Log on for the first time in 9 months

>Log on for the first time in 9 months
>things are even more lifeless than they were prior to Legion
>playbase consists of people that weren't even around for the last time it was good

It's official. This game is done. What MMO should I move to?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

>What MMO should I move to?

eve online

they are all bad.

wait for crowfall. atm its either gw2, eso, wow or some korean mmo that will die in a year

>What MMO should I move to?
Lol. I have some bad news

None, let the franchise die for a while and let someone resurrect it with something new and interesting like WoW did.

Final Fantasy XIV. Now would be the perfect time for you to get familiar with the game and make some friends before the next expansion comes out in June.

your game is stuck in 2004, thats why

I'm not paying a sub just for catgirl erp.

It has bara erp too

Do you expect people to play the game for 12 fucking years OP?

>something new and interesting
the only thing wow had was polish user, you just haven't played mmos before wow

I've just gotten into Black Desert.
Though the gear upgrading is RNG as fuck so I dont know how long i'll last

oh baby sign me up.

PSO2 or Dragons Dogma Online are both solid choices with excellent gameplay.



crowfall is just another early access survival game at the moment. youre going to be waiting for a long time

The MMO genre is dead and WoW killed it.

>Now would be the perfect time for you to get familiar with the game and make some friends before the next expansion comes out in June.
FFXIV has literally never been worse.

ESO is fun

Old School Runescape. For some fucking reason, it got extremely popular again and they're even adding new shit to it.

nothing, we could've rode the eve train back in 2005

It's plenty lively on Illidan.

combat looks promising and even if they deliver on half of their promises it's gonna be gender-defining for sure.

neither of those have a eu/na release, so what's the point of mentioning them?

>Heavensward was unbelievably shit with the tome farming
>It's coming back with Stormblood
Level to the cap, finish the story, and unsub. This game is so shit now. ARR fucking tricked me.

Wait for Rob Pardo's new game.

Hopefully it won't be shit with Tigole trying to fuck over the FPS genre instead.

EVE is pretty fun tbqh desu ne.


While EVE is fun, it lacks a direct social aspect I miss from early fantasy MMORPGs.

I miss farming shit with friends, discussing pulls, waiting for spawns, trading gear, shit talking about how we're going to be the best on the server clearing top end shit.

>play legion
>get bored after the grind and running content several dozen times
>play private server
>don't have the time to play all day to level


Its pretty funny that vanilla fags always remember the leveling experience best because the endgame was trash.

But thats the beautiful part about old MMOs

Because shit was slow, you could do it in your free time and feel like you're getting somewhere

And because your progress wasn't reset every single patch, every step mattered, which means even casuals could eventually rise above the majority

The problem is when they made end game raiding the -only- content there was to do, and the fact that they made welfare/catch up mechanics that pretty much negates any progress casuals did in the first place.

No. They remember it because you did not blast off to level 60 in just a couple days.

You're saying the end game got better?

When you're doing the same content you did in the first week of hitting level cap for 3 years straight? And leveling alts is pointless as fuck because each class is homoginized into the same 3 playstyles.

>you will never experience the corrupted blood incident again

Anyone was there for that? Craziest event ever.

All vanilla fags remember is WoW is dead and has been dead for about 9 fucking years.

Training AOE spewing mobs into elwynn forest was my greatest pleasure for a long long time.

Also summoning infernals/doomguards.

ESO is pretty cozy, and probably the best MMO to roleplay in

MMO's have turned to utter trash

the genre died together with Anarchy Online for all I care

The most fun part of the game was how broken it was.

I took a 4 month hiatus because Legion is garbage and couldn't force myself to get back into the grind to play my main so I spent the last month playing random alts on random servers and leveled about 15 chars between 100-110. It was fun for a while but the fun's gone. I have 5 EVE accounts I used to multibox but I know that's a trap and I'll just get bored within a week ..... what should I play now Sup Forums? Are MMOs dead? Is vidya dead? Am I just too old for vidya?

>summoning infernals and doomguards
Literally the only reason why I played a Warlock back then

I really wish Blizzard would stop being retarded and just bring back old WoW just like Jagex did with OSRS. Add new shit to old stuff that's it, none of these pointless expansion packs.

My greatest pleasure was playing a priest, dueling low-level non-humans in Goldshire, mindcontrolling them, then running them behind a stack of barrels that they were forced to hearth out of. Was especially fun when their hearth was still set to their starting zone

I'd rather they just make a whole new WoW game altogether with a better engine and graphics that look as good as Overwatch.

not likely to happen considering how adverse blizz seems to be to the idea
the way they danced around it with the "legacy server" shit they showed was very telling

Eh, it really wasn't all -that- broken, it was just open.

There were tons of variables, which is healthy for MMOs, problem is when the game starts to lose variables, everything gets streamlined, homoginized, nerfs, and outright removed in favor of a singular activity or game design.

Balance is not healthy for MMOs, dynamic gameplay and player interaction is.

>tfw use to set my ghoul off at low 70s when they are at borean tundra and watch my 80 level ghoul have a battle to the death with the guy

treasured memories

They'd find a way to taint it anyway

>Night elf priest on a saturday night
>just shadowmeld in blackrock mountain on a ledge near the UBRS chain
>Every time I see solo horde run by I nab them with mind control and jump them into the lava

FFXIV if you want a good WoW-Clone.

Runescape if you're a weirdo into grind.

Black Desert if you like it's weird systems.

Wildstar if you like bad games that are kinda good too.

XIV is pretty reliable though, if you're looking to scratch the WoW itch.

This game has been "done" since the first expansion came out. You can see autists talk about it like they do today and they will for many many years to come

>mmo in 2010 + 7

FFXIV is designed with everything I hate about WOW clones.

Give me better EQ1 clones, like vanilla WOW.

ffxiv is boring as fuck, and lmao if you wanna start from level 1

hope you enjoy doing endless point a to point b quests when you hit 50, just for the privilege of being able to access the expansion you paid for

>things are even more lifeless than they were prior to Legion

Trying playing with friends

I started ESO like 4 days ago and am enjoying it
wow is pretty much dead to me, nothing else holds my interest since it ends up being either some p2w bullshit or grinding until you lose your mind.
I wanted to try some sandbox MMOs but they're either dead and too daunting to even start, like DAoC or SWGEmu

What is that even supposed to mean, shitlord?

>tfw I just want a legit Vanilla server that isn't a lagfest full of russian hackers and chink bots

I want to run Sunken Temple again, and find it actually challenging.

>get a legendary from legion where you can fire a giant fireball which will travel slowly to your target and explodes
>spend 6 hours in high traffic questing zones killing low levels

probably the most fun I had in legion tbqh

But user, all my friends quit WOW by now, and getting new friends is fucking impossible since all content is streamlined with randomized groups that never talk and will never see eachother again.

I don't see how you could have that mindset, yet HONESTLY get to the point where you logged into modern WoW.

Maybe try BDO?
Maybe Runescape?

They're the only alive games with retro style mechanics.

Too bad the Legendary trinket is absolutely garbage for 50% of the specs that can get it.

it's not done, it's just getting started

I did, both me and my friend kinda faded off over time by now though.

doing M+s gets boring and we aren't even the autistic bunch who did Maw for 300 times. I just got burnt out pugging raids, I got to 7/10H and I can't do this anymore

Well, my friend just showed me Pantheon, and it sounds like an attempt at making a new EQ1.
It's in like, pre-pre alpha or some shit though.

I fucking played WoW since TBC and I unironically agree with this. FFXIV actually managed to become the best MMO out right now simply because Legion is so shit.


anarchy online was the best of them (swg was a close second), and with them dead the genre is dead too

>BC warlock at level 70
>Wearing a melee druid staff

I'm in the same boat as you, I've been a long-time WoW sub, but I finally quit a couple weeks ago because of the absolutely bullshit legendary system and all the other obvious flaws of the expansion. Started playing ESO and other games, and holy shit am I glad I quit WoW for an actually good MMO experience

spiral knights

it's ok as a stat stick and/or if you don't have your second BiS lego. I have the ring as DH but the shoulders never drops, most of my trinkets sucks anyways so it's a good thing to have.

Vanilla endgame was only for the top 0.1% of players who were autistic enough to grind all the required shit.

Serious talk here

What's the difference between group finder now (Finding a group for a Mythic, Mythic +, or a Raid) and spamming trade (Like now and back then)?

You have to get a group together, talk to each other to form it and travel to said dungeon

Also, communication is both ways, if no one else starts it, you do it

It's there, it's no longer spam ques and be teleported with random group

All the worthwhile contents required you to do the same shit you had to do in Vanilla and BC

I might play FF14 if it didn't shove the obnoxious forced JRPG story down your throat so hard. I don't give a shit about your awful plot, it's so bad.

I just want good dungeons with good encounter design back.

Linear boss blitzs bore me.

Balance is necessary for the competitive e-sport shit everyone is pushing these days. It's one of the big reasons MMO's are dead, nobody wants to invest time into a skinnerbox with no real competitive nature.

MOBA's are the hot ticket right now, until something else comes along to change the industry.

I heard Life is Feudal is getting an MMO version. May want to give it a go once it comes out if you liked the community vanilla WoW had.

only problem I'm having is that ESO keeps running like shit when travelling to different places
it's like it's taking forever to load new textures and ends up dropping fps to like 1 for 10-15 seconds

hopefully CU or Crowfall are good.

I want a dece pvp mmo, rip my nigga warhammer.

Sounds more like a you problem rather than the game

You're just burnt out man

I know the feeling



Vanilla End game was more then just Naxx.

And everyone raided, even people's fucking moms raided, which is where I got my love of milfs, even if she was stupid enough to talk to nefarian while everyone was AFK and wipe the entire raid.

There are literally 100 quests you have to do between hitting level 50 and being allowed to access Heavensward, it is absolutely not worth it.

i had the same problems until I adjusted some values in the usersettings.ini mentioned in a reddit thread. My fps would constantly spike to around 15 when travelling, now it's practically always 60+ on high settings, maybe doing the same would help you

either that or move your game to an SSD for faster loading times

neverb user

the big difference is xrealm

game stayed fun for me when i started farming mounts and old achieves and the old legendaries (not legiondaries)

if you have genuine gripes with the path the blizztards and hacktivisions took, that's fair

but you can't shove shit back up a horse, you'll never travel time back to 2005 and inspect people who have thunderfury in ironforge and be wow'ed (punintended.mp4)

Nah, MMOs are fucking dying.

The entire thing is falling apart along with it's remnants of the past.


>That tiny fucking chat bar

>You will never open a random chest at the end of the cave you were clearing for ore and get that one lucky fucking drop that all the twinks want which pays off your epic mount ever again

Eh, I just don't like how they kind of disney-fied their games now. Its a clean aesthetic and probably easily to create quickly for games but its weird looking at old Warcraft stuff and seeing the new stuff. I kind of miss the dirtiness of the old look.


Not much has changed in that regard, it's just higher-rez, even if just slightly.

WoW has always been 'cartoony' looking.

"competitive" focus to games is killing them. everything is streamlined and boring, everyone is just a tryhard rushing to use the fotm broken OP bullshit instead of having fun.

i avoid "competitive" multiplayer games like the plague now