special! Hardware dictates what I enjoy!

Low IQ nigger, I said go play with sticks. Your nigger opinions don't matterl. Go play with sticks.

Not an argument

>all indie games are greenlight games
You can't be this retarded.


Seeing as your only rebuttal is slander words from the 1950's. I think its you who are stuck in the past my friend.

>how i do Sup Forums

>making console better than the competition

Enjoy your yearly "new" xbox and playstation.

Indie games are a dime a dozen and there have only been three good ones, ever.

You do realize that CD's dont last forever right?
Shit some cheap PS1 games are already to the point where they dont work anymore


Low IQ nigger still isn't playing with sticks. It thinks that it can talk with big boys. It thinks its plastic toys make games special.

Play with sticks, little nigger.

Why anyone is replying seriously to you, I will never know.

>he fell for the anti-jew

The anti-jew is the biggest jewish trick of them all

Only two of what you chose are harmless.

Here you go, Mr. Internet Marketer.

>Game of the Year
I would encourage additional printings / editions of games because scarcity would only drive up resale value. I never pay more than USD$20 for a single game.

>Indie games
They're mostly all shit, but I support their right to exist and be published.

>Console Exclusives
>DLC that gives me new content
>Pre-ordering games
>Digital distribution
>Account based systems/shops
>Independent games as long as devs recognize that their efforts may be complete failures

Oh come one, none of the three good ones are even on that list.

>I never pay more than USD$20


>Because consoles have longetivity unlike PC

are you retarded?
>make a PC when PS4 comes out that's stronger
>it will play any game that comes on ps4

they're literally the same longevity.

>Console exclusives
Not really, although I can see the value of a maintaining a niched market for some genres that wouldn't sell if everything was multiplat.

>DLC that gives me new content
Who the fuck is against this aside from some sperg-kids who lose their shit from simply seeing those three letters?

>Preordering games
Who is against preordering games? You can preorder most products, and getting a perk from it seems like normal marketing

>Episodic content
Dislike it personally but not against it on principle. I can see why some people would enjoy it.

>Independant games
Again, why would you be "against" independant games in general aside from some stupid camp/allegiance thing on forums? Most independant games are bad.

Most of these were pretty retard to even state a for or against stance on.

>They're literally the same longetivity
For one gen, sure. Do you not understand the word Longetivity?

Is a windows XP just as potent now as it was in 2004? I don't think so. Computers don;'t stand the test of time. they're made to break down in 5 years just so you can buy a new model with a new OS, and all the newest bells and whistles.

>Because consoles have longetivity unlike PC
>longevity (you misspelled that by the way, you illiterate fuck)

Consoles do not have longevity. The hardware is becoming too complex, with many fragile interdependent parts that easily - and eventually do - break down. Firmware issues might also prompt untimely RRoD / YLoD.



>Supporting console exclusives

I'll literally never understand this. A game will objectively look and perform best on a PC. If you support console exclusives you do are outright supporting shittier games.

Funny, then explain why a windows 98 rig will die ina good 4-6 years, yet an NES has lasted 2 decades now, and STILL is going as strong as it was back in the day?

>Who is against pre ordering games

Lots of people. Pre ordering is bad and is a surefire way for bad games to make money. Imagine how much money NMS made off of all the people who didn't cancel their pre orders.

I agree with you except GOTY-editions.
What's the problem with releasing bundle editions with base game + DLC for a reduced price when the game has been out for a while? It's just normal marketing. Are you against price drops for older games in general?

paying for a product before it's even finished being made just gives developers more encouragement to shit out crap games that only look good on the surface
cause once you've bought it they've succeeded, no matter how good the game is
the developers of No Mans Sky wouldn't be rich if preordering didnt exist

If you check anything else you're probably an idiot, because there is no reason to support anything else.

>Is a windows XP just as potent now as it was in 2004?

The longevity of the machine is the same as any console. I have a PC running windows 98 at my shop and it runs as fine as it ever did. If you maintain equipment, it will run, end of story.

starcraft and warcraft 3 would have been garbage without expansions

I'm not sure why you guys are so against content dlc

If you preorder a game that you're not sure if you're going to like then that's on the consumer. If you preorder games from shady companies that change the product/something like that, then it's the actions of the company thats the issue, not the ability to preorder a game.

I don't preorder a lot, but I'm a grown man and I can usually tell what games I'm really going to like even before they're released. In that case its convenient to have my order waiting for me on release day.

>Everyone on Sup Forums has a $1000+ custom rig that can run AAA games at 60FPS because they also bought $900 Titan GX graphic cards too!

Don't kid yourself. Most of Sup Forums has $400 prebuilt win 8/10 laptops. And even then nobody wants to spend $1000+ on a PC when all they do is use it to browse porn and shitpost on Sup Forums. Playing a game and alkt tabbing means no shitposting. .


t. latebloomer who didnt get his switch

The US gov uses PC's from the 60's along with floppy disk for shit like nukes

I still had laptops running windows 98/2000 that I used as a kid just 2 years ago before I threw them away

See .

Personal computers do not magically self-destruct, nor do they degrade more than console hardware does.

Most NES consoles are in terrible condition now, anyway. You know that "you have to blow into the cartridge to make it work" meme? Blowing into them isn't actually a good idea, so don't do it, but that meme exists because, even 20 years ago, those things were wearing down.

Furthermore, NES cartridges with built-in save capability used built-in batteries which are now dead unless they've been replaced. So yes, you can fix them, but don't pretend these things just last forever. Not even a CD lasts forever, as another person in this thread has pointed out. They literally degrade until they don't work anymore, even if you're not touching them.

>laptops running Win98/2000
Not the same thing. Os =/= tower. An Os doesn't determine if a disc can be played. A tower does, and those towers are long dead and kaput. meaning EVERY PHYSICAL DISC FROM WIN 98/MACINTOSH IS OBSOLETE.



this form is kind of ambiguous and confusing, not entirely sure what "account based systems" and "on-disc installation of content" even mean

>who didn't get his switch

What. I'm waiting to get a switch. I have more important things to buy, like a new phone, new monitors, possibly new GPU.

>That's on the consumer

No, it's not. Snake oil salesman shouldn't be allowed to operate.

I'd say only 3 of those are bad but >opinions

It's not my problem if Sup Forums kiddies can't build a decent fucking rig. They can get fucked, I can play vidya so who cares about them?