Are you going to buy neppy's new game when it comes out on ps4 and steam later this year,Sup Forums?

Are you going to buy neppy's new game when it comes out on ps4 and steam later this year,Sup Forums?


might as well, i bought all the other fuckin' nep games


Neptune would prefer you to play her game on Noire's consoles

yeah well when i want her opinion i'll slap it out of her

It's true that nepnep is a console gamer, but I don't think it matters to her if some people want to play her game on PC as long as they buy it instead of pirating it.

>Same fucking thread every single day
Fuck off and die already

I dont know what to get it for though. I want it for PS4 because of remote play and physical copies but at the same time I play on PC more.

Are these beat-em-up nep games any good?

yes i am

This. You guys are taking up a spot for all the zelda and switch threads.

Sadly, yes. I'll also proceed to pay even more money for DLC than I did the actual game, as always.

Will the quality improve? Will it finally be a game that is legitimately good enough to exist without fan-service? NOPE!

4go isn't the same kind of game as the "beat em up" games as you call them

4Go is an ACTION RPG. Not a "beat em up". It's a real RPG with full dungeons.

People need to STOP assuming 4go is like those crappy senran clones

What is this weebshit

Way to miss the point, there's a goddamn reason why hald of nep threads end up 404, you post the same shit over and over again, same fucking OP, same fucking text

No, neo threads 404 because the mods don't like "look at this nep."

Mods never delete this kind of thread because it's not a shitpost, it's here for us to talk about the upcoming game

Now fuck off

nope stopped playing them part of the way through re 3 when it became painfully apparent that the games where going to just keep getting easier to the point where there is no thinking needed to beat the game.

Uhh you should've figured that out long before you got to rb3. Nep games aren't about difficulty. They're about cute girls and humor

when it foes on sale.

Hell, I still haven;t even bought the SeHa game

well i noticed it in re 2 but hoped 3 would be better. re 1 had some actual challenge and wasn't just face rolling the whole game.

Not until Big Nep is added to the game and made playable along with Uzume

>Tsunako's pinnacle of designs aren't playable
Fuuuuuuuuuck no. Noire's outfit is great and all but why would they do this to me

Not for $60. I'll wait for it to be less than $20. I'll buy it on whichever platform reaches that price first.

What are you talking about? The goddess forms join your party as playable characters

>Its been 5 years
>Best nep hasnt gotten her game yet
Its just not fucking fair

Havent actually read anything regarding 4GO, how did the nips receive it?

Oh no. Not a lack of BotW/Switch threads. How terrible.

Uni a cute!

4go had the best first week sales of any game in the entire series

What would Nep think of us if she was real?

he posts the same shit every thread, don't expect him to stop

We would be her followers who empower her through share energy, so naturally she would love us.


I don't support cancer.

V/R;B3 is her game in a way

Blanc is best nep

These games are terrible. Tsunako's art is the only good thing about them

I wanna have sex with uzume while I make her turn on her megaphone so everyone within hearing distance can hear her embarassed moans and screams of pleasure.

What class would big neppy play in 4go?

Have you finish HDN1 yet user?

No Buy

Yes. Still ass blasted it's going to take so long.

well, how long was the release between the JP release and the PS4 release of V-II?

Sensible arguments are offlimits user. I'm close to just getting the JP version for now but I've been importing too much lately.

>Going through Virtua Forest again
No thanks.

How does the online work? Can you play with randoms?

Ha, no.

>you will never lewd a perfect cute tomboy nep

>no amazon nep

Why is Vert carrying that boy?

Faggot, you don't like showing support eh

Yeah, I do this too.
I bought and got the platinum for Rebirths, AU and VII for when it was 80% off or so.
I got both Noire and Blanc games for less than $8 too.

Won't stop me from trying

Of course, but when it drops to $30.
Not because is a Nep game, because I never pay $60 on a game.

Depends. Will it have even remotely decent gameplay?

Virtua Forest isn't in this specific game ;^)

No because the 38.60 dollars i got left are for better games.