Is Nintendo ungrateful?

Is Nintendo ungrateful?

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No they're a company.

Its funny because DPS is absolutely desperate for money

Nintendo might as well be responsible for DPS YT career ending

I sometimes think of the SoK as sperglords who are pro-swatting
But then Phil says retarded shit like this and its like: Yeah, He deserves it.

>Every video of their product is claimed by the company who did it
How is that unfair? Also

Every single reposted beatles song is claimed what an ungrateful band

Yeah, Nintendo is ungrateful, but so is DSP.


In fact, fuck yes Nintendo.

I hope they kill the fucking streaming and LPers. That cancer is literally killing the industry.

If it was literally any other company people would be okay with it.

Oh good we can go back to getting our info on games through the totally unbiased and unbought games journos.

Why are they still together?



Yes because these fake ass sponsored Youtubers are any better.

bugged revenue mechanics wow

why? that's what helps me decide if a game is actually good or not.

how come some videos are ok?
is it the game?

It is fairly unique to Nintendo and outside the excitement for this game has kept Nintendo coverage to a minimum on YouTube. It isn't worth it to make content involving nintendo products.

You're better off just to stream the game on Twitch where they can't touch you.

Streaming video games is a privilege. It's technically copyright infringement so they have a right to do that.

Yes, this is better.

Life isn't perfect princess.

They made the game, not the video. Are you saying making videos of anything should be illegal, because companies made the stuff you're filming?
>nintendo fanboys

>Gonna check out this game, see if its worth it
>Wow, I watched the whole thing
>No reason to buy it now, I guess. Especially for $60


>Because seeing the game being played and commented on in real time is less objective than bullshots and puff pieces.

>Sup Forums will defend this

yes, they're a shit company that DMCA rule 34

fucking japanese EA


>Wow, I watched the whole thing
>No reason to buy it now, I guess.

Nobody does this, shill.

Prove it. All other available evidence has shown it increases hype and sales for worthwhile games and damns shovelware.

Why are people acting like they're doing Ninty a favour? They've made it pretty clear they dont want it

Obviously shill videos are ok

Go ahead, I'll get my info on games from other youtube video where they don't talk over the gameplay and monetize their videos for putting their unwanted voice over the gameplay.

You know, the same way any non-faggot has already been doing.

I did it for Horizon Zero Dawn before it even launched.

Those would be gone too, idiot.

You weren't going to buy it anyway. Don't lie.

ITT: Its ok when Nintendo does it

Nintendo is monetizing most vids, not taking them down

What fucking kind of subhuman sewage follows DSP and thinks about what he says?

You watched a playthrough of the whole game? You have mental problems.


The only way to know if you like a game is to play it yourself
This will never change

It won't be purchased by me until $20 if at all after seeing the full game and story.

It's okay when Eceleb cancer is purged.

Is there more context to this? Is it his videos specifically or livestreams in general.

i follow dsp saga on occasion since 2009, learned a lot about human behavior from it

I did that for RE7

Not if they were made by non-jewtubers for free.

You can still make videos right? Just don't expect to be paid for it.

That sucks about Norasuko, but I don't think I know anyone else on that list.

>People buy your console
>Buy your games.
>Make videos about it using hardware they had to pay extra for.
>And then Nintendo takes any money they could make back from that too.
Imagine buying a car and it comes with a bunch of advertisement stickers all over it that you can't remove, and you aren't paid to drive it around and advertise peoples products for them.
This has never been valid. Games are not music. If you listen to a song on youtube you're getting everything that the artist would've sold you. If you watch a movie on youtube you're getting everything the producer would've sold you. If you watch a game on youtube you're missing out on the majority of the experience. Playing game =/= watching game. Nintendo is dicking over dedicated fans that want to make money advertising their product for them, at no cost to Nintendo. It's no different from if they demanded IGNs advertisers give them the ad revenue generated on any Nintendo game reviews.

>tfw people post like this because they never found a streamer they liked
sucks to be you man

I will
Fuck western fanart
Funny how nintendo does nothing against comiket doujins huh

Nintendo claims copyright on all video content since a couple years back. Users wanting to post Nintendo content has to give a portion of their monitization to Nintendo.

Streamers and their followers are up in arms because the streamers want to be paid to play video games full time.

how jewish

A fuck ton of people do, not even joking.

nintendo doesn't want to kill streamers/lpers, they want to take advantage of them just like every other company is doing, they're just dense as fuck and can't into marketing.

>literally every other AAA game company in the universe
>seduce streamers/lpers into becoming shills with lots of money and perks

>expects people to fork over 40% of everything and never ever show content from any other companies
>anyone who doesn't comply gets fucked with their iron fist

flies honey vinegar etc

You're not the market for the game.

>watching strangers on the internet play video games
Your life is not good my man

literally every other company is not doing it though.

Based Nintendo

nigga, where we at?

>was looking for an update on dsp antics
>found someone named slowbeef making videos disparaging dsp
>check slowbeef's channel
>1k-2k views per video
>dsp related stuff has 20-30k
>he has to make dsp videos to feed his family



>They made the game, not the video.

At what point does it become okay to upload footage of an entire film, but not a video game?

You dumb nigger it's not about the experience, it's about using other people's shit to make money for yourself. That's a big no-no in the real world whether you like it or not.

From what I heard, because of PETA's stunt with their flash game, Nintendo pretty much had to scorch the earth to prevent them or anyone from posting parody games and videos.

I don't know man--lately I've been associating Nintendo as the Apple of video game companies.

Someday you'll "get it", grandpa.

done this a few times
RE7 for example

>Imagine buying a car and it comes with a bunch of advertisement stickers all over it that you can't remove
Its more like you buy a load of bread, but then you break into the bakery and steal 6 more loafs to sell on I can make irrelevant fucking comparisons construing physical products with completely different concepts like IP as well

>and advertise peoples products for them
Nintendo doesnt want this "advertisement"

It's the usual shit and isn't new. Nintendo owns the IP and they will do what they see fit with it. As far as they are concerned, you post a video of their IP and they have the rights to fuck with you.

>They're just dense as fuck

No, they know exactly what they're doing. They want even the smallest amount of control to try to prevent shitheads like DSP making a video yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over their content. They also don't want people just leaching off their products, like any reasonable person/company would feel.

>Users wanting to post Nintendo content has to give a portion of their monitization to Nintendo.
It should be all of it to Nintendo

i think nintendo's attitude on this is just the consequence of an insular japanese company... they probably think that people won't want to play the game, if you can just watch it online.

the benefit of free advertising waaaaaay outweighs that, though. zelda isn't really a very cinematic game, anyways.

Yeah musical instrument companies are all about fucking musicians. Car manufacturers forever charging truckers for trucking.

Film producers actually made the video. So they own the actual video.

Saw this coming from a mile away the moment Machinima kicked him out.

ungrateful, degenerate, greedy, full on anti-consumer specter.

Slowbeef has a real job he just likes to bully people for fun

So if I start making zelda videos now, would I make more money since bigger youtube guys don't want to give nintendo money?

I mean, I'm not a youtuber but fuck I only make minimum wage. Making a few bucks because people will watch a gameplay video sounds fine to me considering that I'm playing the game for free anyways. Should I just make a shitty top 10 video about the first hour of the game and hope it'll get big enough to justify recording dumb shit in my free time for an audience so I can have more money?

I don't care about "doing it for the love over money" bullshit either. Unless it's the kind of love that can pay my bills.

>zelda isn't really a very cinematic game, anyways.
Zelda is a game about exploration. For a lot of people, having that aspect torn to sunder is a big deal.

Either way, spoilers have nothing to do about Youtube videos.

>They probably think that people won't want to play the game, if you can just watch it online


actually deadmau5 released a bunch of 1 shot samples to be used by other people in their "own" music and then proceeded to sued a guy who made a song he tried selling with some of those samples

kinda similar

Just so you know they don't delete videos, they just content claim them which leaves them up and Nintendo gets all the money. So it doesn't matter if some guy is screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over their content because they'll still monetize it and leave it up.

And AAA companies don't just work with any jackoff, they choose specific people to sign. And even then they don't assume total control of everything they do like Nintendo wants, they get "sponsored content" aka ads directed toward that person's viewer base which feeds sales of whatever they're shilling, making money for the company and their shill. Nintendo expects you to pay them and doesn't give you dick in return which is why they're so unpopular on jewtube and why their system will never be accepted.

Also if multiple companies content claim your video the money just gets locked and nobody gets it which is what a lot of people do intentionally just to spite Nintendo.

only if your game is super shit. if it's half shit, casuals still buy the game because someone looked like they had fun.

It's literally free advertising.

only poorfags who most likely werent gonna buy it anyway will do that



Those companies are okay with it.

Entertainment companies are not in many cases. This is one of those cases, so either cry about it or make a monetized video using actually original content.

Too bad big youtubers are completely incapable of the latter.

Fucking retard, if people watch an entire playthrough of a game they don't want to play, they are only watching it for the let's player and don't care about the actual game.

Nintendo are turbo Jews, yes.

That's why they are selling a three-year-old tablet for $300.

They're both pieces of shit, so they match.

>Only if your game is super shit

No, not at all. It's a comedy show, an incredibly hyperbolic one, but where the fuck do you think South Park got the concept of kids watching video games instead of playing them? That shit is real life. Kids would rather watch their favorite let's players play minecraft than they would to actually play the game. It's why this twitch phenomenon is so huge.

what does he do?

>tfw 50 subs
>tfw get like 1 view per video
>tfw companies still copyright claim my shit when a 15 second part of a song plays
>im commentating most of the time
>try the fair use thing to appeal the claim
>gets rejected

Youtube comments

WOW! What a *snort* ungrateful company! eheEHAHAEHEA!

>Kids would rather watch their favorite let's players play minecraft than they would to actually play the game
To be fair, the big streamer games are shit like Minecraft, MOBAs and meme games, i.e. shit games anyway people dont enjoy playing

>make a video that consists of you playing a video game
this is ok
>put ads on them and make money
this is not

DSP has blamed slowbeef for the growth of his haterbase after he uploaded a video of himself and a friend riffing on DSP's godawful LP of MGS2. Apparently he got so butthurt that he had the video flagged and taken down several times.

"Hurr durr fpbp! Haha!"
Go back to Neogaf where your faggotry is accepted.

>People should in the hours required to make this content for me to watch but absolutely not be paid for it.