Do you like Kirby, Sup Forums?

Do you like Kirby, Sup Forums?

I like Adventure and Super Star.

The rest are okay.

I love it


adventure is ok. overall it's a casual game made for semi-retarded babies

I own every Kirby game, so I would probably say yes.


U r fag

>kirby for babies


>Easy games are by default bad and hard games are by default good
Kirby isn't about the difficulty outside of The True Arena

Fun fact: Kirby has never been in a bad game. Even in spin offs. Even in cameo's.

At worse you get mediocre and the list of mediocre kirby games is pretty small too.




100% true
Kirby is probably one most consistently solid series


Kirby games are the only reason I may even consider picking up Nintendo consoles, so yes I do.



How's Robobot?
I enjoyed Triple Deluxe a good bit.

How did you do that

Pretty good. If you liked Triple Deluxe you might enjoy Robobot all the same.


First, I drew a circle.
Then I dotted the eyes.
Added a great big smile and...
...Presto! Kirby!

better than Triple Deluxe

I'd also say despite being easy its not necessarily "for babies", the games often tend to respect the player's intelligence more than a lot of shit nowadays, just dropping you in to figure out how to play yourself, with a few signs on the first level at most when it comes to tutorials

Kirby is what every easy or casual game should be, an actual fucking video game, just easy enough that most could beat it if they learn to play, but doesn't sacrifice the gameplay for it. Its certainly a better segway into hardcore video games than any old walking simulator that plays itself will ever be.

>6-8 in Triple Deluxe

Who doesn't?

>metroid that high
>kero blaster there instead of any well-known games

Hey, wheres Starfy?

That picture is great bait, triggers me every time

Honestly, the greatest crime here is putting Mario over Sonic.


Enjoy your artifacts

kirby that low seems like a crime.

It is.


truly love?

the madman actually did it.

Who doesn't?



i want a kirby game with old paper mario mechanics

does kirby have the deepest lore