>dev so desperate for more players that they're giving away free max level boosts with the new update to anyone who logs on this weekend
Will you finally give wildstar a try now that you can just skip the leveling part?
Dev so desperate for more players that they're giving away free max level boosts with the new update to anyone who logs...
Why skip the leveling when I can skip the game entirely and not play it
wildstar sucks
because it's fun
its not idiot
yes it is idiot
Is this worth downloading for gay chua rp
>gay chua
Go play something else, pls.
Sounds like it's good for it then
If they ported this to Switch and priced it for $40 it would be easy money since there are basically no games for the Switch this year.
I even emailed them about it and I got a "LOL NOPE". They said they wanted to "keep focus on their current playerbase". You mean the 300 players? Idiots.
Awesomenauts is literally one of the best games in the past 8 years and I just want more people to play against, damn it.
>If they ported this to Switch
>Go play something else
That's what everybody do
Yes really. Just make a new character and you get the option during creation to just boost to 50. Come join all the other newbies hanging around the capital cities no knowing what the fuck to do.
Playing an mmo in 2017 is just so mind boglingly stupid that anyone willing to do it to themselves are probably beyond any and all help.
>gay chua
little redundant there
I did this with Tabula Rasa
i tried it when it became F2P in january 09
i played it until the end i was actually there with the devs when the thing shut down and they gave everyone max level stuff the last few days
prettty cool experience desu senpai
You're not getting max level stuff though. You're just skipping to lvl 50. if you want gear better than questing stuff you'll have to go get it.
Wildstar is pretty fun. You should try it.
It's already near impossible maintaining 60 fps in this game as it is
>Nobody reading the entire post
Fuck, I haven't played awesomenauts in two years
>That backpedaling
You move slower when you move backward, what's wrong with that?
I would but I'm not hardcore enough
What's the point of even playing if you're going to be given a max level character for doing nothing? It just makes it so I don't even have to play the damn game
When I've played mmorpgs I always thought leveling was the appealing part since you got to travel the world to new areas fighting new monsters and doing new dungeons and gaining new skills. Endgame is always a drag because of how much you do the same dungeon over and over again to farm gear and you already have your full skillset so all you can expect are number increases so I've never seen the appeal of events to instantly put you at max level.
>I don't even have to play the damn game
Most mmos revolve around what you do at lvl cap.